diff options
authorJovansonlee Cesar <>2020-11-25 20:02:43 +0800
committerJovansonlee Cesar <>2020-11-25 20:02:43 +0800
commit7b3fb92e73d825480c1e211434aa9e714ddff729 (patch)
parent7df7aea9ec27e7b5467049f8dd28ddf0af9f2a03 (diff)
Add more examples
3 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svgbob/examples/ b/svgbob/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad4a3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svgbob/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+use std::{fs, io, time::Instant};
+extern crate svgbob;
+fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
+ let art = include_str!("../test_data/example.bob");
+ let t1 = Instant::now();
+ fs::create_dir_all("out")?;
+ fs::write("out/example.svg", svgbob::to_svg(art))?;
+ println!("took {}ms", t1.elapsed().as_millis());
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/svgbob/ b/svgbob/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8556916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svgbob/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+reset && RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --release --example example
diff --git a/svgbob/test_data/example.bob b/svgbob/test_data/example.bob
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e69484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svgbob/test_data/example.bob
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+Svgbob is a diagramming model
+which uses a set of typing characters
+to approximate the intended shape.
+ .---.
+ /-o-/--
+ .-/ / /->
+ ( * \/
+ '-. \
+ \ /
+ '
+It uses a combination of characters
+which are readily available on your keyboards.
+What can it do?
+ o-> Basic shapes
+ .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
+ ! . :
+ ! +------+ .------. .------. /\ .' `. :
+ ! | | | | ( ) / \ .' `. ^ :
+ ! +------+ '------' '------' '----' `. .' / # :
+ ! _______ ________ # `.' / ^ / :
+ ! / \ /\ \ \ o----> | ^ # / / :
+ ! / \ / \ ) ) <----# | | ^ : / v :
+ ! \ / \ / /_______/ v | ! : :
+ ! \_______/ \/ o. o ! V :
+ ! `.~~~~. :
+ ! '. O :
+ ! .-----------. . <. .> . '. ^ \ :
+ ! ( ) ( ) ( ) : \ \ :
+ ! '-----+ ,---' `> ' ` <' '.~~~~> \ v :
+ ! |/ * :
+ ! ' _ __ :
+ ! __ .-. .--. .--.--. .--. .' '. ,' '. :
+ ! (_) (__) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) :
+ ! '-' `--' `--'--' `--' `._.' `.__.' :
+ ! !
+ ! ___ ____ ____ _____ !
+ ! ,' `. ,' `. .' `. ,' `. !
+ ! / \ / \ / \ / \ !
+ ! \ / \ / ( ) ( ) !
+ ! `.___.' `.____.' \ / \ / !
+ ! `.____.' `._____.' !
+ ! ______ !
+ ! ,' `. !
+ ! / \ .-----. .----. !
+ ! | | \ / \ \ !
+ ! | | \ / \ \ !
+ ! \ / ' '----' !
+ ! `.______.' !
+ ! !
+ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
+ o-> Quick logo scribbles
+ .---. _
+ /-o-/-- .--. |-| .--.
+ .-/ / /-> /--. \ .--)-| .--.-. //.-.\
+ ( * \/ / O )| | |-| |->| | (+(-*-))
+ '-. \ /\ |-// . * | '--'-' \\'-'/
+ \ / \ '+'/ \__/ '--'
+ ' '--'
+ _____
+ .----. _ / __)\
+ | | ,--(_) | / \ \
+ __|____|__ _/ .-. \ ___| |__/ /
+ | ______--| (_)( ) ) / (_ _)_/
+ `-/.::::.\-' \ `-'_/ / / | |
+ '--------' `--(_) \ \__/ |
+ \(_____/
+ o-> Even unicode box drawing characters are supported
+ ┌─┬┐ ╔═╦╗ ╓─╥╖ ╒═╤╕
+ ├─┼┤ ╠═╬╣ ╟─╫╢ ╞═╪╡
+ └─┴┘ ╚═╩╝ ╙─╨╜ ╘═╧╛
+ ╭─┬╮
+ ├─┼┤
+ ╰─┴╯
+ o-> Grids
+ .----. .----.
+ / \ / \ .-----+-----+-----.
+ + +----+ +----. | | | | .-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ \ / \ / \ | | | | / / / / /
+ +----+ +----+ + +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ / \ / \ / | | | | / / / / /
+ + +----+ +----+ | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ \ / \ / \ +-----+-----+-----+ / / / / /
+ '----+ +----+ + | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ \ / \ / | | | | / / / / /
+ '----' '----' '-----+-----+-----' '-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ ___ ___ .---+---+---+---+---. .---+---+---+---. .---. .---.
+ ___/ \___/ \ | | | | | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / | +---+ |
+ / \___/ \___/ +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+ +---+
+ \___/ \___/ \ | | | | | | \ / \ / \ / \ / \ | +---+ |
+ / \___/ \___/ +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+ +---+
+ \___/ \___/ \ | | | | | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / | +---+ |
+ \___/ \___/ '---+---+---+---+---' '---+---+---+---' '---' '---'
+ o-> Graphics Diagram
+ .
+ 0 3 P * Eye / ^ /
+ *-------* +y \ +) \ / Reflection
+ 1 /| 2 /| ^ \ \ \ v
+ *-------* | | v0 \ v3 --------*--------
+ | |4 | |7 | ◄╮ *----\-----*
+ | *-----|-* ⤹ +-----> +x / v X \ .-.<-------- o
+ |/ |/ / ⤴ / o \ ( / ) Refraction / \
+ *-------* v / \ '-' / \
+ 5 6 +z v1 *------------------* v2 | o-----o
+ v
+ o-> CJK characters
+ .------------. | .-----------. | .-----.
+ | 文件系统 | | | 调度器 | | | MMU |
+ '------------' | '-----------' | '-----'
+ o-> Sequence Diagrams
+ .---> F
+ A B C D /
+ *-------*-----*---*----*-----> E
+ \ ^ \
+ v / '---> G
+ B --> C -'
+ ,-.
+ `-'
+ /|\
+ ,---. |
+ |Bob| / \
+ `-+-' Alice
+ | hello |
+ |-------------->|
+ | |
+ | Is it ok? |
+ |<- - - - - - - |
+ ,-+-. Alice
+ |Bob| ,-.
+ `---' `-'
+ /|\
+ |
+ / \
+ .─.
+ ( 0 )
+ `-'
+ / \
+ / \
+ V V
+ .─. .─.
+ ( 1 ) ( 4 )
+ `-' `-' .
+ / \ | \ `.
+ / \ | \ `.
+ V V | \ `.
+ .─. .─. V V V
+ ( 2 ) ( 3 ) .─. .─. .─.
+ `─' `─' ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 )
+ `─' `─' `─'
+ o-> Plot diagrams
+ ▲
+ Uin ┊ .------------------------
+ ┊ |
+ ┊ |
+ *---'┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄▶
+ Udc▲
+"Udc_OK"┊ .---------------------
+ ┊ / :
+ ┊ / :
+ *---'┄┄┄┄:┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄▶
+ :<----->:
+ ▲ 500ms :
+ ┊ :
+Cpu.Qon ┊┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄.-----------
+ ┊ | Inactive
+ ┊ Active |
+ *----------------'┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄▶
+ o-> Railroad diagrams
+ ┌------┐ .-. ┌---┐
+ o--╮---| elem |--( ; )-| n |--╭--o
+ | └------┘ `-' └---┘ |
+ | ╭------>------╮ |
+ | | ┌---┐ | |
+ ╰-╯-╭--| x |--╮-╰----------╯
+ | | └---┘ | |
+ | | .-. | |
+ | `--( , )--' ^
+ | `-' |
+ | ╭-------->---------╮ |
+ | | ┌---┐ .-. | |
+ ╰--╰-╭-| x |--( , )-╮-╯----╯
+ | └---┘ `-' |
+ `-------<------'
+ .------------>---------------.
+ ┌-------------┐ .-. .-. | ┌------┐ .-. ┌-----┐ | .-. ┌------┐
+ O____| struct_name |_( : )_( | )_◞__| name |_( : )__| tpe |___◟___( | )__| body |______O
+ ◝ └-------------┘ `-' `-' ◜ └------┘ `-' └-----┘ ◝ `-' └------┘ ◜
+ | | .-. | |
+ | `------------<------( , )--' |
+ | `-' |
+ `--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
+ o-> Statistical charts
+ E +-------------------------*--+ E | o
+ D |-------------------*--*--|--* D | o o | o
+ C |-------------*--* | | | | C | o o | | | |
+ B |-------*--* | | | | | | B | o o | | | | | |
+ A +-*--*--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ A +-o--o--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
+ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
+ 85.67 ┤ ╭╮
+ 78.20 ┤ ││ ╭╮
+ 70.73 ┤ ││ ╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╯╰─╮
+ 63.27 ┤ ╭╮ ╭─╮ ││ ╭╯╰╮│╰─╯╰╮╭╮│╰──╯ │╭
+ 55.80 ┤ ╭╮ ╭╮││╭╮ ╭╮╭╮ │ ╰─╯╰─╯ ││ ││││ ╰╯
+ 48.33 ┤ │╰╮ ╭──╮ │││││╰╮│╰╯│ │ ╰╯ ╰╯╰╯
+ 40.87 ┤╭╮ │ ╰╮╭╮ ╭╯ ╰─╮╭╮╭─╯╰╯╰╯ ╰╯ ╰──╯
+ 33.40 ┤││ │ ╰╯╰╮╭╯ ││╰╯
+ 25.93 ┤││╭╯ ╰╯ ╰╯
+ 18.47 ┼╯││
+ 11.00 ┤ ╰╯
+ └───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴───────────┴────
+ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
+ o-> Flow charts
+ .--. .---. .---. .---. .---. .---. .---.
+ | | OS API '---' '---' '---' '---' '---' '---'
+ v | | | | | | |
+ .-. .-. .-. | v v | v | v
+ .-->'-' '-' '-' | .------------. | .-----------. | .-----.
+ | \ | / | | Filesystem | | | Scheduler | | | MMU |
+ | v . v | '------------' | '-----------' | '-----'
+ |_______/ \_____| | | | |
+ \ / v | | v
+ | ____ .----. | | .---------.
+ '--> /___/ | IO |<----' | | Network |
+ '----' | '---------'
+ | | |
+ v v v
+ .---------------------------------------.
+ | HAL |
+ '---------------------------------------'
+ o-> Block diagrams
+ vncviewer .-,( ),-.
+ __ _ .-( )-. gateway vncserver
+ [__]|=| ---->( internet )-------> __________ ------> ____ __
+ /⠶⠶ /|_| '-( ).-' [_...__...°] | | |==|
+ '-.( ).-' |____| | |
+ /⠶⠶⠶ / |__|
+ Valveless --------.
+ Pulsejet engine /
+ V
+ _________.------------------+
+ .---------' / -------->
+ / .-------._________ \ thrust-->
+ ( ( _________ `-----------o------+ -------->
+ \ `----' '----' |
+ `------._ __^___.----. |
+ || | |
+ fuel __^ || | ^__spark |GND
+ intake || | plug |
+ || | |
+ || | |
+ ____|| `------------. |
+ / .---' | |
+ | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+
+ .---| |---. __ | | |-+-+-+-+-|
+ ___| +-+-+--|--o `---------*-----|--------------O-+-+-+-+-|
+ .-------> ___ ||||||| | power | *--------------O-+-+-+-+-|
+ \ | ||||||| | switch | | |-+-+-+-+-|
+ Water `-+-+-+-+-' +--o-----o--+ +-+-+-+-+-+
+ intake HHO | |
+ Generator | + - | Solar panel
+ +-----------+
+ Battery
+ =======
+ ===== symbolic antenna
+ ===
+ =
+ |
+ | micro henry
+ | coil w/tuning lug
+ | .----.
+ | (.-') |
+ | (.-') |
+ | (.-') | pico farad cap
+ | (.-' | ___ (trimmable)
+ | | | |___|
+ PC -> .----'-----'---'---'
+ Board `-------------------
+ ground plane (foil)
+ o-> Mindmaps
+ .--> Alpha
+ /
+ .----> Initial Release
+ Planning *-------. / \
+ \ / '---> Patch 1
+ Initial research \ / \
+ * \ / '--> Patch 2
+ \ \ /---------> Beta
+ \ \ /
+ \ o o _______
+ \ .---. *--.___ / \
+ '------> ( ) '------O-> . Release .
+ `---' o \_______/
+ o o o \
+ / \ \ \
+ .--' \ \ \
+ / \ \ '----+-> Push backs
+ / \ \ \
+ /| \ \ '----> Setbacks
+ / | \ \
+ V /| \ '-----> Reception
+ Team / | \
+ v /| \
+ Worklaod / . '-->> Career change
+ V /
+ PTO /
+ V
+ Bug
+ o-> It can do complex stuff such as circuit diagrams
+ +10-15V ___0,047R
+ *---------o-----o-|___|-o--o---------o----o-------.
+ + | | | | | | | |
+ -===- _|_ | | .+. | | |
+ -===- .-. | | | | 2k2 | | |
+ -===- 470| + | | | | | | _|_
+ - | uF| '--. | '+' .+. | \ / LED
+ +---------o |6 |7 |8 1k | | | -+-
+ ___|___ .-+----+--+--. | | | |
+ -═══- | | '+' | |
+ - | |1 | |/ BC |
+ GND | +------o--+ 547 |
+ | | | |`> |
+ | | ,+. | |
+ .-------+ | 220R| | o----||-+ IRF9Z34
+ | | | | | | |+->
+ | | MC34063 | `+' | ||-+
+ | | | | | | BYV29 -12V6
+ | | | '----' o--|<-o----o--X OUT
+ 6000 micro - | + | |2 | | |
+ Farad, 40V ___|_____ | |--o C| | |
+ Capacitor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | | GND 30uH C| | --- 470
+ | | |3 1nF C| | ### uF
+ | | |-------||--. | | | +
+ | '-----+----+-' | GND | GND
+ | 5| 4| | |
+ | | '-------------o-------------o
+ | | ___ |
+ `-------------*------/\/\/------------o--|___|-'
+ 2k | 1k0
+ .+.
+ | | 5k6 + 3k3
+ | | in Serie
+ '+'
+ |
+o-> Latest addition: Styling of tagged shapes
+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
+ ! :
+ ! +------+ .------. .------. .--------------------------. :
+ ! | {r1} | | {r2} | ( ) | | :
+ ! +------+ '------' '------' | | :
+ ! _______ ________ | | :
+ ! / \ /\ \ \ | | :
+ ! / \ / \ ) ) | | :
+ ! \ / \ / /_______/ | | :
+ ! \_______/ \/ | | :
+ ! | {bigrect} | :
+ ! | | :
+ ! `--------------------------' :
+ ! :
+ ! ___ ____ ____ ____ !
+ ! ,' `. ,' `. .' `. .' `. !
+ ! / 8 \ / 9 \ / \ / \ !
+ ! \ {a} / \ {b} / ( 10 ) ( 11 ) !
+ ! `.___.' `.____.' \ {red} / \ {a,b} / !
+ ! `.____.' `.____.' !
+ ! ______ !
+ ! ,' `. !
+ ! / \ .-----. .----. !
+ ! | 12 | \ / \ \ {container} !
+ ! | {c} | \ / \ \ !
+ ! \ / ' '----' !
+ ! `.______.' !
+ ! !
+ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
+ .-------------.
+ / Advantages: /
+ -* Plain text format
+ Ultimately portable, backward compatible and future proof.
+ -* Degrades gracefully
+ Even when not using a graphical renderer, it would still looks good
+ as text based diagrams. Paste the text in your source code.
+ -* Easiest to use. Anyone knows how to edit text.
+# Legend:
+r1 = {
+ fill: papayawhip;
+r2 = {
+ fill: crimson;
+a = {
+ stroke-dasharray: 8;
+ fill: lightblue;
+b = {
+ stroke: blue;
+bigrect = {
+ fill: yellow;
+ stroke: red;
+red = {
+ fill:red;
+ stroke:blue;