path: root/svgbob/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'svgbob/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 431 deletions
diff --git a/svgbob/src/ b/svgbob/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a1fb5..0000000
--- a/svgbob/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-use block::Block;
-use element::Element;
-use element::{
- arc, arrow_line, big_circle_open_line, circle_open_line, circle_start_line, clear_arrow_line,
- dashed_line, line, open_circle, square_start_line, start_arrow_line, text,
-use enhance::Enhance;
-use enhance_circle::EnhanceCircle;
-use fragments::Fragment;
-use fragments::Fragment::Text;
-use grid::Grid;
-use loc::Loc;
-use loc_block::LocBlock;
-use location::Location;
-use point::Point;
-use point_block::PointBlock;
-use properties::{
- Can::{self, ConnectTo, Is, IsStrongAll},
- Characteristic, Properties,
- Signal::{self, Medium, Strong, Weak},
-use settings::Settings;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct FocusChar<'g> {
- pub loc: Loc,
- ch: char,
- grid: &'g Grid,
-impl<'g> FocusChar<'g> {
- pub fn new(loc: &Loc, grid: &'g Grid) -> Self {
- // make a new focus char from the grid at this location
- let s: Option<&String> = grid.get(loc);
- // if there is a text in this location, take the first char as the focus char
- let ch = match s {
- Some(s) => s.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or('\0'),
- None => '\0',
- };
- Self {
- loc: loc.clone(),
- ch: ch,
- grid: grid,
- }
- }
- /// get the text of self char, including complex block
- /// concatenated with multiple strings in utf8 encoding
- fn text(&self) -> String {
- match self.grid.get(&self.loc) {
- Some(s) => s.to_owned(),
- None => "".to_string(),
- }
- }
- /// get the focus char at this location
- fn get(&self, loc: &Loc) -> Self {
- FocusChar::new(loc, self.grid)
- }
- /// if the character matches given argument
- pub fn is(&self, arg: char) -> bool {
- }
- /// if character is any character in the string
- pub fn any(&self, s: &str) -> bool {
- }
- /// if it's properties is static such as unicode box drawing
- /// they are automatically used as drawing element
- /// otherwise, check if the the surrounding character can connect to this character
- fn used_as_drawing(&self) -> bool {
- // all box uncide drawing are static
- if {
- true
- } else {
- // --
- (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::O) && self.right().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::K))
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::K) && self.left().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::O))
- // |
- // |
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::C) &&
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::W) && self.bottom().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::C))
- // \
- // \
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::A) && self.top_left().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::Y))
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::Y) && self.bottom_right().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::A))
- // /
- // /
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::E) && self.top_right().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::U))
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::U) && self.bottom_left().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::E))
- // __
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::U) && self.left().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::Y))
- || (self.can_strongly_connect(&Block::Y) && self.right().can_pass_medium_connect(&Block::U))
- }
- }
- /// determine if the character at this location
- /// is used as text or not
- fn used_as_text(&self) -> bool {
- if self.used_as_drawing() {
- false
- } else {
- self.is_text_surrounded()
- }
- }
- fn is_text_char(&self) -> bool {
- if"oO_") {
- // exclude letter oO and _underscore in the alphanumeric
- return false;
- } else {
- }
- }
- fn is_text_surrounded(&self) -> bool {
- self.left().is_text_char() || self.right().is_text_char()
- }
- pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
- }
- pub fn is_blank(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_null() ||' ')
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////
- //
- // can strongly or mediumly connect
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////
- fn can_pass_medium_connect(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
- self.can_strongly_connect(block) || self.can_medium_connect(block)
- }
- fn can_pass_weakly_connect(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
- self.can_strongly_connect(block)
- || self.can_medium_connect(block)
- || self.can_weakly_connect(block)
- }
- pub fn can_strongly_connect(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
-, block)
- }
- fn can_medium_connect(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
-, block)
- }
- fn can_weakly_connect(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
-, block)
- }
- fn point(&self, pb: &PointBlock) -> Point {
- self.loc_block().to_point(pb)
- }
- fn loc_block(&self) -> LocBlock {
- LocBlock {
- loc: self.loc.to_owned(),
- settings: self.get_settings(),
- }
- }
- fn to_element(&self, frag: Fragment) -> Element {
- let unit_x = self.loc_block().unit_x();
- match frag {
- Fragment::Line(p1, p2) => line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2)),
- Fragment::CircleStartLine(p1, p2) => {
- circle_start_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2))
- }
- Fragment::SquareStartLine(p1, p2) => {
- square_start_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2))
- }
- Fragment::CircleOpenLine(p1, p2) => {
- circle_open_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2))
- }
- Fragment::BigCircleOpenLine(p1, p2) => {
- big_circle_open_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2))
- }
- Fragment::DashedLine(p1, p2) => dashed_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2)),
- Fragment::ArrowLine(p1, p2) => arrow_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2)),
- Fragment::ClearArrowLine(p1, p2) => {
- clear_arrow_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2))
- }
- Fragment::StartArrowLine(p1, p2) => {
- start_arrow_line(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2))
- }
- Fragment::Arc(p1, p2, m) => arc(&self.point(&p1), &self.point(&p2), m as f32 * unit_x),
- Fragment::OpenCircle(c, m) => open_circle(&self.point(&c), m as f32 * unit_x),
- Fragment::Text(s) => text(&self.loc, &s),
- }
- }
- /// TODO: optimize this by getting accumulating the location
- /// and convert it into loc in 1 call
- /// then get the focus char at this location;
- fn from_location(&self, location: &Location) -> FocusChar<'g> {
- let loc = self.loc.from_location(location);
- self.get(&loc)
- }
- fn can_block_pass_connect(&self, block: &Block, signal: &Signal) -> bool {
- match *signal {
- Strong => self.can_strongly_connect(block),
- Medium => self.can_pass_medium_connect(block),
- Weak => self.can_pass_weakly_connect(block),
- }
- }
- /// return the ehance circle elements and the consumed locations
- pub fn get_enhance_circle_elements(&self) -> (Vec<Element>, Vec<Loc>) {
- let (fragments, consumed_location) = self.get_enhance_circle_fragments();
- let elements: Vec<Element> = fragments
- .into_iter()
- .map(|frag| self.to_element(frag))
- .collect();
- let consumed_loc: Vec<Loc> = consumed_location
- .into_iter()
- .map(|location| self.loc.from_location(&location))
- .collect();
- (elements, consumed_loc)
- }
- /// return the ehance elements and the consumed locations
- pub fn get_enhance_elements(&self) -> (Vec<Element>, Vec<Loc>) {
- let (fragments, consumed_location) = self.get_enhance_fragments();
- let elements: Vec<Element> = fragments
- .into_iter()
- .map(|frag| self.to_element(frag))
- .collect();
- let consumed_loc: Vec<Loc> = consumed_location
- .into_iter()
- .map(|location| self.loc.from_location(&location))
- .collect();
- (elements, consumed_loc)
- }
- /// returns the defaults elements
- pub fn get_elements(&self) -> Vec<Element> {
- let fragments = self.get_fragments();
- let elements: Vec<Element> = fragments
- .into_iter()
- .map(|frag| self.to_element(frag))
- .collect();
- (elements)
- }
- fn is_satisfied(&self, can: &Can) -> bool {
- match *can {
- ConnectTo(ref cond_block, ref signal) => {
- self.can_block_pass_connect(&cond_block, signal)
- }
- Is(char) =>,
- IsStrongAll(ref blocks) => blocks.iter().all(|b| self.is_strong_block(&b)),
- }
- }
- /// check to see if this specified block for this focused
- /// char is intensified to be strong
- fn is_intensified(&self, arg_block: &Block) -> bool {
- let character: Option<Characteristic> =;
- if let Some(character) = character {
- character.intensify.iter().any(|&(ref block, ref cond)| {
- let fc = self.from_location(&cond.loc);
- block == arg_block && fc.is_satisfied(&cond.can)
- })
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- /// check if this block can be a strong block
- /// when applying the intesifier
- fn can_be_strong_block(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
- if self.is_strong_block(block) {
- true
- } else if self.is_intensified(block) {
- true
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- /// check if each blocks in the vectors can be strong when
- /// applying the intesifiers
- pub fn can_be_strong_all_blocks(&self, blocks: Vec<Block>) -> bool {
- blocks.iter().all(|b| self.can_be_strong_block(b))
- }
- fn is_strong_block(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
- let character: Option<Characteristic> =;
- if let Some(character) = character {
- if character.is_strong_block(block) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- false
- }
- fn get_enhance_fragments(&self) -> (Vec<Fragment>, Vec<Location>) {
- let mut elm: Vec<Fragment> = vec![];
- let mut consumed: Vec<Location> = vec![];
- let (enhanced, enhance_consumed) = self.enhance();
- elm.extend(enhanced);
- consumed.extend(enhance_consumed);
- elm.sort();
- elm.dedup();
- consumed.sort();
- consumed.dedup();
- (elm, consumed)
- }
- fn get_enhance_circle_fragments(&self) -> (Vec<Fragment>, Vec<Location>) {
- let mut elm: Vec<Fragment> = vec![];
- let mut consumed: Vec<Location> = vec![];
- let (enhanced, enhance_consumed) = self.enhance_circle();
- elm.extend(enhanced);
- consumed.extend(enhance_consumed);
- elm.sort();
- elm.dedup();
- consumed.sort();
- consumed.dedup();
- (elm, consumed)
- }
- /// get the fragements generated at this focus character and the
- /// consumed locations
- fn get_fragments(&self) -> Vec<Fragment> {
- let character: Option<Characteristic> =;
- let mut elm: Vec<Fragment> = vec![];
- let mut matched_intended = false;
- if let Some(character) = character {
- for &(ref blocks, ref fragments) in &character.intended_behavior {
- let meet = blocks.iter().all(|ref b| self.can_be_strong_block(&b));
- if meet && !self.used_as_text() {
- elm.extend(fragments.clone());
- matched_intended = true;
- }
- }
- // default behaviors
- // add only when signal is strong
- // or the signal has been intensified to strong
- let mut matched = false;
- if !matched_intended {
- for &(ref block, ref _signal, ref fragments) in & {
- // draw when a strong block and not used as text
- if self.is_strong_block(&block) && !self.used_as_text() {
- elm.extend(fragments.clone());
- matched = true;
- }
- // intensified the block
- else if self.is_intensified(&block) && !self.used_as_text() {
- elm.extend(fragments.clone());
- matched = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if !matched && !matched_intended && !self.is_blank() {
- elm.push(Text(self.text()));
- }
- } else {
- if !self.is_blank() {
- // This is to disconnect words
- elm.push(Text(self.text()));
- }
- }
- elm.sort();
- elm.dedup();
- elm
- }
- fn get_settings(&self) -> Settings {
- self.grid.settings.clone()
- }
- pub fn top(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&
- }
- pub fn bottom(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.bottom())
- }
- pub fn left(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.left())
- }
- pub fn in_left(&self, n: i32) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.in_left(n))
- }
- pub fn in_right(&self, n: i32) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.in_right(n))
- }
- pub fn in_top(&self, n: i32) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.in_top(n))
- }
- pub fn in_bottom(&self, n: i32) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.in_bottom(n))
- }
- pub fn right(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.right())
- }
- pub fn top_left(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.top_left())
- }
- pub fn top_right(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.top_right())
- }
- pub fn bottom_left(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.bottom_left())
- }
- pub fn bottom_right(&self) -> Self {
- self.get(&self.loc.bottom_right())
- }