use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use regex::Regex; use super::{Context, Module, RootModuleConfig}; use crate::configs::git_status::GitStatusConfig; use crate::context::Repo; use crate::formatter::StringFormatter; use crate::segment::Segment; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; const ALL_STATUS_FORMAT: &str = "$conflicted$stashed$deleted$renamed$modified$staged$untracked"; /// Creates a module with the Git branch in the current directory /// /// Will display the branch name if the current directory is a git repo /// By default, the following symbols will be used to represent the repo's status: /// - `=` – This branch has merge conflicts /// - `⇡` – This branch is ahead of the branch being tracked /// - `⇣` – This branch is behind of the branch being tracked /// - `⇕` – This branch has diverged from the branch being tracked /// - `?` — There are untracked files in the working directory /// - `$` — A stash exists for the local repository /// - `!` — There are file modifications in the working directory /// - `+` — A new file has been added to the staging area /// - `»` — A renamed file has been added to the staging area /// - `✘` — A file's deletion has been added to the staging area pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option> { let repo = context.get_repo().ok()?; let info = Arc::new(GitStatusInfo::load(context, repo)); let mut module = context.new_module("git_status"); let config: GitStatusConfig = GitStatusConfig::try_load(module.config); let parsed = StringFormatter::new(config.format).and_then(|formatter| { formatter .map_meta(|variable, _| match variable { "all_status" => Some(ALL_STATUS_FORMAT), _ => None, }) .map_style(|variable: &str| match variable { "style" => Some(Ok(, _ => None, }) .map_variables_to_segments(|variable: &str| { let info = Arc::clone(&info); let segments = match variable { "stashed" => info.get_stashed().and_then(|count| { format_count(config.stashed, "git_status.stashed", count) }), "ahead_behind" => info.get_ahead_behind().and_then(|(ahead, behind)| { if ahead > 0 && behind > 0 { format_text(config.diverged, "git_status.diverged", |variable| { match variable { "ahead_count" => Some(ahead.to_string()), "behind_count" => Some(behind.to_string()), _ => None, } }) } else if ahead > 0 && behind == 0 { format_count(config.ahead, "git_status.ahead", ahead) } else if behind > 0 && ahead == 0 { format_count(config.behind, "git_status.behind", behind) } else { None } }), "conflicted" => info.get_conflicted().and_then(|count| { format_count(config.conflicted, "git_status.conflicted", count) }), "deleted" => info.get_deleted().and_then(|count| { format_count(config.deleted, "git_status.deleted", count) }), "renamed" => info.get_renamed().and_then(|count| { format_count(config.renamed, "git_status.renamed", count) }), "modified" => info.get_modified().and_then(|count| { format_count(config.modified, "git_status.modified", count) }), "staged" => info .get_staged() .and_then(|count| format_count(config.staged, "git_status.staged", count)), "untracked" => info.get_untracked().and_then(|count| { format_count(config.untracked, "git_status.untracked", count) }), _ => None, }; }) .parse(None) }); module.set_segments(match parsed { Ok(segments) => { if segments.is_empty() { return None; } else { segments } } Err(error) => { log::warn!("Error in module `git_status`:\n{}", error); return None; } }); Some(module) } struct GitStatusInfo<'a> { context: &'a Context<'a>, repo: &'a Repo, repo_status: OnceCell>, stashed_count: OnceCell>, } impl<'a> GitStatusInfo<'a> { pub fn load(context: &'a Context, repo: &'a Repo) -> Self { Self { context, repo, repo_status: OnceCell::new(), stashed_count: OnceCell::new(), } } pub fn get_ahead_behind(&self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| (data.ahead, data.behind)) } pub fn get_repo_status(&self) -> &Option { self.repo_status.get_or_init(|| { let repo_root = self.repo.root.as_ref()?; match get_repo_status(self.context, repo_root) { Some(repo_status) => Some(repo_status), None => { log::debug!("get_repo_status: git status execution failed"); None } } }) } pub fn get_stashed(&self) -> &Option { self.stashed_count.get_or_init(|| { let repo_root = self.repo.root.as_ref()?; match get_stashed_count(self.context, repo_root) { Some(stashed_count) => Some(stashed_count), None => { log::debug!("get_stashed_count: git stash execution failed"); None } } }) } pub fn get_conflicted(&self) -> Option { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| data.conflicted) } pub fn get_deleted(&self) -> Option { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| data.deleted) } pub fn get_renamed(&self) -> Option { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| data.renamed) } pub fn get_modified(&self) -> Option { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| data.modified) } pub fn get_staged(&self) -> Option { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| data.staged) } pub fn get_untracked(&self) -> Option { self.get_repo_status().map(|data| data.untracked) } } /// Gets the number of files in various git states (staged, modified, deleted, etc...) fn get_repo_status(context: &Context, repo_root: &Path) -> Option { log::debug!("New repo status created"); let mut repo_status = RepoStatus::default(); let status_output = context.exec_cmd( "git", &[ "-C", &repo_root.to_string_lossy(), "--no-optional-locks", "status", "--porcelain=2", "--branch", ], )?; let statuses = status_output.stdout.lines(); statuses.for_each(|status| { if status.starts_with("# branch.ab ") { repo_status.set_ahead_behind(status); } else if !status.starts_with('#') { repo_status.add(status); } }); Some(repo_status) } fn get_stashed_count(context: &Context, repo_root: &Path) -> Option { let stash_output = context.exec_cmd( "git", &[ "-C", &repo_root.to_string_lossy(), "--no-optional-locks", "stash", "list", ], )?; Some(stash_output.stdout.trim().lines().count()) } #[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)] struct RepoStatus { ahead: usize, behind: usize, conflicted: usize, deleted: usize, renamed: usize, modified: usize, staged: usize, untracked: usize, } impl RepoStatus { fn is_conflicted(status: &str) -> bool { status.starts_with("u ") } fn is_deleted(status: &str) -> bool { // is_wt_deleted || is_index_deleted status.starts_with("1 .D") || status.starts_with("1 D") } fn is_renamed(status: &str) -> bool { // is_wt_renamed || is_index_renamed // Potentially a copy and not a rename status.starts_with("2 ") } fn is_modified(status: &str) -> bool { // is_wt_modified status.starts_with("1 .M") } fn is_staged(status: &str) -> bool { // is_index_modified || is_index_new status.starts_with("1 M") || status.starts_with("1 A") } fn is_untracked(status: &str) -> bool { // is_wt_new status.starts_with("? ") } fn add(&mut self, s: &str) { self.conflicted += RepoStatus::is_conflicted(s) as usize; self.deleted += RepoStatus::is_deleted(s) as usize; self.renamed += RepoStatus::is_renamed(s) as usize; self.modified += RepoStatus::is_modified(s) as usize; self.staged += RepoStatus::is_staged(s) as usize; self.untracked += RepoStatus::is_untracked(s) as usize; } fn set_ahead_behind(&mut self, s: &str) { let re = Regex::new(r"branch\.ab \+([0-9]+) \-([0-9]+)").unwrap(); if let Some(caps) = re.captures(s) { self.ahead = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::().unwrap(); self.behind = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str().parse::().unwrap(); } } } fn format_text(format_str: &str, config_path: &str, mapper: F) -> Option> where F: Fn(&str) -> Option + Send + Sync, { if let Ok(formatter) = StringFormatter::new(format_str) { formatter .map(|variable| mapper(variable).map(Ok)) .parse(None) .ok() } else { log::warn!("Error parsing format string `{}`", &config_path); None } } fn format_count(format_str: &str, config_path: &str, count: usize) -> Option> { if count == 0 { return None; } format_text(format_str, config_path, |variable| match variable { "count" => Some(count.to_string()), _ => None, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ansi_term::{ANSIStrings, Color}; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; use crate::test::{fixture_repo, FixtureProvider, ModuleRenderer}; /// Right after the calls to git the filesystem state may not have finished /// updating yet causing some of the tests to fail. These barriers are placed /// after each call to git. /// This barrier is windows-specific though other operating systems may need it /// in the future. #[cfg(not(windows))] fn barrier() {} #[cfg(windows)] fn barrier() { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); } #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)] fn format_output(symbols: &str) -> Option { Some(format!( "{} ", Color::Red.bold().paint(format!("[{}]", symbols)) )) } #[test] fn show_nothing_on_empty_dir() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_behind() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; behind(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("⇣"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_behind_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; behind(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] behind = "⇣$count" }) .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("⇣1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_ahead() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; File::create(repo_dir.path().join(""))?.sync_all()?; ahead(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("⇡"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_ahead_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; File::create(repo_dir.path().join(""))?.sync_all()?; ahead(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] ahead="⇡$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("⇡1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_diverged() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; diverge(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("⇕"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_diverged_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; diverge(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] diverged=r"⇕⇡$ahead_count⇣$behind_count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("⇕⇡1⇣1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_conflicted() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_conflict(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("="); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_conflicted_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_conflict(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] conflicted = "=$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("=1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_untracked_file() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_untracked(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("?"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_untracked_file_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_untracked(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] untracked = "?$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("?1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn doesnt_show_untracked_file_if_disabled() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_untracked(&repo_dir.path())?; Command::new("git") .args(&["config", "status.showUntrackedFiles", "no"]) .current_dir(repo_dir.path()) .output()?; barrier(); let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_stashed() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; barrier(); create_stash(&repo_dir.path())?; Command::new("git") .args(&["reset", "--hard", "HEAD"]) .current_dir(repo_dir.path()) .output()?; barrier(); let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("$"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_stashed_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; barrier(); create_stash(&repo_dir.path())?; barrier(); Command::new("git") .args(&["reset", "--hard", "HEAD"]) .current_dir(repo_dir.path()) .output()?; barrier(); let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] stashed = r"\$$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("$1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_modified() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_modified(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("!"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_modified_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_modified(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] modified = "!$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("!1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_staged_file() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_staged(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("+"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_staged_file_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_staged(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] staged = "+[$count](green)" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = Some(format!( "{} ", ANSIStrings(&[ Color::Red.bold().paint("[+"), Color::Green.paint("1"), Color::Red.bold().paint("]"), ]) )); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_renamed_file() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_renamed(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("»"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_renamed_file_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_renamed(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] renamed = "»$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("»1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_deleted_file() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_deleted(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("✘"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_deleted_file_with_count() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; create_deleted(&repo_dir.path())?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] deleted = "✘$count" }) .path(&repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = format_output("✘1"); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } // Whenever a file is manually renamed, git itself ('git status') does not treat such file as renamed, // but as untracked instead. The following test checks if manually deleted and manually renamed // files are tracked by git_status module in the same way 'git status' does. #[test] #[ignore] fn ignore_manually_renamed() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = fixture_repo(FixtureProvider::Git)?; File::create(repo_dir.path().join("a"))?.sync_all()?; File::create(repo_dir.path().join("b"))?.sync_all()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["add", "--all"]) .current_dir(&repo_dir.path()) .output()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["commit", "-m", "add new files", "--no-gpg-sign"]) .current_dir(&repo_dir.path()) .output()?; fs::remove_file(repo_dir.path().join("a"))?; fs::rename(repo_dir.path().join("b"), repo_dir.path().join("c"))?; barrier(); let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_status") .path(&repo_dir.path()) .config(toml::toml! { [git_status] ahead = "A" deleted = "D" untracked = "U" renamed = "R" }) .collect(); let expected = format_output("DUA"); assert_eq!(actual, expected); repo_dir.close() } fn ahead(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { File::create(repo_dir.join(""))?.sync_all()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["commit", "-am", "Update readme", "--no-gpg-sign"]) .current_dir(&repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn behind(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { Command::new("git") .args(&["reset", "--hard", "HEAD^"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn diverge(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { Command::new("git") .args(&["reset", "--hard", "HEAD^"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); fs::write(repo_dir.join("Cargo.toml"), " ")?; Command::new("git") .args(&["commit", "-am", "Update readme", "--no-gpg-sign"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn create_conflict(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { Command::new("git") .args(&["reset", "--hard", "HEAD^"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); fs::write(repo_dir.join(""), "# goodbye")?; Command::new("git") .args(&["add", "."]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Command::new("git") .args(&["commit", "-m", "Change readme", "--no-gpg-sign"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Command::new("git") .args(&["pull", "--rebase"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn create_stash(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { File::create(repo_dir.join(""))?.sync_all()?; barrier(); Command::new("git") .args(&["stash", "--all"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn create_untracked(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { File::create(repo_dir.join("license"))?.sync_all()?; Ok(()) } fn create_modified(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { File::create(repo_dir.join(""))?.sync_all()?; Ok(()) } fn create_staged(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { File::create(repo_dir.join("license"))?.sync_all()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["add", "."]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn create_renamed(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { Command::new("git") .args(&["mv", "", ""]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Command::new("git") .args(&["add", "-A"]) .current_dir(repo_dir) .output()?; barrier(); Ok(()) } fn create_deleted(repo_dir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { fs::remove_file(repo_dir.join(""))?; Ok(()) } }