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1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
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index 00000000..f702d88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Release workflow
+The following describes how is released.
+We adhere to [semver](
+## Preface
+The following document describes the release process of the project
+and the corrosponding crates.
+There are many ways software projects can be published. In small projects,
+releasing off of the `main` branch might suffice. Larger projects tend to
+implement a dedicated strategy for their release workflow.
+As wants to become a project of potentially many individuals and
+contributing parties, we implement a dedicated release workflow as well.
+The goal of the workflow described in this document is to have _as little impact
+as possible_ on the general development of the project.
+Releases should _never_ stop, prevent or even just slow down the normal
+development of the project.
+For example, halting development on the `main` branch and forbidding
+contributors and maintainers to merge changes to it even for as little as one
+hour just so we can publish a new release is not acceptable.
+Also should "patch" releases (sometimes called "bugfix releases") have no impact
+on the project pace or even concern developers - they should just happen in
+parallel without any influence on the normal development activities.
+Because of this requirement, we implement the following workflow.
+## Release cycle
+Minor releases are published roughly every 3 months.
+Until a minor release is published, the previous minor release _can_ receive
+patch releases. These patch releases _only_ contain bugfixes (accordingly to
+[semver]( and never contain new functionality.
+## Strategy
+We use the release-branch strategy, where development happens on the `main`
+branch and releases are done on dedicated `release-X.Y.Z` branches.
+Because we employ the "evergreen main branch" strategy and all of our merge
+commits on the `main` branch are guaranteed to successfully build and pass CI, a
+release can be made starting from every commit on the `main` branch.
+**Note:** There is no description for major releases yet, as we haven't decided
+on a process for major releases yet.
+## Release maintainer
+For every release, one or more "release maintainers" are appointed. These
+maintainers have to be in the "release-maintainers" team.
+Multiple release maintainers should be prefered, to prevent release delay due to
+vacation, sickness or similar things.
+The release maintainers take care of the branch-off of the `main` branch, the
+actual release as well as applying backports of bugfixes to the release branch
+and subsequent patch-level releases.
+Backport pull requests might still be opened by anyone, but the release
+maintainer(s) decide when and how to apply them to the release branch.
+## Release branches
+Release branches MUST be named with a pattern. This pattern is
+"release" dash <major version number> dot <minor version number> dot "x"
+The `"x"` is used instead of the "patch version number", because patch releases
+are published from the release branches (read below).
+A release branch gets the following rules enforced via GitHub:
+* Only the "release-maintainers" team can create branches named `"release-*"`
+* Pull requests are required on these branches
+* Status checks are required to succeed on these branches
+* "CODEOWNERS" is **not** enforced on these branches
+* These rules are also enforced for administrators
+## Minor releases
+The following steps happen when a minor release is made:
+1. One release maintainer creates a branch, starting from a recent commit on
+ `main`, named `release-MAJOR.MINOR.x` , where `MAJOR` and `MINOR` are the
+ respective numbers, followed by a "x" in the `PATCH`-version-number-position
+2. It is ensured that this branch cannot be pushed to by anyone except the
+ "bors" merge bot
+3. The release maintainer crafts the `` entries for this release and
+ opens a pull request for it, targeting the aforementioned release branch.
+ They might take patches from others to fill said ``
+4. Once agreed upon with everyone involved, they merge the PR for the
+ `` to the release branch
+5. The release maintainer publishes the release on and creates a new
+ tag for the release using `git tag -a vMAJOR.MINOR.0`.
+ They might add a tag message as they seem appropriate.
+ They then push the tag to the GitHub repository of the project
+6. After the release is done, the `` changes are cherry-picked to a
+ PR for the `main` branch by the release maintainer
+7. After the release is done, the release maintainer opens a pull request to the
+ `main` branch to update all version numbers of all crates to the next minor
+ version
+## Patch releases
+Patch releases are published when appropriate, there is no fixed release cycle.
+It might be a good rule-of-thumb to not release more than one patch release per
+### Backporting
+Bugfixes that are added to a patch release _must_ have been applied to the
+`main` branch, before they are backported to the appropriate `release-x.y.z`
+If a bugfix that is applied to `main` cannot be backported, due to either
+conflicts or because the feature that is about to be fixed does not exist in the
+`release-x.y.z` branch anymore, the patch may be adapted to apply cleanly or a
+special patch may be crafted.
+In any case, fixes that are backported to a `release-x.y.z` branch, MUST pass
+CI and thus MUST be submitted to the release branch via a pull request.
+### Publishing of patch releases
+A patch release is published as soon as the release maintainer thinks it is
+The steps the release maintainer follows are almost the same as the steps of the
+minor release workflow:
+* The release maintainer submits a pull request to the release branch with the
+ following changes:
+ * `` entries for the patch level release
+ * Updates of the version numbers for all crates in the "patch"-level position,
+ e.g. "0.42.0" becomes "0.42.1",
+* Once the aforementioned pull request is merged, the release maintainer
+ publishes the release on, tags (`git tag -a vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`)
+ the release and pushes the tag to the GitHub repository of the project
+* Once the release is published, the release maintainer opens a pull request to
+ the `main` branch of the project, porting the changes that were made to the
+ `` file to this branch
+## More
+The `` is added on the release branch rather than on the `main`
+branch. The reason for this is the workflow: If the changelog is adapted on
+`main`, the branchoff for the release branch can _only_ happen directly after
+the changelog was merged, because other merges may introduce new changes that
+need to be in the changelog. Also, the changelog-adding pull request must be up
+to date all the time.
+If the changelog is added on the release branch, no synchronization is
+Instead, the changelog entries can be "backported" to `main`, which is trivial.
+In a similar fashion are patch-level `` entries ported to the `main`
+The `main` branch does never see changes to the version strings of the crates in
+the "patch" level position. This is intentional, as there is no need for that.