#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Environmental variables that need to be set. These are sane defaults # KEYCHAIN_ENTRY=AC_PASSWORD # Or whatever you picked for # RUNNER_TEMP=~/Library/Keychains/ # KEYCHAIN_FILENAME=login.keychain-db # # Environmental variables that can be set if needed. Else they will default to # values selected for the CI # # The identifier for the application signing key. Can be a name or a fingerprint # APPLICATION_KEY_IDENT=E03290CABE09E9E42341C8FC82608E91241FAD4A # The identifier for the installer signing key. Can be a name or a fingerprint # INSTALLATION_KEY_IDENT=E525359D0B5AE97B7B6F5BB465FEC872C117D681 usage() { echo "Builds, signs, and notarizes starship." echo "Read readme.md in the script directory to see the assumptions the script makes." echo "Usage: $0 [pkgname]" echo " Example: $0 target/release/starship docs/ x64" echo " Example: $0 target/debug/starship docs/ arm64 starship-1.2.1-arm64.pkg" echo "" echo "If no pkgname is provided, the package will be named starship--.pkg" } script_dir="$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)" source "$script_dir/common.sh" if [[ -z ${KEYCHAIN_ENTRY+x} ]]; then error "Environmental variable KEYCHAIN_ENTRY must be set." fi if [[ -z ${RUNNER_TEMP+x} ]]; then error "Environmental variable RUNNER_TEMP must be set." fi if [[ -z ${KEYCHAIN_FILENAME+x} ]]; then error "Environmental variable KEYCHAIN_FILENAME must be set." fi keychain_path="$RUNNER_TEMP/$KEYCHAIN_FILENAME" if [[ ! -f "$keychain_path" ]]; then error "Could not find keychain at $keychain_path" fi if [[ -z ${APPLICATION_KEY_IDENT+x} ]]; then APPLICATION_KEY_IDENT=E03290CABE09E9E42341C8FC82608E91241FAD4A echo "APPLICATION_KEY_IDENT not set. Using default value of $APPLICATION_KEY_IDENT" fi if [[ -z ${INSTALLATION_KEY_IDENT+x} ]]; then INSTALLATION_KEY_IDENT=E525359D0B5AE97B7B6F5BB465FEC872C117D681 echo "INSTALLATION_KEY_IDENT not set. Using default value of $INSTALLATION_KEY_IDENT" fi if [[ -z ${3+x} ]]; then usage exit 1 fi starship_binary="$1" starship_docs_dir="$2" arch="$3" pkgname="${4:-}" if [[ ! -d "$starship_docs_dir/.vitepress/dist" ]]; then error "Documentation does not appear to have been built!" fi echo ">>>> Signing binary" codesign --timestamp --keychain "$keychain_path" --sign "$APPLICATION_KEY_IDENT" --verbose -f -o runtime "$starship_binary" # Make ZIP file to notarize binary if [ "$starship_binary" != "starship" ]; then cp "$starship_binary" starship fi zip starship.zip starship echo ">>>> Submitting binary for notarization" xcrun notarytool submit starship.zip --keychain-profile "$KEYCHAIN_ENTRY" --wait # Don't think this is actually necessary, but not costly so why not rm starship unzip starship.zip # Create the component package echo ">>>> Building Component Package" bash "$script_dir/build_component_package.sh" "starship" "$starship_docs_dir/.vitepress/dist" # Create the distribution package echo ">>>> Building Distribution Package" resources_path="$script_dir/pkg_resources" bash "$script_dir/build_distribution_package.sh" "starship-component.pkg" "$resources_path" "$arch" # Codesign the package installer productsign --timestamp --sign "$INSTALLATION_KEY_IDENT" starship-unsigned.pkg starship.pkg # Notarize the package installer echo ">>>> Submitting .pkg for notarization" xcrun notarytool submit starship.pkg --keychain-profile "$KEYCHAIN_ENTRY" --wait # Staple things echo ">>>> Running final steps" xcrun stapler staple starship.pkg # Rename to expected name if [ "$pkgname" = "" ]; then version="$(starship_version "$starship_binary")" pkgname="starship-$version-$arch.pkg" fi echo ">>>> Placing final output at $pkgname" mv starship.pkg "$pkgname"