use super::{Context, Module, RootModuleConfig}; use crate::configs::cmd_duration::CmdDurationConfig; use crate::formatter::StringFormatter; /// Outputs the time it took the last command to execute /// /// Will only print if last command took more than a certain amount of time to /// execute. Default is two seconds, but can be set by config option `min_time`. pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option> { let mut module = context.new_module("cmd_duration"); let config: CmdDurationConfig = CmdDurationConfig::try_load(module.config); if config.min_time < 0 { log::warn!( "min_time in [cmd_duration] ({}) was less than zero", config.min_time ); return None; } let elapsed = context.get_cmd_duration()?; let config_min = config.min_time as u128; if elapsed < config_min { return None; } let parsed = StringFormatter::new(config.format).and_then(|formatter| { formatter .map_style(|variable| match variable { "style" => Some(Ok(, _ => None, }) .map(|variable| match variable { "duration" => Some(Ok(render_time(elapsed, config.show_milliseconds))), _ => None, }) .parse(None) }); module.set_segments(match parsed { Ok(segments) => segments, Err(error) => { log::warn!("Error in module `cmd_duration`: \n{}", error); return None; } }); Some(undistract_me(module, &config, elapsed)) } // Render the time into a nice human-readable string fn render_time(raw_millis: u128, show_millis: bool) -> String { // Calculate a simple breakdown into days/hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds let (millis, raw_seconds) = (raw_millis % 1000, raw_millis / 1000); let (seconds, raw_minutes) = (raw_seconds % 60, raw_seconds / 60); let (minutes, raw_hours) = (raw_minutes % 60, raw_minutes / 60); let (hours, days) = (raw_hours % 24, raw_hours / 24); let components = [days, hours, minutes, seconds]; let suffixes = ["d", "h", "m", "s"]; let mut rendered_components: Vec = components .iter() .zip(&suffixes) .map(render_time_component) .collect(); if show_millis || raw_millis < 1000 { rendered_components.push(render_time_component((&millis, &"ms"))); } rendered_components.join("") } /// Render a single component of the time string, giving an empty string if component is zero fn render_time_component((component, suffix): (&u128, &&str)) -> String { match component { 0 => String::new(), n => format!("{}{}", n, suffix), } } #[cfg(not(feature = "notify-rust"))] fn undistract_me<'a, 'b>( module: Module<'a>, config: &'b CmdDurationConfig, _elapsed: u128, ) -> Module<'a> { if config.show_notifications { log::debug!("This version of starship was built without notification support."); } module } #[cfg(feature = "notify-rust")] fn undistract_me<'a, 'b>( module: Module<'a>, config: &'b CmdDurationConfig, elapsed: u128, ) -> Module<'a> { use ansi_term::{unstyle, ANSIStrings}; use notify_rust::{Notification, Timeout}; if config.show_notifications && config.min_time_to_notify as u128 <= elapsed { let body = format!( "Command execution {}", unstyle(&ANSIStrings(&module.ansi_strings())) ); let mut notification = Notification::new(); notification .summary("Command finished") .body(&body) .icon("utilities-terminal") .timeout(Timeout::Milliseconds(750)); if let Err(err) = { log::trace!("Cannot show notification: {}", err); } } module } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::test::ModuleRenderer; use ansi_term::Color; #[test] fn test_500ms() { assert_eq!(render_time(500_u128, true), "500ms") } #[test] fn test_10s() { assert_eq!(render_time(10_000_u128, true), "10s") } #[test] fn test_90s() { assert_eq!(render_time(90_000_u128, true), "1m30s") } #[test] fn test_10110s() { assert_eq!(render_time(10_110_000_u128, true), "2h48m30s") } #[test] fn test_1d() { assert_eq!(render_time(86_400_000_u128, true), "1d") } #[test] fn config_blank_duration_1s() { let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration") .cmd_duration(1000) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn config_blank_duration_5s() { let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration") .cmd_duration(5000) .collect(); let expected = Some(format!("took {} ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("5s"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn config_5s_duration_3s() { let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration") .config(toml::toml! { [cmd_duration] min_time = 5000 }) .cmd_duration(3000) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn config_5s_duration_10s() { let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration") .config(toml::toml! { [cmd_duration] min_time = 5000 }) .cmd_duration(10000) .collect(); let expected = Some(format!("took {} ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("10s"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn config_1s_duration_prefix_underwent() { let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration") .config(toml::toml! { [cmd_duration] format = "underwent [$duration]($style) " }) .cmd_duration(1000) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn config_5s_duration_prefix_underwent() { let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration") .config(toml::toml! { [cmd_duration] format = "underwent [$duration]($style) " }) .cmd_duration(5000) .collect(); let expected = Some(format!("underwent {} ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("5s"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } }