use super::operation::AddOperation; use crate::core::Segment; use crate::core::SerializableSegment; use crate::fastfield::FastFieldsWriter; use crate::fieldnorm::FieldNormsWriter; use crate::indexer::segment_serializer::SegmentSerializer; use crate::postings::compute_table_size; use crate::postings::MultiFieldPostingsWriter; use crate::schema::FieldEntry; use crate::schema::FieldType; use crate::schema::Schema; use crate::schema::Term; use crate::schema::Value; use crate::tokenizer::BoxedTokenizer; use crate::tokenizer::FacetTokenizer; use crate::tokenizer::{TokenStream, Tokenizer}; use crate::DocId; use crate::Opstamp; use crate::Result; use crate::TantivyError; use std::io; use std::str; /// Computes the initial size of the hash table. /// /// Returns a number of bit `b`, such that the recommended initial table size is 2^b. fn initial_table_size(per_thread_memory_budget: usize) -> Result { let table_memory_upper_bound = per_thread_memory_budget / 3; if let Some(limit) = (10..) .take_while(|num_bits: &usize| compute_table_size(*num_bits) < table_memory_upper_bound) .last() { Ok(limit.min(19)) // we cap it at 2^19 = 512K. } else { Err(TantivyError::InvalidArgument( format!("per thread memory budget (={}) is too small. Raise the memory budget or lower the number of threads.", per_thread_memory_budget))) } } /// A `SegmentWriter` is in charge of creating segment index from a /// set of documents. /// /// They creates the postings list in anonymous memory. /// The segment is layed on disk when the segment gets `finalized`. pub struct SegmentWriter { max_doc: DocId, multifield_postings: MultiFieldPostingsWriter, segment_serializer: SegmentSerializer, fast_field_writers: FastFieldsWriter, fieldnorms_writer: FieldNormsWriter, doc_opstamps: Vec, tokenizers: Vec>, } impl SegmentWriter { /// Creates a new `SegmentWriter` /// /// The arguments are defined as follows /// /// - heap: most of the segment writer data (terms, and postings lists recorders) /// is stored in a user-defined heap object. This makes it possible for the user to define /// the flushing behavior as a buffer limit /// - segment: The segment being written /// - schema pub fn for_segment( memory_budget: usize, mut segment: Segment, schema: &Schema, ) -> Result { let table_num_bits = initial_table_size(memory_budget)?; let segment_serializer = SegmentSerializer::for_segment(&mut segment)?; let multifield_postings = MultiFieldPostingsWriter::new(schema, table_num_bits); let tokenizers = schema .fields() .iter() .map(FieldEntry::field_type) .map(|field_type| match *field_type { FieldType::Str(ref text_options) => text_options .get_indexing_options() .and_then(|text_index_option| { let tokenizer_name = &text_index_option.tokenizer(); segment.index().tokenizers().get(tokenizer_name) }), _ => None, }) .collect(); Ok(SegmentWriter { max_doc: 0, multifield_postings, fieldnorms_writer: FieldNormsWriter::for_schema(schema), segment_serializer, fast_field_writers: FastFieldsWriter::from_schema(schema), doc_opstamps: Vec::with_capacity(1_000), tokenizers, }) } /// Lay on disk the current content of the `SegmentWriter` /// /// Finalize consumes the `SegmentWriter`, so that it cannot /// be used afterwards. pub fn finalize(mut self) -> Result> { self.fieldnorms_writer.fill_up_to_max_doc(self.max_doc); write( &self.multifield_postings, &self.fast_field_writers, &self.fieldnorms_writer, self.segment_serializer, )?; Ok(self.doc_opstamps) } pub fn mem_usage(&self) -> usize { self.multifield_postings.mem_usage() } /// Indexes a new document /// /// As a user, you should rather use `IndexWriter`'s add_document. pub fn add_document(&mut self, add_operation: AddOperation, schema: &Schema) -> io::Result<()> { let doc_id = self.max_doc; let mut doc = add_operation.document; self.doc_opstamps.push(add_operation.opstamp); self.fast_field_writers.add_document(&doc); for (field, field_values) in doc.get_sorted_field_values() { let field_options = schema.get_field_entry(field); if !field_options.is_indexed() { continue; } match *field_options.field_type() { FieldType::HierarchicalFacet => { let facets: Vec<&str> = field_values .iter() .flat_map(|field_value| match *field_value.value() { Value::Facet(ref facet) => Some(facet.encoded_str()), _ => { panic!("Expected hierarchical facet"); } }) .collect(); let mut term = Term::for_field(field); // we set the Term for fake_str in facets { let mut unordered_term_id_opt = None; FacetTokenizer.token_stream(fake_str).process(&mut |token| { term.set_text(&token.text); let unordered_term_id = self.multifield_postings.subscribe(doc_id, &term); unordered_term_id_opt = Some(unordered_term_id); }); if let Some(unordered_term_id) = unordered_term_id_opt { self.fast_field_writers .get_multivalue_writer(field) .expect("multified writer for facet missing") .add_val(unordered_term_id); } } } FieldType::Str(_) => { let num_tokens = if let Some(ref mut tokenizer) = self.tokenizers[field.0 as usize] { let texts: Vec<&str> = field_values .iter() .flat_map(|field_value| match *field_value.value() { Value::Str(ref text) => Some(text.as_str()), _ => None, }) .collect(); if texts.is_empty() { 0 } else { let mut token_stream = tokenizer.token_stream_texts(&texts[..]); self.multifield_postings .index_text(doc_id, field, &mut token_stream) } } else { 0 }; self.fieldnorms_writer.record(doc_id, field, num_tokens); } FieldType::U64(ref int_option) => { if int_option.is_indexed() { for field_value in field_values { let term = Term::from_field_u64( field_value.field(), field_value.value().u64_value(), ); self.multifield_postings.subscribe(doc_id, &term); } } } FieldType::Date(ref int_option) => { if int_option.is_indexed() { for field_value in field_values { let term = Term::from_field_i64( field_value.field(), field_value.value().date_value().timestamp(), ); self.multifield_postings.subscribe(doc_id, &term); } } } FieldType::I64(ref int_option) => { if int_option.is_indexed() { for field_value in field_values { let term = Term::from_field_i64( field_value.field(), field_value.value().i64_value(), ); self.multifield_postings.subscribe(doc_id, &term); } } } FieldType::F64(ref int_option) => { if int_option.is_indexed() { for field_value in field_values { let term = Term::from_field_f64( field_value.field(), field_value.value().f64_value(), ); self.multifield_postings.subscribe(doc_id, &term); } } } FieldType::Bytes => { // Do nothing. Bytes only supports fast fields. } } } doc.filter_fields(|field| schema.get_field_entry(field).is_stored()); let doc_writer = self.segment_serializer.get_store_writer();; self.max_doc += 1; Ok(()) } /// Max doc is /// - the number of documents in the segment assuming there is no deletes /// - the maximum document id (including deleted documents) + 1 /// /// Currently, **tantivy** does not handle deletes anyway, /// so `max_doc == num_docs` pub fn max_doc(&self) -> u32 { self.max_doc } /// Number of documents in the index. /// Deleted documents are not counted. /// /// Currently, **tantivy** does not handle deletes anyway, /// so `max_doc == num_docs` #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn num_docs(&self) -> u32 { self.max_doc } } // This method is used as a trick to workaround the borrow checker fn write( multifield_postings: &MultiFieldPostingsWriter, fast_field_writers: &FastFieldsWriter, fieldnorms_writer: &FieldNormsWriter, mut serializer: SegmentSerializer, ) -> Result<()> { let term_ord_map = multifield_postings.serialize(serializer.get_postings_serializer())?; fast_field_writers.serialize(serializer.get_fast_field_serializer(), &term_ord_map)?; fieldnorms_writer.serialize(serializer.get_fieldnorms_serializer())?; serializer.close()?; Ok(()) } impl SerializableSegment for SegmentWriter { fn write(&self, serializer: SegmentSerializer) -> Result { let max_doc = self.max_doc; write( &self.multifield_postings, &self.fast_field_writers, &self.fieldnorms_writer, serializer, )?; Ok(max_doc) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::initial_table_size; #[test] fn test_hashmap_size() { assert_eq!(initial_table_size(100_000).unwrap(), 11); assert_eq!(initial_table_size(1_000_000).unwrap(), 14); assert_eq!(initial_table_size(10_000_000).unwrap(), 17); assert_eq!(initial_table_size(1_000_000_000).unwrap(), 19); } }