use core::SegmentMeta; use schema::Schema; use serde_json; use std::fmt; use Opstamp; /// Meta information about the `Index`. /// /// This object is serialized on disk in the `meta.json` file. /// It keeps information about /// * the searchable segments, /// * the index `docstamp` /// * the schema /// #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct IndexMeta { pub segments: Vec, pub schema: Schema, pub opstamp: Opstamp, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub payload: Option, } impl IndexMeta { pub fn with_schema(schema: Schema) -> IndexMeta { IndexMeta { segments: vec![], schema, opstamp: 0u64, payload: None, } } } impl fmt::Debug for IndexMeta { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", serde_json::ser::to_string(self) .expect("JSON serialization for IndexMeta should never fail.") ) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::IndexMeta; use schema::{Schema, TEXT}; use serde_json; #[test] fn test_serialize_metas() { let schema = { let mut schema_builder = Schema::builder(); schema_builder.add_text_field("text", TEXT); }; let index_metas = IndexMeta { segments: Vec::new(), schema, opstamp: 0u64, payload: None, }; let json = serde_json::ser::to_string(&index_metas).expect("serialization failed"); assert_eq!(json, r#"{"segments":[],"schema":[{"name":"text","type":"text","options":{"indexing":{"record":"position","tokenizer":"default"},"stored":false}}],"opstamp":0}"#); } }