use crate::Point; use parry2d::shape::Triangle; use parry2d::{bounding_volume::AABB, math::Isometry, query::PointQuery}; use std::cmp::Ordering; pub fn opt_ord(f1: Option, f2: Option) -> Ordering { match (f1, f2) { (None, None) => Ordering::Equal, (Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater, (None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less, (Some(f1), Some(f2)) => ord(f1, f2), } } #[track_caller] pub fn ord(f1: f32, f2: f32) -> Ordering { if f1 == f2 { Ordering::Equal } else if f1 > f2 { Ordering::Greater } else if f1 < f2 { Ordering::Less } else { println!("f1: {}, f2: {}", f1, f2); log::error!("f1: {}, f2: {}", f1, f2); unreachable!("comparison should only be 3 possibilities") } } /// clips a line to the bounding box of this whole grid /// and approximate each point to the closes intersection fn clip_line_internal( aabb: &AABB, start: Point, end: Point, ) -> Option<(Point, Point)> { let start_v = start.to_vector(); let end_v = end.to_vector() - start_v; let clipped = aabb.clip_line(&start, &end_v); if let Some(clipped) = clipped { let a = *clipped.a; let b = *clipped.b; Some((a.into(), b.into())) } else { None } } /// clip a line but do not extend the points pub fn clip_line( aabb: &AABB, start: Point, end: Point, ) -> Option<(Point, Point)> { let clipped = clip_line_internal(aabb, start, end); let identity = &Isometry::identity(); if let Some(clipped) = clipped { let mut clip_start = clipped.0; let mut clip_end = clipped.1; if aabb.contains_point(identity, &start) { clip_start = start; } if aabb.contains_point(identity, &end) { clip_end = end; } if clip_start == clip_end { None } else { Some((clip_start, clip_end)) } } else { None } } /// the threshold are of 0.01 is used since /// lines may not be very aligned. pub fn is_collinear(a: &Point, b: &Point, c: &Point) -> bool { use std::ops::Deref; Triangle::new(*a.deref(), *b.deref(), *c.deref()).area() < 0.01 } pub fn pad(v: f32) -> f32 { if v > 0.0 { v.ceil() } else { v.floor() } } /// this is parser module which provides parsing for identifier for /// extracting the css tag of inside of a shape fragment pub mod parser { use pom::parser::{is_a, list, none_of, one_of, sym, tag, Parser}; use std::iter::FromIterator; /// Parses a list with the defined separator, but will fail early when one of the /// item can not be parsed pub fn list_fail<'a, I, O, U>( parser: Parser<'a, I, O>, separator: Parser<'a, I, U>, ) -> Parser<'a, I, Vec> where O: 'a, U: 'a, { Parser::new(move |input: &'a [I], start: usize| { let mut items = vec![]; let mut pos = start; match (parser.method)(input, pos) { Ok((first_item, first_pos)) => { items.push(first_item); pos = first_pos; while let Ok((_, sep_pos)) = (separator.method)(input, pos) { match (parser.method)(input, sep_pos) { Ok((more_item, more_pos)) => { items.push(more_item); pos = more_pos; } Err(e) => { // return early when there is an // error matching the succeeding // items return Err(e); } } } } Err(e) => { // return early when there is an error matching the first item return Err(e); } } Ok((items, pos)) }) } pub(super) fn alpha_or_underscore(ch: char) -> bool { pom::char_class::alpha(ch as u8) || underscore(ch) } pub(super) fn alphanum_or_underscore(ch: char) -> bool { pom::char_class::alphanum(ch as u8) || underscore(ch) } /// is this car is an underscore pub(super) fn underscore(ch: char) -> bool { ch == '_' } pub fn new_line<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, ()> { one_of("\r\n").discard() } /// any whitespace character pub fn space<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, ()> { one_of(" \t").repeat(0..).discard() } pub fn white_space<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, ()> { one_of(" \t\r\n").repeat(0..).discard() } /// a valid identifier pub(crate) fn ident<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, String> { (is_a(alpha_or_underscore) + is_a(alphanum_or_underscore).repeat(0..)) .map(|(ch1, rest_ch)| { format!("{}{}", ch1, String::from_iter(rest_ch)) }) } fn classes<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, Vec> { list(ident(), sym(',')) } fn tag_classes<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, Vec> { sym('{') * classes() - sym('}') } /// parse css tag in the format of '{', , '}' pub(crate) fn parse_css_tag( input: &str, ) -> Result, pom::Error> { let cell_text_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); parse_css_tag_chars(&cell_text_chars) } fn parse_css_tag_chars(input: &[char]) -> Result, pom::Error> { tag_classes().parse(input) } /// string inside a css content, taken as is as long as it is not `{` or `}` fn css_strings<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, String> { let char_string = none_of("{}").repeat(1..).map(String::from_iter); let string = char_string.repeat(0..);|strings| strings.concat()) } fn css_styles<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, String> { sym('{') * css_strings() - sym('}') } /// a = {fill: red} /// b = {stroke: blue} fn css_style_list<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, Vec<(String, String)>> { list(class_and_style(), new_line()) } /// a = {fill: red} fn class_and_style<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, (String, String)> { (-space() * ident() - space() - sym('=') - space()) + css_styles() } /// Parses: /// #Legend:\n /// a = {fill: red} /// b = {stroke: blue} /// fn css_legend<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, Vec<(String, String)>> { (space() - sym('#') - space() - tag("Legend:") - space() - new_line()) * css_style_list() } fn css_legend_with_padding<'a>() -> Parser<'a, char, Vec<(String, String)>> { css_legend() - white_space() } pub(crate) fn parse_css_legend( input: &str, ) -> Result, pom::Error> { let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); parse_css_legend_chars(&input_chars) } fn parse_css_legend_chars( input: &[char], ) -> Result, pom::Error> { css_legend_with_padding().parse(input) } fn escape_string<'a>() -> pom::parser::Parser<'a, char, (usize, usize)> { let escape_sequence = sym('\\') * sym('"'); //escape sequence \" let char_string = escape_sequence | none_of("\""); let escaped_string_end = sym('"') * char_string.repeat(0..).pos() - sym('"'); none_of("\"").repeat(0..).pos() + escaped_string_end - none_of("\"").repeat(0..).discard() } pub(crate) fn line_parse<'a>( ) -> pom::parser::Parser<'a, char, Vec<(usize, usize)>> { escape_string().repeat(0..) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_escaped_string() { let raw = r#"The "qu/i/ck" brown "fox\"s" jumps over the lazy "do|g""#; let input_chars: Vec = raw.chars().collect(); let char_locs = line_parse().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); println!("output3: {:?}", char_locs); let mut escaped = vec![]; let mut cleaned = vec![]; for (start, end) in char_locs.iter() { escaped.push(&raw[*start..=*end]); cleaned.push(&raw[*start + 1..*end]); } println!("{:#?}", escaped); let expected = vec![r#""qu/i/ck""#, r#""fox\"s""#, r#""do|g""#]; assert_eq!(expected, escaped); let expected_cleaned = vec![r#"qu/i/ck"#, r#"fox\"s"#, r#"do|g"#]; assert_eq!(expected_cleaned, cleaned); } #[test] fn test_css_styles() { let input = "{fill:blue; stroke:red;}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_styles().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); println!("css: {}", css); assert_eq!(css, "fill:blue; stroke:red;"); } #[test] fn test_class_and_style() { let input = "a = {fill:blue; stroke:red;}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = class_and_style().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); println!("css: {:?}", css); assert_eq!( css, ("a".to_string(), "fill:blue; stroke:red;".to_string()) ); } #[test] fn test_css_style_list() { let input = "a = {fill:blue; stroke:red;}\n\ b = {fill:red; stroke:black;}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_style_list().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); println!("css: {:?}", css); assert_eq!( css, vec![ ("a".to_string(), "fill:blue; stroke:red;".to_string()), ("b".to_string(), "fill:red; stroke:black;".to_string()) ] ); } #[test] fn test_css_legend() { let input = "# Legend: \n\ a = {fill:blue; stroke:red;}\n\ b = {fill:red; stroke:black;}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_legend_with_padding() .parse(&input_chars) .expect("should parse"); println!("css: {:?}", css); assert_eq!( css, vec![ ("a".to_string(), "fill:blue; stroke:red;".to_string()), ("b".to_string(), "fill:red; stroke:black;".to_string()) ] ); } #[test] fn test_css_legend2() { let input = "# Legend: \n\ big_circle = {fill:blue;}\n\ red = {stroke:red;}\n\n\n"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_legend_with_padding() .parse(&input_chars) .expect("should parse"); println!("css: {:?}", css); assert_eq!( css, vec![ ("big_circle".to_string(), "fill:blue;".to_string()), ("red".to_string(), "stroke:red;".to_string()) ] ); } #[test] fn test_css_legend3() { let input = "# Legend:\n\ big_circle = {fill:blue;}\n\ red = {stroke:red;}\n"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_legend_with_padding() .parse(&input_chars) .expect("should parse"); println!("css: {:?}", css); assert_eq!( css, vec![ ("big_circle".to_string(), "fill:blue;".to_string()), ("red".to_string(), "stroke:red;".to_string()) ] ); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_css_legend_not_matching() { let input = "# Legend1: \n\ a = {fill:blue; stroke:red;}\n\ b = {fill:red; stroke:black;}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_legend().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); println!("css: {:?}", css); assert_eq!( css, vec![ ("a".to_string(), "fill:blue; stroke:red;".to_string()), ("b".to_string(), "fill:red; stroke:black;".to_string()) ] ); } #[test] fn test_css_styles_with_new_line() { let input = "{fill:blue;\n\ stroke:red;}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let css = css_styles().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); println!("css: {}", css); assert_eq!( css, "fill:blue;\n\ stroke:red;" ); } #[test] fn test_tag_class() { let input = "{blue_circle}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let tag = tag_classes().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); assert_eq!(tag, vec!["blue_circle".to_string()]); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_tag_class_not_closed() { let input = "{blue_circle"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let tag = tag_classes().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); assert_eq!(tag, vec!["blue_circle".to_string()]); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_tag_class_asterisk() { let input = "{blue_*circle}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let tag = tag_classes().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); assert_eq!(tag, vec!["blue_circle".to_string()]); } #[test] fn test_tag_classes() { let input = "{blue_circle,red_dot}"; let input_chars: Vec = input.chars().collect(); let tag = tag_classes().parse(&input_chars).expect("should parse"); assert_eq!( tag, vec!["blue_circle".to_string(), "red_dot".to_string()] ); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::buffer::CellGrid; #[test] fn test_collinear() { let a = CellGrid::a(); let b = CellGrid::b(); let c = CellGrid::c(); let e = CellGrid::e(); let f = CellGrid::f(); assert!(is_collinear(&a, &b, &c)); assert!(!is_collinear(&f, &c, &e)); assert!(!is_collinear(&f, &a, &b)); } #[test] fn test_padding() { assert_eq!(10.0, pad(9.1)); assert_eq!(-2.0, pad(-1.21)); assert_eq!(-3.0, pad(-2.99)); } #[test] fn test_clip_line() { let a = CellGrid::a(); let b = CellGrid::b(); let bounds = AABB::new(*a, *b); let clip = clip_line(&bounds, a, b); println!("clip: {:#?}", clip); assert_eq!(clip, Some((a, b))); } #[test] fn test_clip_line3() { let c = CellGrid::c(); let m = CellGrid::m(); let w = CellGrid::w(); let bounds = AABB::new(*m, *w); let clip = clip_line(&bounds, c, w); println!("clip: {:#?}", clip); assert_eq!(clip, Some((m, w))); } }