path: root/configuration
diff options
authorAlbin Suresh <>2021-04-22 17:51:02 +0530
committerGitHub <>2021-04-22 17:51:02 +0530
commit6f45f773a788d28082889dee9a06d3376f4f5842 (patch)
tree5628bbb8d2aa0250a130ca655c4f09bc146f562f /configuration
parent807eba37ef009c68703065d3767dfbb393282613 (diff)
[CIT-330] Sample collectd configuration file (#193)
* [CIT-330] collectd.conf modified for tedge taken from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Diffstat (limited to 'configuration')
1 files changed, 1654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configuration/contrib/collectd/tedge-collectd.conf b/configuration/contrib/collectd/tedge-collectd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09bf0d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/contrib/collectd/tedge-collectd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1654 @@
+# Config file for collectd(1).
+# Some plugins need additional configuration and are disabled by default.
+# Please read collectd.conf(5) for details.
+# You should also read /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/README.Debian.plugins
+# before enabling any more plugins.
+# Global #
+# Global settings for the daemon. #
+#Hostname "localhost"
+FQDNLookup true
+#BaseDir "/var/lib/collectd"
+#PluginDir "/usr/lib/collectd"
+#TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db" "/etc/collectd/my_types.db"
+# When enabled, plugins are loaded automatically with the default options #
+# when an appropriate <Plugin ...> block is encountered. #
+# Disabled by default. #
+#AutoLoadPlugin false
+# When enabled, internal statistics are collected, using "collectd" as the #
+# plugin name. #
+# Disabled by default. #
+#CollectInternalStats false
+# Interval at which to query values. This may be overwritten on a per-plugin #
+# base by using the 'Interval' option of the LoadPlugin block: #
+# <LoadPlugin foo> #
+# Interval 60 #
+# </LoadPlugin> #
+#Interval 10
+#MaxReadInterval 86400
+#Timeout 2
+#ReadThreads 5
+#WriteThreads 5
+# Limit the size of the write queue. Default is no limit. Setting up a limit
+# is recommended for servers handling a high volume of traffic.
+#WriteQueueLimitHigh 1000000
+#WriteQueueLimitLow 800000
+# Logging #
+# Plugins which provide logging functions should be loaded first, so log #
+# messages generated when loading or configuring other plugins can be #
+# accessed. #
+#LoadPlugin logfile
+LoadPlugin syslog
+#LoadPlugin log_logstash
+#<Plugin logfile>
+# LogLevel "info"
+# File STDOUT
+# Timestamp true
+# PrintSeverity false
+<Plugin syslog>
+ LogLevel info
+#<Plugin log_logstash>
+# LogLevel info
+# File "/var/log/collectd.json.log"
+# LoadPlugin section #
+# Specify what features to activate. #
+#LoadPlugin aggregation
+#LoadPlugin amqp
+#LoadPlugin apache
+#LoadPlugin apcups
+#LoadPlugin ascent
+#LoadPlugin barometer
+#LoadPlugin battery
+#LoadPlugin bind
+#LoadPlugin ceph
+#LoadPlugin cgroups
+#LoadPlugin chrony
+#LoadPlugin conntrack
+#LoadPlugin contextswitch
+<LoadPlugin cpu>
+ Interval 1
+#LoadPlugin cpufreq
+#LoadPlugin cpusleep
+#LoadPlugin csv
+#LoadPlugin curl
+#LoadPlugin curl_json
+#LoadPlugin curl_xml
+#LoadPlugin dbi
+<LoadPlugin df>
+ Interval 10
+#LoadPlugin disk
+#LoadPlugin dns
+#LoadPlugin dpdkevents
+#LoadPlugin dpdkstat
+#LoadPlugin drbd
+#LoadPlugin email
+#LoadPlugin entropy
+#LoadPlugin ethstat
+#LoadPlugin exec
+#LoadPlugin fhcount
+#LoadPlugin filecount
+#LoadPlugin fscache
+#LoadPlugin gmond
+#LoadPlugin gps
+#LoadPlugin hugepages
+#LoadPlugin grpc
+#LoadPlugin hddtemp
+#LoadPlugin intel_rdt
+#LoadPlugin interface
+#LoadPlugin ipc
+#LoadPlugin ipmi
+#LoadPlugin iptables
+#LoadPlugin ipvs
+#LoadPlugin irq
+#LoadPlugin java
+#LoadPlugin load
+#LoadPlugin lua
+#LoadPlugin lvm
+#LoadPlugin madwifi
+#LoadPlugin mbmon
+#LoadPlugin mcelog
+#LoadPlugin md
+#LoadPlugin memcachec
+#LoadPlugin memcached
+<LoadPlugin memory>
+ Interval 1
+#LoadPlugin modbus
+LoadPlugin mqtt
+#LoadPlugin multimeter
+#LoadPlugin mysql
+#LoadPlugin netlink
+#LoadPlugin network
+#LoadPlugin nfs
+#LoadPlugin nginx
+#LoadPlugin notify_desktop
+#LoadPlugin notify_email
+#LoadPlugin notify_nagios
+#LoadPlugin ntpd
+#LoadPlugin numa
+#LoadPlugin nut
+#LoadPlugin olsrd
+#LoadPlugin onewire
+#LoadPlugin openldap
+#LoadPlugin openvpn
+#LoadPlugin ovs_events
+#LoadPlugin ovs_stats
+#LoadPlugin perl
+#LoadPlugin pinba
+#LoadPlugin ping
+#LoadPlugin postgresql
+#LoadPlugin powerdns
+#LoadPlugin processes
+#LoadPlugin protocols
+#LoadPlugin python
+#LoadPlugin redis
+#LoadPlugin rrdcached
+#LoadPlugin rrdtool
+#LoadPlugin sensors
+#LoadPlugin serial
+#LoadPlugin sigrok
+#LoadPlugin smart
+#LoadPlugin snmp
+#LoadPlugin snmp_agent
+#LoadPlugin statsd
+#LoadPlugin swap
+#LoadPlugin table
+#LoadPlugin tail
+#LoadPlugin tail_csv
+#LoadPlugin tcpconns
+#LoadPlugin teamspeak2
+#LoadPlugin ted
+#LoadPlugin thermal
+#LoadPlugin tokyotyrant
+#LoadPlugin turbostat
+#LoadPlugin unixsock
+#LoadPlugin uptime
+#LoadPlugin users
+#LoadPlugin uuid
+#LoadPlugin varnish
+#LoadPlugin virt
+#LoadPlugin vmem
+#LoadPlugin vserver
+#LoadPlugin wireless
+#LoadPlugin write_graphite
+#LoadPlugin write_http
+#LoadPlugin write_kafka
+#LoadPlugin write_log
+#LoadPlugin write_mongodb
+#LoadPlugin write_prometheus
+#LoadPlugin write_redis
+#LoadPlugin write_riemann
+#LoadPlugin write_sensu
+#LoadPlugin write_tsdb
+#LoadPlugin xencpu
+#LoadPlugin zfs_arc
+#LoadPlugin zookeeper
+# Plugin configuration #
+# In this section configuration stubs for each plugin are provided. A desc- #
+# ription of those options is available in the collectd.conf(5) manual page. #
+#<Plugin aggregation>
+# <Aggregation>
+# #Host "unspecified"
+# Plugin "cpu"
+# PluginInstance "/[0,2,4,6,8]$/"
+# Type "cpu"
+# #TypeInstance "unspecified"
+# SetPlugin "cpu"
+# SetPluginInstance "even-%{aggregation}"
+# GroupBy "Host"
+# GroupBy "TypeInstance"
+# CalculateNum false
+# CalculateSum false
+# CalculateAverage true
+# CalculateMinimum false
+# CalculateMaximum false
+# CalculateStddev false
+# </Aggregation>
+#<Plugin amqp>
+# <Publish "name">
+# Host "localhost"
+# Port "5672"
+# VHost "/"
+# User "guest"
+# Password "guest"
+# Exchange "amq.fanout"
+# RoutingKey "collectd"
+# Persistent false
+# StoreRates false
+# ConnectionRetryDelay 0
+# </Publish>
+#<Plugin apache>
+# <Instance "foo">
+# URL "http://localhost/server-status?auto"
+# User "www-user"
+# Password "secret"
+# VerifyPeer false
+# VerifyHost false
+# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
+# Server "apache"
+# </Instance>
+# <Instance "bar">
+# URL "http://some.domain.tld/status?auto"
+# Host "some.domain.tld"
+# Server "lighttpd"
+# </Instance>
+#<Plugin apcups>
+# Host "localhost"
+# Port "3551"
+# ReportSeconds true
+# PersistentConnection true
+#<Plugin ascent>
+# URL "http://localhost/ascent/status/"
+# User "www-user"
+# Password "secret"
+# VerifyPeer false
+# VerifyHost false
+# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
+#<Plugin barometer>
+# Device "/dev/i2c-0";
+# Oversampling 512
+# PressureOffset 0.0
+# TemperatureOffset 0.0
+# Normalization 2
+# Altitude 238.0
+# TemperatureSensor "myserver/onewire-F10FCA000800/temperature"
+#<Plugin battery>
+# ValuesPercentage false
+# ReportDegraded false
+# QueryStateFS false
+#<Plugin bind>
+# URL "http://localhost:8053/"
+# ParseTime false
+# OpCodes true
+# QTypes true
+# ServerStats true
+# ZoneMaintStats true
+# ResolverStats false
+# MemoryStats true
+# <View "_default">
+# QTypes true
+# ResolverStats true
+# CacheRRSets true
+# Zone ""
+# </View>
+#<Plugin ceph>
+# LongRunAvgLatency false
+# ConvertSpecialMetricTypes true
+# <Daemon "osd.0">
+# SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.0.asok"
+# </Daemon>
+# <Daemon "osd.1">
+# SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.1.asok"
+# </Daemon>
+# <Daemon "mon.a">
+# SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.ceph1.asok"
+# </Daemon>
+# <Daemon "mds.a">
+# SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mds.ceph1.asok"
+# </Daemon>
+#<Plugin chrony>
+# Host "localhost"
+# Port "323"
+# Timeout "2"
+#<Plugin cgroups>
+# CGroup "libvirt"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+#<Plugin cpu>
+# ReportByCpu true
+# ReportByState true
+# ValuesPercentage false
+# ReportNumCpu false
+# ReportGuestState false
+# SubtractGuestState true
+#<Plugin csv>
+# DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/csv"
+# StoreRates false
+#<Plugin curl>
+# <Page "stock_quotes">
+# URL ""
+# User "foo"
+# Password "bar"
+# Digest false
+# VerifyPeer true
+# VerifyHost true
+# CACert "/path/to/ca.crt"
+# Header "X-Custom-Header: foobar"
+# Post "foo=bar"
+# MeasureResponseTime false
+# MeasureResponseCode false
+# <Match>
+# Regex "<span +class=\"pr\"[^>]*> *([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+) *</span>"
+# DSType "GaugeAverage"
+# Type "stock_value"
+# Instance "AMD"
+# </Match>
+# </Page>
+#<Plugin curl_json>
+## See:
+# <URL "http://localhost:5984/_stats">
+# Instance "httpd"
+# <Key "httpd/requests/count">
+# Type "http_requests"
+# </Key>
+# <Key "httpd_request_methods/*/count">
+# Type "http_request_methods"
+# </Key>
+# <Key "httpd_status_codes/*/count">
+# Type "http_response_codes"
+# </Key>
+# </URL>
+## Database status metrics:
+# <URL "http://localhost:5984/_all_dbs">
+# Instance "dbs"
+# <Key "*/doc_count">
+# Type "gauge"
+# </Key>
+# <Key "*/doc_del_count">
+# Type "counter"
+# </Key>
+# <Key "*/disk_size">
+# Type "bytes"
+# </Key>
+# </URL>
+#<Plugin curl_xml>
+# <URL "http://localhost/stats.xml">
+# Host "my_host"
+# #Plugin "stats"
+# Instance "some_instance"
+# User "collectd"
+# Password "thaiNg0I"
+# Digest false
+# VerifyPeer true
+# VerifyHost true
+# CACert "/path/to/ca.crt"
+# Header "X-Custom-Header: foobar"
+# Post "foo=bar"
+# <XPath "table[@id=\"magic_level\"]/tr">
+# Type "magic_level"
+# InstancePrefix "prefix-"
+# InstanceFrom "td[1]"
+# #PluginInstanceFrom "td[1]"
+# ValuesFrom "td[2]/span[@class=\"level\"]"
+# </XPath>
+# </URL>
+#<Plugin dbi>
+# <Query "num_of_customers">
+# Statement "SELECT 'customers' AS c_key, COUNT(*) AS c_value \
+# FROM customers_tbl"
+# MinVersion 40102
+# MaxVersion 50042
+# <Result>
+# Type "gauge"
+# InstancePrefix "customer"
+# InstancesFrom "c_key"
+# ValuesFrom "c_value"
+# </Result>
+# </Query>
+# <Database "customers_db">
+# #Plugin "mycompany"
+# Driver "mysql"
+# DriverOption "host" "localhost"
+# DriverOption "username" "collectd"
+# DriverOption "password" "secret"
+# DriverOption "dbname" "custdb0"
+# SelectDB "custdb0"
+# Query "num_of_customers"
+# Query "..."
+# Host "..."
+# </Database>
+<Plugin df>
+# Device "/dev/sda1"
+# Device ""
+# MountPoint "/home"
+# FSType "ext3"
+ # ignore rootfs; else, the root file-system would appear twice, causing
+ # one of the updates to fail and spam the log
+ FSType rootfs
+ # ignore the usual virtual / temporary file-systems
+ FSType sysfs
+ FSType proc
+ FSType devtmpfs
+ FSType devpts
+ FSType tmpfs
+ FSType fusectl
+ FSType cgroup
+ IgnoreSelected true
+# ReportByDevice false
+# ReportInodes false
+# ValuesAbsolute true
+# ValuesPercentage false
+#<Plugin disk>
+# Disk "hda"
+# Disk "/sda[23]/"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+# UseBSDName false
+# UdevNameAttr "DEVNAME"
+#<Plugin dns>
+# Interface "eth0"
+# IgnoreSource ""
+# SelectNumericQueryTypes false
+#<Plugin "dpdkevents">
+# <EAL>
+# Coremask "0x1"
+# MemoryChannels "4"
+# FilePrefix "rte"
+# </EAL>
+# <Event "link_status">
+# SendEventsOnUpdate true
+# EnabledPortMask 0xffff
+# PortName "interface1"
+# PortName "interface2"
+# SendNotification false
+# </Event>
+# <Event "keep_alive">
+# SendEventsOnUpdate true
+# LCoreMask "0xf"
+# KeepAliveShmName "/dpdk_keepalive_shm_name"
+# SendNotification false
+# </Event>
+#<Plugin dpdkstat>
+# <EAL>
+# Coremask "0x2"
+# MemoryChannels "4"
+# FilePrefix "rte"
+# LogLevel "7"
+# RteDriverLibPath "/usr/lib/dpdk-pmd"
+# </EAL>
+# SharedMemObj "dpdk_collectd_stats_0"
+# EnabledPortMask 0xffff
+# PortName "interface1"
+# PortName "interface2"
+#<Plugin email>
+# SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-email"
+# SocketGroup "collectd"
+# SocketPerms "0770"
+# MaxConns 5
+#<Plugin ethstat>
+# Interface "eth0"
+# Map "rx_csum_offload_errors" "if_rx_errors" "checksum_offload"
+# Map "multicast" "if_multicast"
+# MappedOnly false
+#<Plugin exec>
+# Exec user "/path/to/exec"
+# Exec "user:group" "/path/to/exec"
+# NotificationExec user "/path/to/exec"
+#<Plugin fhcount>
+# ValuesAbsolute true
+# ValuesPercentage false
+#<Plugin filecount>
+# <Directory "/path/to/dir">
+# #Plugin "foo"
+# Instance "foodir"
+# Name "*.conf"
+# MTime "-5m"
+# Size "+10k"
+# Recursive true
+# IncludeHidden false
+# RegularOnly true
+# #FilesSizeType "bytes"
+# #FilesCountType "files"
+# #TypeInstance "instance"
+# </Directory>
+#<Plugin gmond>
+# MCReceiveFrom "" "8649"
+# <Metric "swap_total">
+# Type "swap"
+# TypeInstance "total"
+# DataSource "value"
+# </Metric>
+# <Metric "swap_free">
+# Type "swap"
+# TypeInstance "free"
+# DataSource "value"
+# </Metric>
+#<Plugin gps>
+# Host ""
+# Port "2947"
+# Timeout 0.015
+# PauseConnect 5
+#<Plugin hddtemp>
+# Host ""
+# Port 7634
+#<Plugin grpc>
+# <Server "" "50051">
+# EnableSSL true
+# SSLCACertificateFile "/path/to/root.pem"
+# SSLCertificateFile "/path/to/server.pem"
+# SSLCertificateKeyFile "/path/to/server.key"
+# </Server>
+# <Listen "" "50051">
+# EnableSSL true
+# SSLCACertificateFile "/path/to/root.pem"
+# SSLCertificateFile "/path/to/client.pem"
+# SSLCertificateKeyFile "/path/to/client.key"
+# </Listen>
+#<Plugin hugepages>
+# ReportPerNodeHP true
+# ReportRootHP true
+# ValuesPages true
+# ValuesBytes false
+# ValuesPercentage false
+#<Plugin "intel_rdt">
+# Cores "0-2"
+#<Plugin interface>
+# Interface "eth0"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+# ReportInactive true
+# UniqueName false
+#<Plugin ipmi>
+# <Instance "local">
+# Sensor "some_sensor"
+# Sensor "another_one"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+# NotifySensorAdd false
+# NotifySensorRemove true
+# NotifySensorNotPresent false
+# NotifyIPMIConnectionState false
+# SELEnabled false
+# SELClearEvent false
+# </Instance>
+# <Instance "remote">
+# Host ""
+# Address ""
+# Username "user"
+# Password "secret"
+# #AuthType "md5"
+# Sensor "some_sensor"
+# Sensor "another_one"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+# NotifySensorAdd false
+# NotifySensorRemove true
+# NotifySensorNotPresent false
+# NotifyIPMIConnectionState false
+# SELEnabled false
+# SELClearEvent false
+# </Instance>
+#<Plugin iptables>
+# Chain "table" "chain"
+# Chain6 "table" "chain"
+#<Plugin irq>
+# Irq 7
+# Irq 8
+# Irq 9
+# IgnoreSelected true
+#<Plugin java>
+# JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
+# JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/usr/share/collectd/java/collectd-api.jar"
+# LoadPlugin ""
+# <Plugin "GenericJMX">
+# # See /usr/share/doc/collectd/examples/GenericJMX.conf
+# # for an example config.
+# </Plugin>
+#<Plugin load>
+# ReportRelative true
+#<Plugin lua>
+# BasePath "/usr/share/collectd/lua"
+# Script "script1.lua"
+# Script "script2.lua"
+#<Plugin madwifi>
+# Interface "wlan0"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+# Source "SysFS"
+# WatchSet "None"
+# WatchAdd "node_octets"
+# WatchAdd "node_rssi"
+# WatchAdd "is_rx_acl"
+# WatchAdd "is_scan_active"
+#<Plugin mbmon>
+# Host ""
+# Port 411
+#<Plugin mcelog>
+# <Memory>
+# McelogClientSocket "/var/run/mcelog-client"
+# PersistentNotification false
+# </Memory>
+# McelogLogfile "/var/log/mcelog"
+#<Plugin md>
+# Device "/dev/md0"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+#<Plugin memcachec>
+# <Page "plugin_instance">
+# Server "localhost"
+# Key "page_key"
+# <Match>
+# Regex "(\\d+) bytes sent"
+# ExcludeRegex "<lines to be excluded>"
+# DSType CounterAdd
+# Type "ipt_octets"
+# Instance "type_instance"
+# </Match>
+# </Page>
+#<Plugin memcached>
+# <Instance "local">
+# Socket "/var/run/memcached.sock"
+# or:
+# #Host ""
+# Address ""
+# Port "11211"
+# </Instance>
+#<Plugin memory>
+# ValuesAbsolute true
+# ValuesPercentage false
+#<Plugin modbus>
+# <Data "data_name">
+# RegisterBase 1234
+# RegisterCmd ReadHolding
+# RegisterType float
+# Type gauge
+# Instance "..."
+# </Data>
+# <Host "name">
+# Address "addr"
+# Port "1234"
+# Interval 60
+# <Slave 1>
+# Instance "foobar" # optional
+# Collect "data_name"
+# </Slave>
+# </Host>
+<Plugin mqtt>
+ <Publish "name">
+ Host "localhost"
+ Port 1883
+ ClientId "tedge-dm"
+# User "user"
+# Password "secret"
+# QoS 0
+# Prefix "collectd"
+# StoreRates true
+# Retain false
+# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
+# CertificateFile "/etc/ssl/client.crt"
+# CertificateKeyFile "/etc/ssl/client.pem"
+# TLSProtocol "tlsv1.2"
+# CipherSuite "ciphers"
+ </Publish>
+# <Subscribe "name">
+# Host "localhost"
+# Port 1883
+# ClientId "localhost"
+# User "user"
+# Password "secret"
+# QoS 2
+# Topic "collectd/#"
+# CleanSession true
+# </Subscribe>
+#<Plugin mysql>
+# <Database db_name>
+# Host ""
+# Port "3306"
+# User "db_user"
+# Password "secret"
+# Database "db_name"
+# SSLKey "/path/to/key.pem"
+# SSLCert "/path/to/cert.pem"
+# SSLCA "/path/to/ca.pem"
+# SSLCAPath "/path/to/cas/"
+# SSLCipher "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA"
+# MasterStats true
+# ConnectTimeout 10
+# InnodbStats true
+# </Database>
+# <Database db_name2>
+# Alias "squeeze"
+# Host "localhost"
+# Socket "/var/run/mysql/mysqld.sock"
+# SlaveStats true
+# SlaveNotifications true
+# </Database>
+# <Database galera>
+# Alias "galera"
+# Host "localhost"
+# Socket "/var/run/mysql/mysqld.sock"
+# WsrepStats true
+# </Database>
+#<Plugin netlink>
+# Interface "All"
+# VerboseInterface "All"
+# QDisc "eth0" "pfifo_fast-1:0"
+# Class "ppp0" "htb-1:10"
+# Filter "ppp0" "u32-1:0"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+#<Plugin network>
+# # client setup:
+# Server "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
+# <Server "" "25826">
+# SecurityLevel Encrypt
+# Username "user"
+# Password "secret"
+# Interface "eth0"
+# ResolveInterval 14400
+# </Server>
+# TimeToLive 128
+# # server setup:
+# Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
+# <Listen "" "25826">
+# SecurityLevel Sign
+# AuthFile "/etc/collectd/passwd"
+# Interface "eth0"
+# </Listen>
+# MaxPacketSize 1452
+# # proxy setup (client and server as above):
+# Forward true
+# # statistics about the network plugin itself
+# ReportStats false
+# # "garbage collection"
+# CacheFlush 1800
+#<Plugin nfs>
+# ReportV2 false
+# ReportV3 false
+# ReportV4 false
+#<Plugin nginx>
+# URL "http://localhost/status?auto"
+# User "www-user"
+# Password "secret"
+# VerifyPeer false
+# VerifyHost false
+# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
+#<Plugin notify_desktop>
+# OkayTimeout 1000
+# WarningTimeout 5000
+# FailureTimeout 0
+#<Plugin notify_email>
+# SMTPServer "localhost"
+# SMTPPort 25
+# SMTPUser "my-username"
+# SMTPPassword "my-password"
+# From ""
+# # <WARNING/FAILURE/OK> on <hostname>.
+# # Beware! Do not use not more than two placeholders (%)!
+# Subject "[collectd] %s on %s!"
+# Recipient ""
+# Recipient ""
+#<Plugin notify_nagios>
+# CommandFile "/var/lib/icinga/rw/icinga.cmd"
+#<Plugin ntpd>
+# Host "localhost"
+# Port 123
+# ReverseLookups false
+# IncludeUnitID true
+#<Plugin nut>
+# UPS "upsname@hostname:port"
+# ForceSSL true
+# VerifyPeer true
+# CAPath "/path/to/folder"
+# #ConnectTimeout 5000
+#<Plugin olsrd>
+# Host ""
+# Port "2006"
+# CollectLinks "Summary"
+# CollectRoutes "Summary"
+# CollectTopology "Summary"
+#<Plugin onewire>
+# Device "-s localhost:4304"
+# Sensor "F10FCA000800"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+#<Plugin openldap>
+# <Instance "localhost">
+# URL "ldap://localhost:389"
+# StartTLS false
+# VerifyHost true
+# CACert "/path/to/ca.crt"
+# Timeout -1
+# Version 3
+# </Instance>
+#<Plugin openvpn>
+# StatusFile "/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log"
+# ImprovedNamingSchema false
+# CollectCompression true
+# CollectIndividualUsers true
+# CollectUserCount false
+#<Plugin ovs_events>
+# Port "6640"
+# Address ""
+# Socket "/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock"
+# Interfaces "br0" "veth0"
+# SendNotification true
+# DispatchValues false
+#<Plugin ovs_stats>
+# Port "6640"
+# Address ""
+# Socket "/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock"
+# Bridges "br0" "br_ext"
+#<Plugin perl>
+# IncludeDir "/my/include/path"
+# BaseName "Collectd::Plugins"
+# EnableDebugger ""
+# LoadPlugin Monitorus
+# LoadPlugin OpenVZ
+# <Plugin foo>
+# Foo "Bar"
+# Qux "Baz"
+# </Plugin>
+#<Plugin pinba>
+# Address "::0"
+# Port "30002"
+# <View "name">
+# Host "host name"
+# Server "server name"
+# Script "script name"
+# <View>
+#<Plugin ping>
+# Host ""
+# Host "host.baz.qux"
+# Interval 1.0
+# Timeout 0.9
+# TTL 255
+# SourceAddress ""
+# Device "eth0"
+# MaxMissed -1
+#<Plugin postgresql>
+# <Query magic>
+# Statement "SELECT magic FROM wizard WHERE host = $1;"
+# Param hostname
+# <Result>
+# Type gauge
+# InstancePrefix "magic"
+# ValuesFrom "magic"
+# </Result>
+# </Query>
+# <Query rt36_tickets>
+# Statement "SELECT COUNT(type) AS count, type \
+# WHEN resolved = 'epoch' THEN 'open' \
+# ELSE 'resolved' END AS type \
+# FROM tickets) type \
+# GROUP BY type;"
+# <Result>
+# Type counter
+# InstancePrefix "rt36_tickets"
+# InstancesFrom "type"
+# ValuesFrom "count"
+# </Result>
+# </Query>
+# <Writer sqlstore>
+# # See /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/postgresql/collectd_insert.sql for details
+# Statement "SELECT collectd_insert($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);"
+# StoreRates true
+# </Writer>
+# <Database foo>
+# #Plugin "kingdom"
+# Host "hostname"
+# Port 5432
+# User "username"
+# Password "secret"
+# SSLMode "prefer"
+# KRBSrvName "kerberos_service_name"
+# Query magic
+# </Database>
+# <Database bar>
+# Interval 60
+# Service "service_name"
+# Query backends # predefined
+# Query rt36_tickets
+# </Database>
+# <Database qux>
+# Service "collectd_store"
+# Writer sqlstore
+# # see collectd.conf(5) for details
+# CommitInterval 30
+# </Database>
+#<Plugin powerdns>
+# <Server "server_name">
+# Collect "latency"
+# Collect "udp-answers" "udp-queries"
+# Socket "/var/run/pdns.controlsocket"
+# </Server>
+# <Recursor "recursor_name">
+# Collect "questions"
+# Collect "cache-hits" "cache-misses"
+# Socket "/var/run/pdns_recursor.controlsocket"
+# </Recursor>
+# LocalSocket "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd-powerdns"
+#<Plugin processes>
+# CollectFileDescriptor true
+# CollectContextSwitch true
+# CollectMemoryMaps true
+# Process "name"
+# ProcessMatch "foobar" "/usr/bin/perl foobar\\.pl.*"
+# <Process "collectd">
+# CollectFileDescriptor false
+# CollectContextSwitch false
+# </Process>
+# <ProcessMatch "name" "regex">
+# CollectFileDescriptor false
+# CollectContextSwitch true
+# </Process>
+#<Plugin protocols>
+# Value "/^Tcp:/"
+# IgnoreSelected false
+#<Plugin python>
+# ModulePath "/path/to/your/python/modules"
+# LogTraces true
+# Interactive true
+# Import "spam"