path: root/crates/common/certificate/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'crates/common/certificate/src/')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/common/certificate/src/ b/crates/common/certificate/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efef5e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/common/certificate/src/
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+use chrono::offset::Utc;
+use chrono::DateTime;
+use chrono::Duration;
+use device_id::DeviceIdError;
+use rcgen::Certificate;
+use rcgen::CertificateParams;
+use rcgen::RcgenError;
+use sha1::{Digest, Sha1};
+use std::path::Path;
+use zeroize::Zeroizing;
+pub mod device_id;
+pub struct PemCertificate {
+ pem: x509_parser::pem::Pem,
+impl PemCertificate {
+ pub fn from_pem_file(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PemCertificate, CertificateError> {
+ let file = std::fs::File::open(path)?;
+ let (pem, _) = x509_parser::pem::Pem::read(std::io::BufReader::new(file))?;
+ Ok(PemCertificate { pem })
+ }
+ pub fn from_pem_string(content: &str) -> Result<PemCertificate, CertificateError> {
+ let file = std::io::Cursor::new(content.as_bytes());
+ let (pem, _) = x509_parser::pem::Pem::read(std::io::BufReader::new(file))?;
+ Ok(PemCertificate { pem })
+ }
+ pub fn subject(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ let x509 = PemCertificate::extract_certificate(&self.pem)?;
+ Ok(x509.tbs_certificate.subject.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn subject_common_name(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ let x509 = PemCertificate::extract_certificate(&self.pem)?;
+ let subject = x509.tbs_certificate.subject;
+ let cn = subject.iter_common_name().next().map(|cn| cn.as_str());
+ match cn {
+ None => Ok(String::from("")),
+ Some(Ok(name)) => Ok(name.to_owned()),
+ Some(Err(err)) => Err(PemCertificate::wrap_x509_error(err)),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn issuer(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ let x509 = PemCertificate::extract_certificate(&self.pem)?;
+ Ok(x509.tbs_certificate.issuer.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn not_before(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ let x509 = PemCertificate::extract_certificate(&self.pem)?;
+ Ok(x509.tbs_certificate.validity.not_before.to_rfc2822())
+ }
+ pub fn not_after(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ let x509 = PemCertificate::extract_certificate(&self.pem)?;
+ Ok(x509.tbs_certificate.validity.not_after.to_rfc2822())
+ }
+ pub fn thumbprint(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ let bytes = Sha1::digest(&self.pem.contents).as_slice().to_vec();
+ let strs: Vec<String> = bytes.iter().map(|b| format!("{:02X}", b)).collect();
+ Ok(strs.concat())
+ }
+ fn extract_certificate(
+ pem: &x509_parser::pem::Pem,
+ ) -> Result<x509_parser::certificate::X509Certificate, CertificateError> {
+ let x509 = pem.parse_x509().map_err(|err| {
+ // The x509 error is wrapped into a `nom::Err`
+ // and cannot be extracted without pattern matching on that type
+ // So one simply extract the error as a string,
+ // to avoid a dependency on the `nom` crate.
+ let x509_error_string = format!("{}", err);
+ CertificateError::X509Error(x509_error_string)
+ })?;
+ Ok(x509)
+ }
+ fn wrap_x509_error(err: x509_parser::error::X509Error) -> CertificateError {
+ let x509_error_string = format!("{}", err);
+ CertificateError::X509Error(x509_error_string)
+ }
+pub struct KeyCertPair {
+ certificate: Zeroizing<rcgen::Certificate>,
+impl KeyCertPair {
+ pub fn new_selfsigned_certificate(
+ config: &NewCertificateConfig,
+ id: &str,
+ ) -> Result<KeyCertPair, CertificateError> {
+ let today = Utc::now();
+ let not_before = today - Duration::days(1); // Ensure the certificate is valid today
+ KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate_at(config, id, not_before)
+ }
+ pub fn new_selfsigned_certificate_at(
+ config: &NewCertificateConfig,
+ id: &str,
+ not_before: DateTime<Utc>,
+ ) -> Result<KeyCertPair, CertificateError> {
+ let () = KeyCertPair::check_identifier(id, config.max_cn_size)?;
+ let mut distinguished_name = rcgen::DistinguishedName::new();
+ distinguished_name.push(rcgen::DnType::CommonName, id);
+ distinguished_name.push(rcgen::DnType::OrganizationName, &config.organization_name);
+ distinguished_name.push(
+ rcgen::DnType::OrganizationalUnitName,
+ &config.organizational_unit_name,
+ );
+ let not_after = not_before + Duration::days(config.validity_period_days.into());
+ let mut params = CertificateParams::default();
+ params.distinguished_name = distinguished_name;
+ params.not_before = not_before;
+ params.not_after = not_after;
+ params.alg = &rcgen::PKCS_ECDSA_P256_SHA256; // ECDSA signing using the P-256 curves and SHA-256 hashing as per RFC 5758
+ params.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::Ca(rcgen::BasicConstraints::Unconstrained); // IsCa::SelfSignedOnly is rejected by C8Y
+ Ok(KeyCertPair {
+ certificate: Zeroizing::new(Certificate::from_params(params)?),
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn certificate_pem_string(&self) -> Result<String, CertificateError> {
+ Ok(self.certificate.serialize_pem()?)
+ }
+ pub fn private_key_pem_string(&self) -> Result<Zeroizing<String>, CertificateError> {
+ Ok(Zeroizing::new(self.certificate.serialize_private_key_pem()))
+ }
+ fn check_identifier(id: &str, max_cn_size: usize) -> Result<(), CertificateError> {
+ Ok(device_id::is_valid_device_id(id, max_cn_size)?)
+ }
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+pub enum CertificateError {
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
+ #[error("Cryptography related error")]
+ CryptographyError(#[from] RcgenError),
+ #[error("PEM file format error")]
+ PemError(#[from] x509_parser::error::PEMError),
+ #[error("X509 file format error: {0}")]
+ X509Error(String), // One cannot use x509_parser::error::X509Error unless one use `nom`.
+ #[error("DeviceID Error")]
+ InvalidDeviceID(#[from] DeviceIdError),
+pub struct NewCertificateConfig {
+ pub max_cn_size: usize,
+ pub validity_period_days: u32,
+ pub organization_name: String,
+ pub organizational_unit_name: String,
+impl Default for NewCertificateConfig {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ NewCertificateConfig {
+ max_cn_size: 64,
+ validity_period_days: 365,
+ organization_name: "Thin Edge".into(),
+ organizational_unit_name: "Test Device".into(),
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ fn pem_of_keypair(keypair: &KeyCertPair) -> PemCertificate {
+ let pem_string = keypair
+ .certificate_pem_string()
+ .expect("Fail to read the certificate PEM");
+ PemCertificate::from_pem_string(&pem_string).expect("Fail to decode the certificate PEM")
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn self_signed_cert_subject_is_the_device() {
+ // Create a certificate with a given subject
+ let config = NewCertificateConfig {
+ organization_name: "Acme".to_owned(),
+ organizational_unit_name: "IoT".to_owned(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let id = "device-serial-number";
+ let keypair = KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate(&config, id)
+ .expect("Fail to create a certificate");
+ // Check the subject
+ let pem = pem_of_keypair(&keypair);
+ let subject = pem.subject().expect("Fail to extract the subject");
+ assert_eq!(subject, "CN=device-serial-number, O=Acme, OU=IoT");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn self_signed_cert_common_name_is_the_device_id() {
+ // Create a certificate with a given subject
+ let config = NewCertificateConfig {
+ organization_name: "Acme".to_owned(),
+ organizational_unit_name: "IoT".to_owned(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let device_id = "device-identifier";
+ let keypair = KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate(&config, device_id)
+ .expect("Fail to create a certificate");
+ // Check the subject's common_name
+ let pem = pem_of_keypair(&keypair);
+ let common_name = pem
+ .subject_common_name()
+ .expect("Fail to extract the common name");
+ assert_eq!(common_name, device_id);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn self_signed_cert_issuer_is_the_device() {
+ // Create a certificate with a given subject
+ let config = NewCertificateConfig {
+ organization_name: "Acme".to_owned(),
+ organizational_unit_name: "IoT".to_owned(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let id = "device-serial-number";
+ let keypair = KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate(&config, id)
+ .expect("Fail to create a certificate");
+ // Check the issuer
+ let pem = pem_of_keypair(&keypair);
+ let issuer = pem.issuer().expect("Fail to extract the issuer");
+ assert_eq!(issuer, "CN=device-serial-number, O=Acme, OU=IoT");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn self_signed_cert_no_before_is_birthdate() {
+ // Create a certificate with a given birthdate.
+ let config = NewCertificateConfig::default();
+ let id = "some-id";
+ let birthdate = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2021-03-31T16:39:57+01:00")
+ .unwrap()
+ .with_timezone(&Utc);
+ let keypair = KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate_at(&config, id, birthdate)
+ .expect("Fail to create a certificate");
+ // Check the not_before date
+ let pem = pem_of_keypair(&keypair);
+ let not_before = pem
+ .not_before()
+ .expect("Fail to extract the not_before date");
+ assert_eq!(not_before, "Wed, 31 Mar 2021 15:39:57 +0000");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn self_signed_cert_no_after_is_related_to_birthdate() {
+ // Create a certificate with a given birthdate.
+ let config = NewCertificateConfig {
+ validity_period_days: 10,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let id = "some-id";
+ let birthdate = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2021-03-31T16:39:57+01:00")
+ .unwrap()
+ .with_timezone(&Utc);
+ let keypair = KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate_at(&config, id, birthdate)
+ .expect("Fail to create a certificate");
+ // Check the not_after date
+ let pem = pem_of_keypair(&keypair);
+ let not_after = pem.not_after().expect("Fail to extract the not_after date");
+ assert_eq!(not_after, "Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:39:57 +0000");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_certificate_thumbprint_b64_decode_sha1() {
+ // Create a certificate key pair
+ let id = "my-device-id";
+ let config = NewCertificateConfig::default();
+ let keypair = KeyCertPair::new_selfsigned_certificate(&config, id)
+ .expect("Fail to create a certificate");
+ // Read the certificate pem
+ let pem_string = keypair
+ .certificate_pem_string()
+ .expect("Fail to read the certificate PEM");
+ let pem = PemCertificate::from_pem_string(&pem_string)
+ .expect("Fail to decode the certificate PEM");
+ // Compute the thumbprint of the certificate using this crate
+ let thumbprint = pem.thumbprint().expect("Fail to compute the thumbprint");
+ // Compute the expected thumbprint of the certificate using base64 and sha1
+ // Remove new line and carriage return characters
+ let cert_cont = pem_string.replace(&['\r', '\n'][..], "");
+ // Read the certificate contents, except the header and footer
+ let header_len = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----".len();
+ let footer_len = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".len();
+ // just decode the key contents
+ let b64_bytes =
+ base64::decode(&cert_cont[header_len..cert_cont.len() - footer_len]).unwrap();
+ let expected_thumbprint = format!("{:x}", sha1::Sha1::digest(b64_bytes.as_ref()));
+ // compare the two thumbprints
+ assert_eq!(thumbprint, expected_thumbprint.to_uppercase());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn check_thumbprint_static_certificate() {
+ let cert_content = r#"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
+ let expected_thumbprint = "860218AD0A996004449521E2713C28F67B5EA580";
+ let pem = PemCertificate::from_pem_string(cert_content).expect("Reading PEM failed");
+ let thumbprint = pem.thumbprint().expect("Extracting thumbprint failed");
+ assert_eq!(thumbprint, expected_thumbprint);
+ }