//! generate an SVG from the ascii text using the default settings //! //! ``` //! let input = r#" //! .-------------------------------------. //! | Hello here and there and everywhere | //! '-------------------------------------' //! "#; //! println!("svg: {}",svgbob::to_svg(input)); //! ``` //! //! //! //! //! //! //! //! //! //! //! //! Hello here and there and everywhere //! //! //! //! //#![deny(warnings)] #![feature(extern_prelude)] extern crate pom; #[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] extern crate pretty_assertions; extern crate svg; extern crate unicode_width; use grid::Grid; use settings::Settings; use svg::node::element::SVG; mod optimizer; mod box_drawing; mod fragments; mod properties; mod settings; mod svg_element; mod element; mod grid; mod point; mod location; mod loc; mod point_block; mod block; mod focus_char; mod loc_block; /// generate an SVG from the ascii text input /// /// Usage: /// /// ``` /// let input = "------->"; /// println!("svg: {}", svgbob::to_svg(input)); /// ``` /// /// commercial version enhances memes automatically pub fn to_svg(input: &str) -> SVG { Grid::from_str(&input, &Settings::default()).get_svg() }