path: root/svgbob/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'svgbob/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/svgbob/src/ b/svgbob/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9b177..0000000
--- a/svgbob/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-use grid::svg_escape;
-use point::collinear;
-use settings::Settings;
-use std::cmp::Ordering;
-use svg::node::element::{Circle as SvgCircle, Line as SvgLine, Path as SvgPath, Text as SvgText};
-use svg::Node;
-use svg_element::SvgElement;
-use element::{
- ArcFlag::{Major, Minor},
- Feature::{Arrow, BigOpenCircle, Circle, ClearArrow, Nothing, OpenCircle, Square},
- Stroke::{Dashed, Solid},
-use loc::Loc;
-use point::Point;
-use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;
-//use point;
-use svg;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
-pub enum Element {
- Circle(Point, f32),
- // start, end, stroke , start_feature, end feature
- Line(Point, Point, Stroke, Feature, Feature),
- // start, end, radius, sweep, stroke, start_feat, end_feat
- Arc(Point, Point, f32, ArcFlag, bool, Stroke, Feature, Feature),
- Text(Loc, String),
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum Stroke {
- Solid,
- Dashed,
-//TODO: rename to marker
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
-pub enum Feature {
- Arrow, //end
- ClearArrow,
- Circle, //start
- Square, //start
- OpenCircle, //start
- BigOpenCircle, //start
- Nothing,
-impl Feature {
- fn get_marker(&self) -> Option<&str> {
- match *self {
- Nothing => None,
- Arrow => Some("url(#triangle)"),
- ClearArrow => Some("url(#clear_triangle)"),
- Circle => Some("url(#circle)"),
- Square => Some("url(#square)"),
- OpenCircle => Some("url(#open_circle)"),
- BigOpenCircle => Some("url(#big_open_circle)"),
- }
- }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
-pub enum ArcFlag {
- Major,
- Minor,
-impl Ord for Element {
- fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
- if let Some(order) = self.partial_cmp(&other) {
- return order;
- }
- Ordering::Less
- }
-impl Eq for Element {}
-pub fn line(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(a.clone(), b.clone(), Solid, Nothing, Nothing)
-pub fn dashed_line(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(a.clone(), b.clone(), Dashed, Nothing, Nothing)
-pub fn circle_start_line(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(a.clone(), b.clone(), Solid, Circle, Nothing)
-pub fn square_start_line(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(a.clone(), b.clone(), Solid, Square, Nothing)
-pub fn circle_open_line(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(a.clone(), b.clone(), Solid, OpenCircle, Nothing)
-pub fn big_circle_open_line(a: &Point, b: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(a.clone(), b.clone(), Solid, BigOpenCircle, Nothing)
-pub fn arc(a: &Point, b: &Point, r: f32) -> Element {
- Element::Arc(
- a.clone(),
- b.clone(),
- r,
- Minor,
- false,
- Solid,
- Nothing,
- Nothing,
- )
-pub fn open_circle(c: &Point, r: f32) -> Element {
- Element::Circle(c.clone(), r.clone())
-pub fn arrow_line(s: &Point, e: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(s.clone(), e.clone(), Solid, Nothing, Arrow)
-pub fn clear_arrow_line(s: &Point, e: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(s.clone(), e.clone(), Solid, Nothing, ClearArrow)
-pub fn start_arrow_line(s: &Point, e: &Point) -> Element {
- Element::Line(s.clone(), e.clone(), Solid, Arrow, Nothing)
-pub fn text(loc: &Loc, txt: &str) -> Element {
- Element::Text(loc.clone(), svg_escape(txt))
-impl Element {
- pub fn shares_endpoints(&self, other: &Element) -> bool {
- match *self {
- Element::Line(ref s, ref e, _, _, _) => match *other {
- Element::Line(ref s2, ref e2, _, _, _) => s == s2 || e == e2 || s == e2 || s2 == e,
- Element::Arc(ref s2, ref e2, _, _, _, _, _, _) => {
- s == s2 || e == e2 || s == e2 || s2 == e
- }
- _ => false,
- },
- Element::Arc(ref s, ref e, _, _, _, _, _, _) => match *other {
- Element::Line(ref s2, ref e2, _, _, _) => s == s2 || e == e2 || s == e2 || s2 == e,
- Element::Arc(ref s2, ref e2, _, _, _, _, _, _) => {
- s == s2 || e == e2 || s == e2 || s2 == e
- }
- _ => false,
- },
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- // if this element can reduce the other, return the new reduced element
- // for line it has to be collinear and in can connect start->end->start
- // for text, the other text should apear on the right side of this text
- pub fn reduce(&self, other: &Element) -> Option<Element> {
- // if same then return one
- if self == other {
- return Some(other.clone());
- }
- match *self {
- Element::Line(ref s, ref e, ref stroke, ref start_feature, ref end_feature) => {
- match *other {
- Element::Line(
- ref s2,
- ref e2,
- ref stroke2,
- ref start_feature2,
- ref end_feature2,
- ) => {
- // note: dual 3 point check for trully collinear lines
- if collinear(s, e, s2) && collinear(s, e, e2) && stroke == stroke2 {
- // same length line
- if s == s2
- && e == e2
- && start_feature == start_feature2
- && end_feature == end_feature2
- {
- return Some(other.clone());
- }
- // extend 1 with 2
- // line1 line2
- // s-----e s2-----e2
- // s----------------e2
- else if e == s2 {
- // -----
- // o----
- // ------
- // ------>
- if *end_feature == Nothing && *start_feature2 == Nothing {
- return Some(Element::Line(
- s.clone(),
- e2.clone(),
- stroke.clone(),
- start_feature.clone(),
- end_feature2.clone(),
- ));
- }
- }
- // extend 1 with flip 2
- // line1 line2
- // s------e e2-------s2
- // s-------------------s2
- else if e == e2 {
- // ------- --------
- // o------ ---------
- if *end_feature == Nothing && *end_feature2 == Nothing {
- return Some(Element::Line(
- s.clone(),
- s2.clone(),
- stroke.clone(),
- start_feature.clone(),
- start_feature2.clone(),
- ));
- }
- }
- // flip1 extend 2
- // line1 line2
- // e------s s2------e2
- // s------------------e2
- else if s == s2 {
- // ------- -------
- // ------- ------->
- // except for line 1 has arrow at the end
- if *start_feature == Nothing
- && *start_feature2 == Nothing
- && *end_feature != Arrow
- {
- return Some(Element::Line(
- e.clone(),
- e2.clone(),
- stroke.clone(),
- end_feature.clone(),
- end_feature2.clone(),
- ));
- }
- }
- // extend 2 with 1
- // line1 line2
- // e------s e2------s2
- // e---------------------s2
- //
- else if s == e2 {
- // ----- -----
- // ----- ----o
- // <---- -----
- // <---- ----o
- if *start_feature == Nothing && *end_feature2 == Nothing {
- return Some(Element::Line(
- s2.clone(),
- e.clone(),
- stroke.clone(),
- start_feature2.clone(),
- end_feature.clone(),
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- return None;
- }
- _ => None,
- }
- }
- Element::Text(ref loc, ref text) => {
- match *other {
- Element::Text(ref loc2, ref text2) => {
- // reduce if other is next to it
- let uwidth = text.width() as i32;
- if loc.y == loc2.y && loc.x + uwidth == loc2.x {
- let merged_text = text.clone() + text2;
- let reduced = Some(Element::Text(loc.clone(), merged_text));
- reduced
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- _ => None,
- }
- }
- _ => None,
- }
- }
- /// convert drawing element to SVG element
- pub fn to_svg(&self, settings: &Settings) -> SvgElement {
- match *self {
- Element::Circle(ref c, r) => {
- let svg_circle = SvgCircle::new()
- .set("class", "fg_stroke no_fill")
- .set("cx", c.x)
- .set("cy", c.y)
- .set("r", r);
- SvgElement::Circle(svg_circle)
- }
- Element::Line(ref s, ref e, ref stroke, ref start_feature, ref end_feature) => {
- let mut svg_line = SvgLine::new()
- .set("class", "fg_stroke")
- .set("x1", s.x)
- .set("y1", s.y)
- .set("x2", e.x)
- .set("y2", e.y);
- if let Some(marker) = start_feature.get_marker() {
- svg_line.assign("marker-start", marker);
- }
- if let Some(marker) = end_feature.get_marker() {
- svg_line.assign("marker-end", marker);
- }
- match *stroke {
- Solid => (),
- Dashed => {
- svg_line.assign("class", "fg_stroke dashed");
- }
- };
- SvgElement::Line(svg_line)
- }
- Element::Arc(
- ref s,
- ref e,
- radius,
- ref arc_flag,
- sweep,
- _,
- ref start_feature,
- ref end_feature,
- ) => {
- let sweept = if sweep { "1" } else { "0" };
- let arc_flag = match *arc_flag {
- Major => "1",
- Minor => "0",
- };
- let d = format!(
- "M {} {} A {} {} 0 {} {} {} {}",
- s.x, s.y, radius, radius, arc_flag, sweept, e.x, e.y
- );
- let mut svg_arc = SvgPath::new().set("class", "fg_stroke no_fill").set("d", d);
- if let Some(marker) = start_feature.get_marker() {
- svg_arc.assign("marker-start", marker);
- }
- if let Some(marker) = end_feature.get_marker() {
- svg_arc.assign("marker-end", marker);
- }
- SvgElement::Path(svg_arc)
- }
- Element::Text(ref loc, ref string) => {
- let sx = loc.x as f32 * settings.text_width + settings.text_width / 8.0;
- let sy = loc.y as f32 * settings.text_height + settings.text_height * 3.0 / 4.0;
- let mut svg_text = SvgText::new()
- .set("class", "fg_fill")
- .set("x", sx)
- .set("y", sy);
- let text_node = svg::node::Text::new(string.to_string());
- svg_text.append(text_node);
- SvgElement::Text(svg_text)
- }
- }
- }