path: root/crates/common/mqtt_client/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crates/common/mqtt_client/examples/')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/common/mqtt_client/examples/ b/crates/common/mqtt_client/examples/
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index 00000000..704be6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/common/mqtt_client/examples/
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+use futures::future::FutureExt;
+use futures::select;
+use futures_timer::Delay;
+use log::debug;
+use log::error;
+use log::info;
+use mqtt_client::{
+ Client, Config, Message, MqttClient, MqttClientError, MqttErrorStream, MqttMessageStream, Topic,
+use std::convert::TryFrom;
+use std::env;
+use std::io::Write;
+use std::process;
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+//use rumqttc::QoS;
+This is a small and flexible publisher for deterministic test data.
+Its based on the temperature publisher.
+- TODO: Improve code quality
+- TODO: Add different data types for JSON publishing
+- TODO: Command line switch to swith betwen REST and JSON
+- TODO: Currently REST sending is disabled and JSON publishing is enabled
+- TODO: Add QoS selection
+const C8Y_TEMPLATE_RESTART: &str = "510";
+// Templates:
+// Create custom measurement (200)
+// Create signal strength measurement (210)
+// Create temperature measurement (211)
+// Create battery measurement (212)
+// sawtooth_publisher <wait_time_ms> <height> <iterations> <template>
+// cargo run --example sawtooth_publisher 100 100 100 flux
+// cargo run --example sawtooth_publisher 1000 10 10 sawmill
+pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
+ // wait time, template, tooth-height,
+ if args.len() != 5 {
+ println!("Usage: sawtooth_publisher <wait_time_ms> <height> <iterations> <template: sawmill|flux>");
+ panic!("Errof: Not enough Command line Arguments");
+ }
+ let wait: i32 = args[1].parse().expect("Cannot parse wait time");
+ let height: i32 = args[2].parse().expect("Cannot parse height");
+ let iterations: i32 = args[3].parse().expect("Cannot parse iterations");
+ let template: String = String::from(&args[4]);
+ println!(
+ "Publishing sawtooth with delay {}ms height {} iterations {} template {} will cause {} publishs.",
+ wait,
+ height,
+ iterations,
+ template,
+ height * iterations
+ );
+ let c8y_msg = Topic::new("tedge/measurements")?;
+ let c8y_cmd = Topic::new("c8y/s/ds")?;
+ let c8y_err = Topic::new("c8y/s/e")?;
+ init_logger();
+ let name = "sawtooth_".to_string() + &process::id().to_string();
+ let mqtt = Client::connect(&name, &Config::default()).await?;
+ let commands = mqtt.subscribe(c8y_cmd.filter()).await?;
+ let c8y_errors = mqtt.subscribe(c8y_err.filter()).await?;
+ let errors = mqtt.subscribe_errors();
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ if template == "flux" {
+ tokio::spawn(publish_topic(mqtt, c8y_msg, wait, height, iterations));
+ } else if template == "sawmill" {
+ tokio::spawn(publish_multi_topic(mqtt, c8y_msg, wait, height, iterations));
+ } else {
+ println!("Wrong template");
+ panic!("Exiting");
+ };
+ select! {
+ _ = listen_command(commands).fuse() => (),
+ _ = listen_c8y_error(c8y_errors).fuse() => (),
+ _ = listen_error(errors).fuse() => (),
+ }
+ let elapsed = start.elapsed();
+ println!(
+ "Execution took {} s {} ms",
+ elapsed.as_secs(),
+ elapsed.as_millis()
+ );
+ let elapsedm: u32 = u32::try_from(elapsed.as_millis()).unwrap();
+ let elapsedmsf: f64 = f64::try_from(elapsedm).unwrap();
+ let rate: f64 =
+ elapsedmsf / (f64::try_from(height).unwrap() * f64::try_from(iterations).unwrap());
+ let pubpersec = 1.0 / rate * 1000.0;
+ println!("Publish rate: {:.3} ms/pub", rate);
+ println!("Publish per second: {:.3} pub/s", pubpersec);
+ Ok(())
+async fn publish_topic(
+ mqtt: Client,
+ c8y_msg: Topic,
+ wait: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ iterations: i32,
+) -> Result<(), MqttClientError> {
+ info!("Publishing temperature measurements");
+ println!();
+ for iteration in 0..iterations {
+ for value in 0..height {
+ let payload = format!("{{ {}: {} }}", "\"Flux [F]\"", value);
+ debug!("{} ", value);
+ debug!("{}", payload);
+ mqtt.publish(Message::new(&c8y_msg, payload)).await?;
+ Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(u64::try_from(wait).unwrap())).await;
+ std::io::stdout().flush().expect("Flush failed");
+ }
+ println!("Iteraton: {}", iteration);
+ }
+ println!();
+ mqtt.disconnect().await?;
+ Ok(())
+async fn publish_multi_topic(
+ mqtt: Client,
+ c8y_msg: Topic,
+ wait: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ iterations: i32,
+) -> Result<(), MqttClientError> {
+ info!("Publishing temperature measurements");
+ println!();
+ let series_name = "\"Sawmill [S]\"";
+ let series_count = 10;
+ for iteration in 0..iterations {
+ for value in 0..height {
+ let mut series: String = String::new();
+ for s in 0..series_count {
+ series += &format!(
+ "\"saw_{}\": {} ,",
+ s,
+ (value + s * height / series_count) % height
+ );
+ }
+ let seriesx = &series.trim_end_matches(',');
+ let payload = format!("{{ {}: {{ {} }} }}", series_name, seriesx);
+ debug!("{} ", value);
+ debug!("{}", payload);
+ mqtt.publish(Message::new(&c8y_msg, payload)).await?;
+ Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(u64::try_from(wait).unwrap())).await;
+ std::io::stdout().flush().expect("Flush failed");
+ }
+ println!("Iteraton: {}", iteration);
+ }
+ println!();
+ mqtt.disconnect().await?;
+ Ok(())
+async fn listen_command(mut messages: Box<dyn MqttMessageStream>) {
+ while let Some(message) = {
+ debug!("C8Y command: {:?}", message.payload_str());
+ if let Ok(cmd) = message.payload_str() {
+ if cmd.contains(C8Y_TEMPLATE_RESTART) {
+ info!("Stopping on remote request ... should be restarted by the daemon monitor.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+async fn listen_c8y_error(mut messages: Box<dyn MqttMessageStream>) {
+ let mut count: u32 = 0;
+ while let Some(message) = {
+ error!("C8Y error: {:?}", message.payload_str());
+ if count >= 3 {
+ panic!("Panic!");
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ }
+async fn listen_error(mut errors: Box<dyn MqttErrorStream>) {
+ let mut count: u32 = 0;
+ while let Some(error) = {
+ error!("System error: {}", error);
+ if count >= 3 {
+ panic!("Panic!");
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ }
+fn init_logger() {
+ let logger = env_logger::Logger::from_default_env();
+ let task_id = 1;
+ async_log::Logger::wrap(logger, move || task_id)
+ .start(log::LevelFilter::Trace)
+ .unwrap();