use std::fs::File; use std::io; use ansi_term::Color; use crate::common; // When these tests run in the CI, they use Azul's Zulu Java distribution. // The version format returned by this java package is irregular and not supported (yet). //#[test] //#[ignore] //fn folder_with_pom() -> io::Result<()> { // let dir = common::new_tempdir()?; // File::create(dir.path().join("pom.xml"))?; // // let output = common::render_module("java") // .arg("--path") // .arg(dir.path()) // .output()?; // let actual = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); // // let expected = format!("via {} ", Color::Red.dimmed().paint("☕ ")); // assert_eq!(expected, actual); // Ok(()) //}