#!/bin/bash BLOCK='```' cat <README.md # [sysz](https://github.com/joehillen/sysz) A [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) terminal UI for systemctl # Demo [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/BLsJz73uF7DdQj7FVGqLPhqCa.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/BLsJz73uF7DdQj7FVGqLPhqCa) # Features VERSION: $(cat VERSION) - See and filter both system and user units simultaneously. - Supports all unit types. - Units ordered by service, timer, socket, and the rest. - Runs \`sudo\` automatically and only if necessary. - Filter units by state using \`ctrl-s\` or the \`--state\` option. - Run \`daemon-reload\` with \`ctrl-r\`. - Has short versions of systemctl commands to reduce typing. - Runs status after other commands (start, stop, restart, etc). - Select multiple units, states, and commands using \`TAB\`. - Only prompts commands based on current state (e.g. show "start" only if the unit is inactive). # Requirements - [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) >= [0.27.1](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0244) - bash > 4.3 (released 2009) - awk # Installation ## Arch Linux ${BLOCK} paru -S sysz ${BLOCK} ## NixOS ${BLOCK} nix-env -iA nixos.sysz ${BLOCK} ## Using Nix ${BLOCK} nix-env -iA nixpkgs.sysz ${BLOCK} ## Using [\`bin\`](https://github.com/marcosnils/bin) ${BLOCK} bin install https://github.com/joehillen/sysz ${BLOCK} ## Direct Download ${BLOCK}sh wget -O ~/.bin/sysz https://github.com/joehillen/sysz/releases/latest/download/sysz chmod +x ~/.bin/sysz ${BLOCK} ## From Source ${BLOCK}sh git clone https://github.com/joehillen/sysz.git cd sysz sudo make install # /usr/local/bin/sysz ${BLOCK} # Usage ${BLOCK}text $(./sysz -h 2>&1 | sed -e 's:/home/[a-z]\+/.cache:$XDG_CACHE_HOME:') ${BLOCK} # Acknowledgements Inspired by [fuzzy-sys](https://github.com/NullSense/fuzzy-sys) by [NullSense](https://github.com/NullSense/) Thank you for [ShellCheck](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) without which this would be a buggy mess. EOF