/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "core/core_settings_proxy.h" #include "media/media_common.h" #include "window/themes/window_themes_embedded.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_send_files_way.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "base/flags.h" #include "emoji.h" enum class RectPart; struct LanguageId; namespace Ui { enum class InputSubmitSettings; } // namespace Ui namespace HistoryView { enum class DoubleClickQuickAction; } // namespace HistoryView namespace Window { enum class Column; } // namespace Window namespace Webrtc { enum class Backend; } // namespace Webrtc namespace Calls::Group { enum class StickedTooltip; } // namespace Calls::Group namespace Core { struct WindowPosition { int32 moncrc = 0; int maximized = 0; int scale = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; int w = 0; int h = 0; friend inline constexpr auto operator<=>( WindowPosition, WindowPosition) = default; [[nodiscard]] QRect rect() const { return QRect(x, y, w, h); } }; [[nodiscard]] WindowPosition AdjustToScale( WindowPosition position, const QString &name); struct WindowTitleContent { bool hideChatName : 1 = false; bool hideAccountName : 1 = false; bool hideTotalUnread : 1 = false; friend inline constexpr auto operator<=>( WindowTitleContent, WindowTitleContent) = default; }; constexpr auto kRecentEmojiLimit = 42; struct RecentEmojiDocument { DocumentId id = 0; bool test = false; friend inline auto operator<=>( RecentEmojiDocument, RecentEmojiDocument) = default; }; struct RecentEmojiId { std::variant data; friend inline bool operator==( RecentEmojiId, RecentEmojiId) = default; }; struct RecentEmoji { RecentEmojiId id; ushort rating = 0; }; class Settings final { public: enum class ScreenCorner { TopLeft = 0, TopRight = 1, BottomRight = 2, BottomLeft = 3, }; enum class NotifyView { ShowPreview = 0, ShowName = 1, ShowNothing = 2, }; enum class WorkMode { WindowAndTray = 0, TrayOnly = 1, WindowOnly = 2, }; static constexpr auto kDefaultVolume = 0.9; Settings(); ~Settings(); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> saveDelayedRequests() const { return _saveDelayed.events(); } [[nodiscard]] SettingsProxy &proxy() { return _proxy; } [[nodiscard]] static bool IsLeftCorner(ScreenCorner corner) { return (corner == ScreenCorner::TopLeft) || (corner == ScreenCorner::BottomLeft); } [[nodiscard]] static bool IsTopCorner(ScreenCorner corner) { return (corner == ScreenCorner::TopLeft) || (corner == ScreenCorner::TopRight); } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray serialize() const; void addFromSerialized(const QByteArray &serialized); [[nodiscard]] bool adaptiveForWide() const { return _adaptiveForWide.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer adaptiveForWideValue() const { return _adaptiveForWide.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer adaptiveForWideChanges() const { return _adaptiveForWide.changes(); } void setAdaptiveForWide(bool value) { _adaptiveForWide = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool moderateModeEnabled() const { return _moderateModeEnabled; } void setModerateModeEnabled(bool value) { _moderateModeEnabled = value; } [[nodiscard]] float64 songVolume() const { return _songVolume.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer songVolumeChanges() const { return _songVolume.changes(); } void setSongVolume(float64 value) { _songVolume = value; } [[nodiscard]] float64 videoVolume() const { return _videoVolume.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer videoVolumeChanges() const { return _videoVolume.changes(); } void setVideoVolume(float64 value) { _videoVolume = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool askDownloadPath() const { return _askDownloadPath; } void setAskDownloadPath(bool value) { _askDownloadPath = value; } [[nodiscard]] QString downloadPath() const { return _downloadPath.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer downloadPathValue() const { return _downloadPath.value(); } void setDownloadPath(const QString &value) { _downloadPath = value; } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray downloadPathBookmark() const { return _downloadPathBookmark; } void setDownloadPathBookmark(const QByteArray &value) { _downloadPathBookmark = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool soundNotify() const { return _soundNotify; } void setSoundNotify(bool value) { _soundNotify = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool desktopNotify() const { return _desktopNotify; } void setDesktopNotify(bool value) { _desktopNotify = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool flashBounceNotify() const { return _flashBounceNotify; } void setFlashBounceNotify(bool value) { _flashBounceNotify = value; } [[nodiscard]] NotifyView notifyView() const { return _notifyView; } void setNotifyView(NotifyView value) { _notifyView = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool nativeNotifications() const { return _nativeNotifications.value_or(Platform::Notifications::ByDefault()); } void setNativeNotifications(bool value) { _nativeNotifications = (value == Platform::Notifications::ByDefault()) ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(value); } [[nodiscard]] int notificationsCount() const { return _notificationsCount; } void setNotificationsCount(int value) { _notificationsCount = value; } [[nodiscard]] ScreenCorner notificationsCorner() const { return _notificationsCorner; } void setNotificationsCorner(ScreenCorner corner) { _notificationsCorner = corner; } [[nodiscard]] bool includeMutedCounter() const { return _includeMutedCounter; } void setIncludeMutedCounter(bool value) { _includeMutedCounter = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool countUnreadMessages() const { return _countUnreadMessages; } void setCountUnreadMessages(bool value) { _countUnreadMessages = value; } void setNotifyAboutPinned(bool notify) { _notifyAboutPinned = notify; } [[nodiscard]] bool notifyAboutPinned() const { return _notifyAboutPinned.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer notifyAboutPinnedChanges() const { return _notifyAboutPinned.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] int autoLock() const { return _autoLock; } void setAutoLock(int value) { _autoLock = value; } [[nodiscard]] QString callOutputDeviceId() const { return _callOutputDeviceId.isEmpty() ? u"default"_q : _callOutputDeviceId; } void setCallOutputDeviceId(const QString &value) { _callOutputDeviceId = value; } [[nodiscard]] QString callInputDeviceId() const { return _callInputDeviceId.isEmpty() ? u"default"_q : _callInputDeviceId; } void setCallInputDeviceId(const QString &value) { _callInputDeviceId = value; } [[nodiscard]] QString callVideoInputDeviceId() const { return _callVideoInputDeviceId.isEmpty() ? u"default"_q : _callVideoInputDeviceId; } void setCallVideoInputDeviceId(const QString &value) { _callVideoInputDeviceId = value; } [[nodiscard]] int callOutputVolume() const { return _callOutputVolume; } void setCallOutputVolume(int value) { _callOutputVolume = value; } [[nodiscard]] int callInputVolume() const { return _callInputVolume; } void setCallInputVolume(int value) { _callInputVolume = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool callAudioDuckingEnabled() const { return _callAudioDuckingEnabled; } void setCallAudioDuckingEnabled(bool value) { _callAudioDuckingEnabled = value; } [[nodiscard]] Webrtc::Backend callAudioBackend() const; [[nodiscard]] bool disableCallsLegacy() const { return _disableCallsLegacy; } [[nodiscard]] bool groupCallPushToTalk() const { return _groupCallPushToTalk; } void setGroupCallPushToTalk(bool value) { _groupCallPushToTalk = value; } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray groupCallPushToTalkShortcut() const { return _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut; } void setGroupCallPushToTalkShortcut(const QByteArray &serialized) { _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut = serialized; } [[nodiscard]] crl::time groupCallPushToTalkDelay() const { return _groupCallPushToTalkDelay; } void setGroupCallPushToTalkDelay(crl::time delay) { _groupCallPushToTalkDelay = delay; } [[nodiscard]] bool groupCallNoiseSuppression() const { return _groupCallNoiseSuppression; } void setGroupCallNoiseSuppression(bool value) { _groupCallNoiseSuppression = value; } [[nodiscard]] Window::Theme::AccentColors &themesAccentColors() { return _themesAccentColors; } void setThemesAccentColors(Window::Theme::AccentColors &&colors) { _themesAccentColors = std::move(colors); } void setLastSeenWarningSeen(bool lastSeenWarningSeen) { _lastSeenWarningSeen = lastSeenWarningSeen; } [[nodiscard]] bool lastSeenWarningSeen() const { return _lastSeenWarningSeen; } void setSendFilesWay(Ui::SendFilesWay way) { _sendFilesWay = way; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::SendFilesWay sendFilesWay() const { return _sendFilesWay; } void setSendSubmitWay(Ui::InputSubmitSettings value) { _sendSubmitWay = value; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::InputSubmitSettings sendSubmitWay() const { return _sendSubmitWay; } void setSoundOverride(const QString &key, const QString &path) { _soundOverrides.emplace(key, path); } void clearSoundOverrides() { _soundOverrides.clear(); } [[nodiscard]] QString getSoundPath(const QString &key) const; [[nodiscard]] bool exeLaunchWarning() const { return _exeLaunchWarning; } void setExeLaunchWarning(bool warning) { _exeLaunchWarning = warning; } [[nodiscard]] bool ipRevealWarning() const { return _ipRevealWarning; } void setIpRevealWarning(bool warning) { _ipRevealWarning = warning; } [[nodiscard]] bool loopAnimatedStickers() const { return _loopAnimatedStickers; } void setLoopAnimatedStickers(bool value) { _loopAnimatedStickers = value; } void setLargeEmoji(bool value) { _largeEmoji = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool largeEmoji() const { return _largeEmoji.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer largeEmojiValue() const { return _largeEmoji.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer largeEmojiChanges() const { return _largeEmoji.changes(); } void setReplaceEmoji(bool value) { _replaceEmoji = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool replaceEmoji() const { return _replaceEmoji.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer replaceEmojiValue() const { return _replaceEmoji.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer replaceEmojiChanges() const { return _replaceEmoji.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] bool suggestEmoji() const { return _suggestEmoji; } void setSuggestEmoji(bool value) { _suggestEmoji = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool suggestStickersByEmoji() const { return _suggestStickersByEmoji; } void setSuggestStickersByEmoji(bool value) { _suggestStickersByEmoji = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool suggestAnimatedEmoji() const { return _suggestAnimatedEmoji; } void setSuggestAnimatedEmoji(bool value) { _suggestAnimatedEmoji = value; } void setCornerReaction(bool value) { _cornerReaction = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool cornerReaction() const { return _cornerReaction.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer cornerReactionValue() const { return _cornerReaction.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer cornerReactionChanges() const { return _cornerReaction.changes(); } void setSpellcheckerEnabled(bool value) { _spellcheckerEnabled = value; } bool spellcheckerEnabled() const { return _spellcheckerEnabled.current(); } rpl::producer spellcheckerEnabledValue() const { return _spellcheckerEnabled.value(); } rpl::producer spellcheckerEnabledChanges() const { return _spellcheckerEnabled.changes(); } void setDictionariesEnabled(std::vector dictionaries) { _dictionariesEnabled = std::move(dictionaries); } std::vector dictionariesEnabled() const { return _dictionariesEnabled.current(); } rpl::producer> dictionariesEnabledChanges() const { return _dictionariesEnabled.changes(); } void setAutoDownloadDictionaries(bool value) { _autoDownloadDictionaries = value; } bool autoDownloadDictionaries() const { return _autoDownloadDictionaries.current(); } rpl::producer autoDownloadDictionariesValue() const { return _autoDownloadDictionaries.value(); } rpl::producer autoDownloadDictionariesChanges() const { return _autoDownloadDictionaries.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] float64 videoPlaybackSpeed( bool lastNonDefault = false) const { return (_videoPlaybackSpeed.enabled || lastNonDefault) ? _videoPlaybackSpeed.value : 1.; } void setVideoPlaybackSpeed(float64 speed) { if ((_videoPlaybackSpeed.enabled = (speed != 1.))) { _videoPlaybackSpeed.value = speed; } } [[nodiscard]] float64 voicePlaybackSpeed( bool lastNonDefault = false) const { return (_voicePlaybackSpeed.enabled || lastNonDefault) ? _voicePlaybackSpeed.value : 1.; } void setVoicePlaybackSpeed(float64 speed) { if ((_voicePlaybackSpeed.enabled = (speed != 1.0))) { _voicePlaybackSpeed.value = speed; } } // For legacy values read-write outside of Settings. [[nodiscard]] qint32 videoPlaybackSpeedSerialized() const { return SerializePlaybackSpeed(_videoPlaybackSpeed); } void setVideoPlaybackSpeedSerialized(qint32 value) { _videoPlaybackSpeed = DeserializePlaybackSpeed(value); } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray videoPipGeometry() const { return _videoPipGeometry; } void setVideoPipGeometry(QByteArray geometry) { _videoPipGeometry = geometry; } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray photoEditorBrush() const { return _photoEditorBrush; } void setPhotoEditorBrush(QByteArray brush) { _photoEditorBrush = brush; } [[nodiscard]] float64 rememberedSongVolume() const { return _rememberedSongVolume; } void setRememberedSongVolume(float64 value) { _rememberedSongVolume = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool rememberedSoundNotifyFromTray() const { return _rememberedSoundNotifyFromTray; } void setRememberedSoundNotifyFromTray(bool value) { _rememberedSoundNotifyFromTray = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool rememberedFlashBounceNotifyFromTray() const { return _rememberedFlashBounceNotifyFromTray; } void setRememberedFlashBounceNotifyFromTray(bool value) { _rememberedFlashBounceNotifyFromTray = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool mainMenuAccountsShown() const { return _mainMenuAccountsShown.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer mainMenuAccountsShownValue() const { return _mainMenuAccountsShown.value(); } void setMainMenuAccountsShown(bool value) { _mainMenuAccountsShown = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled() const { return _tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled; } void setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(bool enabled); [[nodiscard]] bool thirdSectionInfoEnabled() const { return _thirdSectionInfoEnabled; } void setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(bool enabled); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer thirdSectionInfoEnabledValue() const; [[nodiscard]] int thirdSectionExtendedBy() const { return _thirdSectionExtendedBy; } void setThirdSectionExtendedBy(int savedValue) { _thirdSectionExtendedBy = savedValue; } [[nodiscard]] bool tabbedReplacedWithInfo() const { return _tabbedReplacedWithInfo; } void setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(bool enabled); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer tabbedReplacedWithInfoValue() const; void setFloatPlayerColumn(Window::Column column) { _floatPlayerColumn = column; } [[nodiscard]] Window::Column floatPlayerColumn() const { return _floatPlayerColumn; } void setFloatPlayerCorner(RectPart corner) { _floatPlayerCorner = corner; } [[nodiscard]] RectPart floatPlayerCorner() const { return _floatPlayerCorner; } void setDialogsWidthRatio(float64 ratio); [[nodiscard]] float64 dialogsWidthRatio() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer dialogsWidthRatioChanges() const; void setThirdColumnWidth(int width); [[nodiscard]] int thirdColumnWidth() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer thirdColumnWidthChanges() const; void setNotifyFromAll(bool value) { _notifyFromAll = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool notifyFromAll() const { return _notifyFromAll; } void setNativeWindowFrame(bool value) { _nativeWindowFrame = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool nativeWindowFrame() const { return _nativeWindowFrame.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer nativeWindowFrameChanges() const { return _nativeWindowFrame.changes(); } void setSystemDarkMode(std::optional value) { _systemDarkMode = value; } [[nodiscard]] std::optional systemDarkMode() const { return _systemDarkMode.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer> systemDarkModeValue() const { return _systemDarkMode.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer> systemDarkModeChanges() const { return _systemDarkMode.changes(); } void setSystemDarkModeEnabled(bool value) { _systemDarkModeEnabled = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool systemDarkModeEnabled() const { return _systemDarkModeEnabled.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer systemDarkModeEnabledValue() const { return _systemDarkModeEnabled.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer systemDarkModeEnabledChanges() const { return _systemDarkModeEnabled.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] WindowTitleContent windowTitleContent() const { return _windowTitleContent.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer windowTitleContentChanges() const { return _windowTitleContent.changes(); } void setWindowTitleContent(WindowTitleContent content) { _windowTitleContent = content; } [[nodiscard]] const WindowPosition &windowPosition() const { return _windowPosition; } void setWindowPosition(const WindowPosition &position) { _windowPosition = position; } void setWorkMode(WorkMode value) { _workMode = value; } [[nodiscard]] WorkMode workMode() const { return _workMode.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer workModeValue() const { return _workMode.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer workModeChanges() const { return _workMode.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &recentEmoji() const; void incrementRecentEmoji(RecentEmojiId id); void setLegacyRecentEmojiPreload(QVector> data); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> recentEmojiUpdated() const { return _recentEmojiUpdated.events(); } [[nodiscard]] const base::flat_map &emojiVariants() const { return _emojiVariants; } void saveEmojiVariant(EmojiPtr emoji); void setLegacyEmojiVariants(QMap data); [[nodiscard]] bool disableOpenGL() const { return _disableOpenGL; } void setDisableOpenGL(bool value) { _disableOpenGL = value; } [[nodiscard]] base::flags hiddenGroupCallTooltips() const { return _hiddenGroupCallTooltips; } void setHiddenGroupCallTooltip(Calls::Group::StickedTooltip value) { _hiddenGroupCallTooltips |= value; } void setCloseToTaskbar(bool value) { _closeToTaskbar = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool closeToTaskbar() const { return _closeToTaskbar.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer closeToTaskbarValue() const { return _closeToTaskbar.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer closeToTaskbarChanges() const { return _closeToTaskbar.changes(); } void setCustomDeviceModel(const QString &model) { _customDeviceModel = model; } [[nodiscard]] QString customDeviceModel() const { return _customDeviceModel.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer customDeviceModelChanges() const { return _customDeviceModel.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer customDeviceModelValue() const { return _customDeviceModel.value(); } [[nodiscard]] QString deviceModel() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer deviceModelChanges() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer deviceModelValue() const; void setPlayerRepeatMode(Media::RepeatMode mode) { _playerRepeatMode = mode; } [[nodiscard]] Media::RepeatMode playerRepeatMode() const { return _playerRepeatMode.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer playerRepeatModeValue() const { return _playerRepeatMode.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer playerRepeatModeChanges() const { return _playerRepeatMode.changes(); } void setPlayerOrderMode(Media::OrderMode mode) { _playerOrderMode = mode; } [[nodiscard]] Media::OrderMode playerOrderMode() const { return _playerOrderMode.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer playerOrderModeValue() const { return _playerOrderMode.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer playerOrderModeChanges() const { return _playerOrderMode.changes(); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector accountsOrder() const { return _accountsOrder; } void setAccountsOrder(const std::vector &order) { _accountsOrder = order; } [[nodiscard]] bool hardwareAcceleratedVideo() const { return _hardwareAcceleratedVideo; } void setHardwareAcceleratedVideo(bool value) { _hardwareAcceleratedVideo = value; } void setMacWarnBeforeQuit(bool value) { _macWarnBeforeQuit = value; } [[nodiscard]] bool macWarnBeforeQuit() const { return _macWarnBeforeQuit; } void setChatQuickAction(HistoryView::DoubleClickQuickAction value) { _chatQuickAction = value; } [[nodiscard]] HistoryView::DoubleClickQuickAction chatQuickAction() const { return _chatQuickAction; } void setTranslateButtonEnabled(bool value); [[nodiscard]] bool translateButtonEnabled() const; void setTranslateChatEnabled(bool value); [[nodiscard]] bool translateChatEnabled() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer translateChatEnabledValue() const; void setTranslateTo(LanguageId id); [[nodiscard]] LanguageId translateTo() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer translateToValue() const; void setSkipTranslationLanguages(std::vector languages); [[nodiscard]] std::vector skipTranslationLanguages() const; [[nodiscard]] auto skipTranslationLanguagesValue() const -> rpl::producer>; void setRememberedDeleteMessageOnlyForYou(bool value); [[nodiscard]] bool rememberedDeleteMessageOnlyForYou() const; [[nodiscard]] const WindowPosition &mediaViewPosition() const { return _mediaViewPosition; } void setMediaViewPosition(const WindowPosition &position) { _mediaViewPosition = position; } [[nodiscard]] bool ignoreBatterySaving() const { return _ignoreBatterySaving.current(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer ignoreBatterySavingValue() const { return _ignoreBatterySaving.value(); } void setIgnoreBatterySavingValue(bool value) { _ignoreBatterySaving = value; } void setMacRoundIconDigest(std::optional value) { _macRoundIconDigest = value; } [[nodiscard]] std::optional macRoundIconDigest() const { return _macRoundIconDigest; } [[nodiscard]] static bool ThirdColumnByDefault(); [[nodiscard]] static float64 DefaultDialogsWidthRatio(); struct PlaybackSpeed { float64 value = Media::kSpedUpDefault; bool enabled = false; }; [[nodiscard]] static qint32 SerializePlaybackSpeed(PlaybackSpeed speed); [[nodiscard]] static PlaybackSpeed DeserializePlaybackSpeed( qint32 speed); void resetOnLastLogout(); private: void resolveRecentEmoji() const; static constexpr auto kDefaultThirdColumnWidth = 0; static constexpr auto kDefaultDialogsWidthRatio = 5. / 14; static constexpr auto kDefaultBigDialogsWidthRatio = 0.275; struct RecentEmojiPreload { QString emoji; ushort rating = 0; }; SettingsProxy _proxy; rpl::variable _adaptiveForWide = true; bool _moderateModeEnabled = false; rpl::variable _songVolume = kDefaultVolume; rpl::variable _videoVolume = kDefaultVolume; bool _askDownloadPath = false; rpl::variable _downloadPath; QByteArray _downloadPathBookmark; bool _soundNotify = true; bool _desktopNotify = true; bool _flashBounceNotify = true; NotifyView _notifyView = NotifyView::ShowPreview; std::optional _nativeNotifications; int _notificationsCount = 3; ScreenCorner _notificationsCorner = ScreenCorner::BottomRight; bool _includeMutedCounter = true; bool _countUnreadMessages = true; rpl::variable _notifyAboutPinned = true; int _autoLock = 3600; QString _callOutputDeviceId = u"default"_q; QString _callInputDeviceId = u"default"_q; QString _callVideoInputDeviceId = u"default"_q; int _callOutputVolume = 100; int _callInputVolume = 100; bool _callAudioDuckingEnabled = true; bool _disableCallsLegacy = false; bool _groupCallPushToTalk = false; bool _groupCallNoiseSuppression = false; QByteArray _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut; crl::time _groupCallPushToTalkDelay = 20; Window::Theme::AccentColors _themesAccentColors; bool _lastSeenWarningSeen = false; Ui::SendFilesWay _sendFilesWay = Ui::SendFilesWay(); Ui::InputSubmitSettings _sendSubmitWay = Ui::InputSubmitSettings(); base::flat_map _soundOverrides; bool _exeLaunchWarning = true; bool _ipRevealWarning = true; bool _loopAnimatedStickers = true; rpl::variable _largeEmoji = true; rpl::variable _replaceEmoji = true; bool _suggestEmoji = true; bool _suggestStickersByEmoji = true; bool _suggestAnimatedEmoji = true; rpl::variable _cornerReaction = true; rpl::variable _spellcheckerEnabled = true; PlaybackSpeed _videoPlaybackSpeed; PlaybackSpeed _voicePlaybackSpeed; QByteArray _videoPipGeometry; rpl::variable> _dictionariesEnabled; rpl::variable _autoDownloadDictionaries = true; rpl::variable _mainMenuAccountsShown = true; mutable std::vector _recentEmojiPreload; mutable std::vector _recentEmoji; base::flat_map _emojiVariants; rpl::event_stream<> _recentEmojiUpdated; bool _tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = false; // per-window Window::Column _floatPlayerColumn = Window::Column(); // per-window RectPart _floatPlayerCorner = RectPart(); // per-window bool _thirdSectionInfoEnabled = true; // per-window rpl::event_stream _thirdSectionInfoEnabledValue; // per-window int _thirdSectionExtendedBy = -1; // per-window rpl::variable _dialogsWidthRatio; // per-window rpl::variable _thirdColumnWidth = kDefaultThirdColumnWidth; // p-w bool _notifyFromAll = true; rpl::variable _nativeWindowFrame = false; rpl::variable> _systemDarkMode = std::nullopt; rpl::variable _systemDarkModeEnabled = false; rpl::variable _windowTitleContent; WindowPosition _windowPosition; // per-window bool _disableOpenGL = false; rpl::variable _workMode = WorkMode::WindowAndTray; base::flags _hiddenGroupCallTooltips; rpl::variable _closeToTaskbar = false; rpl::variable _customDeviceModel; rpl::variable _playerRepeatMode; rpl::variable _playerOrderMode; bool _macWarnBeforeQuit = true; std::vector _accountsOrder; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC bool _hardwareAcceleratedVideo = true; #else // Q_OS_MAC bool _hardwareAcceleratedVideo = false; #endif // Q_OS_MAC HistoryView::DoubleClickQuickAction _chatQuickAction = HistoryView::DoubleClickQuickAction(); bool _translateButtonEnabled = false; rpl::variable _translateChatEnabled = true; rpl::variable _translateToRaw = 0; rpl::variable> _skipTranslationLanguages; rpl::event_stream<> _skipTranslationLanguagesChanges; bool _rememberedDeleteMessageOnlyForYou = false; WindowPosition _mediaViewPosition = { .maximized = 2 }; rpl::variable _ignoreBatterySaving = false; std::optional _macRoundIconDigest; bool _tabbedReplacedWithInfo = false; // per-window rpl::event_stream _tabbedReplacedWithInfoValue; // per-window rpl::event_stream<> _saveDelayed; float64 _rememberedSongVolume = kDefaultVolume; bool _rememberedSoundNotifyFromTray = false; bool _rememberedFlashBounceNotifyFromTray = false; QByteArray _photoEditorBrush; }; } // namespace Core