path: root/crates/common/mqtt_client/src/
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+//! A library to connect the local MQTT bus, publish messages and subscribe topics.
+//! ```no_run
+//! use mqtt_client::{MqttClient,Config,Message,Topic};
+//! #[tokio::main]
+//! async fn main (){
+//! let mqtt = Config::default().connect("temperature").await.unwrap();
+//! let c8y_msg = Topic::new("c8y/s/us").unwrap();
+//! mqtt.publish(Message::new(&c8y_msg, "211,23")).await.unwrap();
+//! mqtt.disconnect().await.unwrap();
+//! }
+//! ```
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use mockall::automock;
+pub use rumqttc::QoS;
+use rumqttc::{Event, Incoming, Outgoing, Packet, Publish, Request, StateError};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::sync::{
+ atomic::{AtomicIsize, Ordering},
+ Arc,
+use tokio::sync::{broadcast, Notify};
+pub trait MqttClient: Send + Sync {
+ fn subscribe_errors(&self) -> Box<dyn MqttErrorStream>;
+ async fn subscribe(
+ &self,
+ filter: TopicFilter,
+ ) -> Result<Box<dyn MqttMessageStream>, MqttClientError>;
+ async fn publish(&self, message: Message) -> Result<(), MqttClientError>;
+pub trait MqttMessageStream: Send + Sync {
+ async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Message>;
+pub trait MqttErrorStream: Send + Sync {
+ async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<MqttClientError>>;
+/// A connection to the local MQTT bus.
+/// The host and port are implied: a connection can only be open on the localhost, port 1883.
+/// ```no_run
+/// use mqtt_client::{Config,Message,MqttClient,Topic};
+/// #[tokio::main]
+/// async fn main () {
+/// let mut mqtt = Config::default().connect("temperature").await.unwrap();
+/// let c8y_msg = Topic::new("c8y/s/us").unwrap();
+/// mqtt.publish(Message::new(&c8y_msg, "211,23")).await.unwrap();
+/// mqtt.disconnect().await.unwrap();
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub struct Client {
+ name: String,
+ mqtt_client: rumqttc::AsyncClient,
+ message_sender: broadcast::Sender<Message>,
+ error_sender: broadcast::Sender<Arc<MqttClientError>>,
+ join_handle: tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>,
+ requests_tx: rumqttc::Sender<Request>,
+ inflight: Arc<InflightTracking>,
+/// Tracks the number of inflight / pending publish requests.
+struct InflightTracking {
+ /// Tracks number of pending publish message until they are
+ /// known to be sent out by the event loop.
+ pending_publish_count: AtomicIsize,
+ /// Tracks number of pending puback's (not completed messages of QoS=1).
+ pending_puback_count: AtomicIsize,
+ /// Tracks number of pending pubcomp's (not completed messages of QoS=2).
+ pending_pubcomp_count: AtomicIsize,
+ /// Notify on the condition when all requests have completed.
+ notify_completed: Notify,
+impl InflightTracking {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ pending_publish_count: AtomicIsize::new(0),
+ pending_puback_count: AtomicIsize::new(0),
+ pending_pubcomp_count: AtomicIsize::new(0),
+ notify_completed: Notify::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn has_pending(&self) -> bool {
+ self.pending_publish_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0
+ || self.pending_puback_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0
+ || self.pending_pubcomp_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0
+ }
+ /// Resolves when all pending requests have been completed.
+ async fn all_completed(&self) {
+ while self.has_pending() {
+ // Calling `notify_one()` before `notified().await` is safe, no signal is lost.
+ //
+ // Nevertheless, we still use a timeout (but a larger one) to be on the safe side and
+ // not risk any race condition.
+ let _ = tokio::time::timeout(
+ std::time::Duration::from_millis(500),
+ self.notify_completed.notified(),
+ )
+ .await;
+ }
+ }
+ fn track_publish_request(&self, qos: QoS) {
+ self.pending_publish_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ match qos {
+ QoS::AtMostOnce => {}
+ QoS::AtLeastOnce => {
+ self.pending_puback_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ QoS::ExactlyOnce => {
+ self.pending_pubcomp_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn track_publish_request_sentout(&self) {
+ self.pending_publish_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ self.check_completed();
+ }
+ fn track_publish_qos1_completed(&self) {
+ self.pending_puback_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ self.check_completed();
+ }
+ fn track_publish_qos2_completed(&self) {
+ self.pending_pubcomp_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ self.check_completed();
+ }
+ fn check_completed(&self) {
+ if !self.has_pending() {
+ self.notify_completed.notify_one();
+ }
+ }
+// Send a message on a broadcast channel discarding any error.
+// The send can only fail if there is no listener.
+macro_rules! send_discarding_error {
+ ($sender:expr, $msg:expr) => {
+ let _ = $sender.send($msg);
+ };
+/// MQTT message id
+type MessageId = u16;
+impl Client {
+ /// Open a connection to the local MQTT bus, using the given name to register an MQTT session.
+ ///
+ /// Reusing the same session name on each connection allows a client
+ /// to have its subscriptions persisted by the broker
+ /// so messages sent while the client is disconnected
+ /// will be resent on its re-connection.
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use mqtt_client::{Config,Client,MqttClient,Topic};
+ ///
+ /// #[tokio::main]
+ /// async fn main () {
+ /// let c8y_cmd = Topic::new("c8y/s/ds").unwrap();
+ /// let config = Config::default();
+ ///
+ /// let mqtt = Client::connect("temperature", &config).await.unwrap();
+ /// let mut commands = mqtt.subscribe(c8y_cmd.filter()).await.unwrap();
+ /// // process some commands and disconnect
+ /// mqtt.disconnect().await.unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// // wait a while and reconnect
+ /// let mqtt = Client::connect("temperature", &config).await.unwrap();
+ /// let mut commands = mqtt.subscribe(c8y_cmd.filter()).await.unwrap();
+ /// // process the messages even those sent during the pause
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ pub async fn connect(name: &str, config: &Config) -> Result<Client, MqttClientError> {
+ let name = String::from(name);
+ let mut mqtt_options = rumqttc::MqttOptions::new(&name, &, config.port);
+ mqtt_options.set_clean_session(config.clean_session);
+ if let Some(inflight) = config.inflight {
+ mqtt_options.set_inflight(inflight);
+ }
+ if let Some(packet_size) = config.packet_size {
+ mqtt_options.set_max_packet_size(packet_size, packet_size);
+ }
+ let (mqtt_client, eventloop) =
+ rumqttc::AsyncClient::new(mqtt_options, config.queue_capacity);
+ let requests_tx = eventloop.requests_tx.clone();
+ let (message_sender, _) = broadcast::channel(config.queue_capacity);
+ let (error_sender, _) = broadcast::channel(config.queue_capacity);
+ let inflight = Arc::new(InflightTracking::new());
+ let join_handle = tokio::spawn(Client::bg_process(
+ eventloop,
+ message_sender.clone(),
+ error_sender.clone(),
+ inflight.clone(),
+ ));
+ Ok(Client {
+ name,
+ mqtt_client,
+ message_sender,
+ error_sender,
+ join_handle,
+ requests_tx,
+ inflight,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns the name used by the MQTT client.
+ pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ &
+ }
+ /// Disconnect the client and drop it.
+ pub async fn disconnect(self) -> Result<(), MqttClientError> {
+ let () = self.mqtt_client.disconnect().await?;
+ self.join_handle
+ .await
+ .map_err(|_| MqttClientError::JoinError)
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if there are pending inflight messages.
+ pub fn has_pending(&self) -> bool {
+ self.inflight.has_pending()
+ }
+ /// Resolves when all pending requests have been completed.
+ pub async fn all_completed(&self) {
+ self.inflight.all_completed().await
+ }
+ /// Process all the MQTT events
+ /// - broadcasting the incoming messages to the message sender,
+ /// - broadcasting the errors to the error sender.
+ async fn bg_process(
+ mut event_loop: rumqttc::EventLoop,
+ message_sender: broadcast::Sender<Message>,
+ error_sender: broadcast::Sender<Arc<MqttClientError>>,
+ inflight: Arc<InflightTracking>,
+ ) {
+ // Delay announcing a QoS=2 message to the client until we have seen a PUBREL.
+ let mut pending_received_messages: HashMap<MessageId, Message> = HashMap::new();
+ loop {
+ match event_loop.poll().await {
+ Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::Publish(msg))) => {
+ match msg.qos {
+ QoS::AtLeastOnce | QoS::AtMostOnce => {
+ send_discarding_error!(message_sender, msg.into());
+ }
+ QoS::ExactlyOnce => {
+ // Do not announce the incoming publish message immediately in case
+ // of QoS=2. Wait for the PUBREL.
+ let _ = pending_received_messages.insert(msg.pkid, msg.into());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::PubRel(pubrel))) => {
+ if let Some(msg) = pending_received_messages.remove(&pubrel.pkid) {
+ assert!(msg.qos == QoS::ExactlyOnce);
+ send_discarding_error!(message_sender, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(Event::Outgoing(Outgoing::Publish(_id))) => {
+ inflight.track_publish_request_sentout();
+ }
+ Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::PubAck(_))) => {
+ // Reception of PUBACK means that a QoS=1 request completed.
+ inflight.track_publish_qos1_completed();
+ }
+ Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::PubComp(_))) => {
+ // Reception of PUBCOMP means that a QoS=2 request completed.
+ inflight.track_publish_qos2_completed();
+ }
+ Ok(Event::Incoming(Incoming::Disconnect))
+ | Ok(Event::Outgoing(Outgoing::Disconnect)) => {
+ break;
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ let delay = match &err {
+ rumqttc::ConnectionError::Io(_) => true,
+ rumqttc::ConnectionError::MqttState(state_error)
+ if matches!(state_error, StateError::Io(_)) =>
+ {
+ true
+ }
+ rumqttc::ConnectionError::MqttState(_) => true,
+ rumqttc::ConnectionError::Mqtt4Bytes(_) => true,
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ send_discarding_error!(error_sender, Arc::new(err.into()));
+ if delay {
+ tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
+ }
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl MqttClient for Client {
+ /// Publish a message on the local MQTT bus.
+ ///
+ /// This does not wait until the acknowledge is received.
+ ///
+ async fn publish(&self, message: Message) -> Result<(), MqttClientError> {
+ let qos = message.qos;
+ let request = Request::Publish(message.into());
+ let () = self
+ .requests_tx
+ .send(request)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| MqttClientError::ClientError(rumqttc::ClientError::Request(err)))?;
+ // Track number of pending publish requests.
+ self.inflight.track_publish_request(qos);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Subscribe to the messages published on the given topics
+ async fn subscribe(
+ &self,
+ filter: TopicFilter,
+ ) -> Result<Box<dyn MqttMessageStream>, MqttClientError> {
+ let qos = filter.qos;
+ for pattern in filter.patterns.iter() {
+ let () = self.mqtt_client.subscribe(pattern, qos).await?;
+ }
+ Ok(Box::new(MessageStream::new(
+ filter,
+ self.message_sender.subscribe(),
+ self.error_sender.clone(),
+ )))
+ }
+ /// Subscribe to the errors raised asynchronously.
+ ///
+ /// These errors include connection errors.
+ /// When the system fails to establish an MQTT connection with the local broker,
+ /// or when the current connection is lost, the system tries in the background to reconnect.
+ /// the client. Each connection error is forwarded to the `ErrorStream` returned by `subscribe_errors()`.
+ ///
+ /// These errors also include internal client errors.
+ /// Such errors are related to unread messages on the subscription channels.
+ /// If a client subscribes to a topic but fails to consume the received messages,
+ /// these messages will be dropped and an `Error::MessagesSkipped{lag}` will be published
+ /// in the `ErrorStream` returned by `subscribe_errors()`.
+ ///
+ /// If the `ErrorStream` itself is not read fast enough (i.e there are too many in-flight error messages)
+ /// these error messages will be dropped and replaced by an `Error::ErrorsSkipped{lag}`.
+ fn subscribe_errors(&self) -> Box<dyn MqttErrorStream> {
+ Box::new(ErrorStream::new(self.error_sender.subscribe()))
+ }
+/// Configuration of the connection to the MQTT broker.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct Config {
+ pub host: String,
+ pub port: u16,
+ /// maximum number of outgoing inflight messages (pending acknowledgement).
+ ///
+ /// If `None` is provided, the default setting of `rumqttc` is used.
+ pub inflight: Option<u16>,
+ /// Max packet size limit for outgoing an incoming packets
+ /// If `None` is provided, 10KB size limit is imposed
+ pub packet_size: Option<usize>,
+ /// Capacity of various internal message queues.
+ ///
+ /// This is used to decouple both `rumqttc` and our background event loop from
+ /// frontend operations.
+ ///
+ /// Default: `10`.
+ pub queue_capacity: usize,
+ /// Clean the MQTT session upon connect if set to `true`.
+ ///
+ /// Default: `false`.
+ clean_session: bool,
+/// By default a client connects the local MQTT broker.
+impl Default for Config {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Config {
+ host: String::from("localhost"),
+ port: 1883,
+ inflight: None,
+ // 256MB by default
+ packet_size: Some(268435455),
+ queue_capacity: 10,
+ clean_session: false,
+ }
+ }
+impl Config {
+ pub fn new(host: impl Into<String>, port: u16) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ host: host.into(),
+ port,
+ ..Config::default()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set a custom port
+ pub fn with_port(self, port: u16) -> Self {
+ Self { port, ..self }
+ }
+ /// Update queue_capacity.
+ pub fn queue_capacity(self, queue_capacity: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ queue_capacity,
+ ..self
+ }
+ }
+ /// Enable `clean_session`.
+ pub fn clean_session(self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ clean_session: true,
+ ..self
+ }
+ }
+ /// Use this config to connect a MQTT client
+ pub async fn connect(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Client, MqttClientError> {
+ Client::connect(name, self).await
+ }
+ /// Set a max packet size
+ pub fn with_packet_size(self, packet_size: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ packet_size: Some(packet_size),
+ ..self
+ }
+ }
+/// An MQTT topic
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct Topic {
+ pub name: String,
+impl Topic {
+ /// Check if the topic name is valid and build a new topic.
+ pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result<Topic, MqttClientError> {
+ let name = String::from(name);
+ if rumqttc::valid_topic(&name) {
+ Ok(Topic { name })
+ } else {
+ Err(MqttClientError::InvalidTopic { name })
+ }
+ }
+ /// Build a new topic, assuming the name is valid since received from mqtt.
+ pub fn new_unchecked(name: &str) -> Topic {
+ let name = String::from(name);
+ Topic { name }
+ }
+ /// Build a topic filter filtering only that topic
+ pub fn filter(&self) -> TopicFilter {
+ TopicFilter {
+ patterns: vec![],
+ qos: QoS::AtLeastOnce,
+ }
+ }
+/// An MQTT topic filter
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct TopicFilter {
+ pub patterns: Vec<String>,
+ pub qos: QoS,
+impl TopicFilter {
+ /// Check if the pattern is valid and build a new topic filter.
+ pub fn new(pattern: &str) -> Result<TopicFilter, MqttClientError> {
+ let pattern = String::from(pattern);
+ let qos = QoS::AtLeastOnce;
+ if rumqttc::valid_filter(&pattern) {
+ Ok(TopicFilter {
+ patterns: vec![pattern],
+ qos,
+ })
+ } else {
+ Err(MqttClientError::InvalidFilter { pattern })
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if the pattern is valid and at it to this topic filter.
+ pub fn add(&mut self, pattern: &str) -> Result<(), MqttClientError> {
+ let pattern = String::from(pattern);
+ if rumqttc::valid_filter(&pattern) {
+ self.patterns.push(pattern);
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(MqttClientError::InvalidFilter { pattern })
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if the given topic matches this filter pattern.
+ fn accept(&self, topic: &Topic) -> bool {
+ self.patterns
+ .iter()
+ .any(|pattern| rumqttc::matches(&, pattern))
+ }
+ pub fn qos(self, qos: QoS) -> Self {
+ Self { qos, ..self }
+ }
+pub type Payload = Vec<u8>;
+/// A message to be sent to or received from MQTT.
+/// NOTE: We never set the `pkid` of the `Publish` message,
+/// as this might conflict with ids generated by `rumqttc`.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct Message {
+ pub topic: Topic,
+ payload: Payload,
+ pub qos: QoS,
+ pkid: u16,
+ pub retain: bool,
+impl Message {
+ pub fn new<B>(topic: &Topic, payload: B) -> Message
+ where
+ B: Into<Payload>,
+ {
+ Message {
+ topic: topic.clone(),
+ payload: payload.into(),
+ qos: QoS::AtLeastOnce,
+ pkid: 0,
+ retain: false,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn qos(self, qos: QoS) -> Self {
+ Self { qos, ..self }
+ }
+ pub fn retain(self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ retain: true,
+ ..self
+ }
+ }
+ // trims the trailing null char if one exists
+ pub fn payload_trimmed(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ self.payload
+ .strip_suffix(&[0])
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| self.payload.as_slice())
+ }
+ // This function trims the null character at the end of the payload before converting into UTF8
+ // Some MQTT messages contain the payload with trailing null char, such payload is invalid payload.
+ pub fn payload_str(&self) -> Result<&str, MqttClientError> {
+ let payload_trimmed = self.payload_trimmed();
+ std::str::from_utf8(payload_trimmed)
+ .map_err(|err| new_invalid_utf8_payload(payload_trimmed, err))
+ }
+ pub fn payload_raw(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ &self.payload[..]
+ }
+impl From<Message> for Publish {
+ fn from(val: Message) -> Self {
+ let mut publish = Publish::new(&, val.qos, val.payload);
+ publish.retain = val.retain;
+ publish
+ }
+impl From<Publish> for Message {
+ fn from(msg: Publish) -> Self {
+ let Publish {
+ topic,
+ payload,
+ qos,
+ pkid,
+ retain,
+ ..
+ } = msg;
+ Message {
+ topic: Topic::new_unchecked(&topic),
+ payload: payload.to_vec(),
+ qos,
+ pkid,
+ retain,
+ }
+ }
+/// A stream of messages matching a topic filter
+pub struct MessageStream {
+ filter: TopicFilter,
+ receiver: broadcast::Receiver<Message>,
+ error_sender: broadcast::Sender<Arc<MqttClientError>>,
+impl MessageStream {
+ fn new(
+ filter: TopicFilter,
+ receiver: broadcast::Receiver<Message>,
+ error_sender: broadcast::Sender<Arc<MqttClientError>>,
+ ) -> MessageStream {
+ MessageStream {
+ filter,
+ receiver,
+ error_sender,
+ }
+ }
+impl MqttMessageStream for MessageStream {
+ /// Return the next message received from MQTT for that subscription, if any.
+ /// - Return None when the MQTT connection has been closed
+ /// - If too many messages have been received since the previous call to `next()`
+ /// these messages are discarded, and an `Error::MessagesSkipped{lag}`
+ /// is broadcast to the error stream.
+ async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Message> {
+ loop {
+ match self.receiver.recv().await {
+ Ok(message) if self.filter.accept(&message.topic) => return Some(message),
+ Ok(_) => continue,
+ Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => return None,
+ Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Lagged(lag)) => {
+ // Forward the error to the client.
+ send_discarding_error!(
+ self.error_sender,
+ Arc::new(MqttClientError::MessagesSkipped { lag })
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// A stream of errors received asynchronously by the MQTT connection
+pub struct ErrorStream {
+ receiver: broadcast::Receiver<Arc<MqttClientError>>,
+impl ErrorStream {
+ fn new(receiver: broadcast::Receiver<Arc<MqttClientError>>) -> ErrorStream {
+ ErrorStream { receiver }
+ }
+impl MqttErrorStream for ErrorStream {
+ /// Return the next MQTT error, if any
+ /// - Return None when the MQTT connection has been closed
+ /// - Return an `Error::ErrorsSkipped{lag}`
+ /// if too many errors have been received since the previous call to `next()`
+ /// and have been discarded.
+ async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<MqttClientError>> {
+ match self.receiver.recv().await {
+ Ok(error) => Some(error),
+ Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => None,
+ Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Lagged(lag)) => {
+ Some(Arc::new(MqttClientError::ErrorsSkipped { lag }))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// An MQTT related error
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+pub enum MqttClientError {
+ #[error("Invalid topic name: {name:?}")]
+ InvalidTopic { name: String },
+ #[error("Invalid topic filter: {pattern:?}")]
+ InvalidFilter { pattern: String },
+ #[error("MQTT client error: {0}")]
+ ClientError(#[from] rumqttc::ClientError),
+ #[error("Stream error: {0}")]
+ StreamError(Box<MqttClientError>),
+ #[error("MQTT connection error: {0}")]
+ ConnectionError(#[from] rumqttc::ConnectionError),
+ #[error("The receiver lagged too far behind : {lag:?} messages skipped")]
+ MessagesSkipped { lag: u64 },
+ #[error("The error lagged too far behind : {lag:?} errors skipped")]
+ ErrorsSkipped { lag: u64 },
+ #[error("Broadcast receive error: {0}")]
+ BroadcastRecvError(#[from] broadcast::error::RecvError),
+ #[error("Join Error")]
+ JoinError,
+ #[error("Invalid UTF8 payload: {from}: {input_excerpt}...")]
+ InvalidUtf8Payload {
+ input_excerpt: String,
+ from: std::str::Utf8Error,
+ },
+fn new_invalid_utf8_payload(bytes: &[u8], from: std::str::Utf8Error) -> MqttClientError {
+ const EXCERPT_LEN: usize = 80;
+ let index = from.valid_up_to();
+ let input = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes[..index]).unwrap_or("");
+ MqttClientError::InvalidUtf8Payload {
+ input_excerpt: input_prefix(input, EXCERPT_LEN),
+ from,
+ }
+fn input_prefix(input: &str, len: usize) -> String {
+ input
+ .chars()
+ .filter(|c| !c.is_whitespace())
+ .take(len)
+ .collect()
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn check_valid_topic() {
+ assert!(Topic::new("temp").is_ok());
+ assert!(Topic::new("temp/device-12").is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_invalid_topic() {
+ assert!(Topic::new("/temp/+").is_err());
+ assert!(Topic::new("/temp/#").is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_valid_topic_filter() {
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("a/b/c").is_ok());
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("a/b/#").is_ok());
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("a/b/+").is_ok());
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("a/+/b").is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_invalid_topic_filter() {
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("").is_err());
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("/a/#/b").is_err());
+ assert!(TopicFilter::new("/a/#/+").is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_null_terminated_messages() {
+ let topic = Topic::new("trimmed").unwrap();
+ let message = Message::new(&topic, &b"123\0"[..]);
+ assert_eq!(message.payload_trimmed(), b"123");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn payload_trimmed_removes_only_last_null_char() {
+ let topic = Topic::new("trimmed").unwrap();
+ let message = Message::new(&topic, &b"123\0\0"[..]);
+ assert_eq!(message.payload_trimmed(), b"123\0");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_empty_messages() {
+ let topic = Topic::new("trimmed").unwrap();
+ let message = Message::new(&topic, &b""[..]);
+ assert_eq!(message.payload_trimmed(), b"");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_non_null_terminated_messages() {
+ let topic = Topic::new("trimmed").unwrap();
+ let message = Message::new(&topic, &b"123"[..]);
+ assert_eq!(message.payload_trimmed(), b"123");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn payload_str_with_invalid_utf8_char_in_the_middle() {
+ let topic = Topic::new("trimmed").unwrap();
+ let message = Message::new(&topic, &b"temperature\xc3\x28"[..]);
+ assert_eq!(
+ message.payload_str().unwrap_err().to_string(),
+ "Invalid UTF8 payload: invalid utf-8 sequence of 1 bytes from index 11: temperature..."
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn payload_str_with_invalid_utf8_char_in_the_beginning() {
+ let topic = Topic::new("trimmed").unwrap();
+ let message = Message::new(&topic, &b"\xc3\x28"[..]);
+ assert_eq!(
+ message.payload_str().unwrap_err().to_string(),
+ "Invalid UTF8 payload: invalid utf-8 sequence of 1 bytes from index 0: ..."
+ );
+ }