use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Write; use shadow_rs::SdResult; fn main() -> SdResult<()> { shadow_rs::new().map_err(|err| err.to_string())?; shadow_rs::new_hook(gen_presets_hook)?; #[cfg(windows)] { let mut res = winres::WindowsResource::new(); res.set_manifest_file("starship.exe.manifest") .set_icon("media/icon.ico"); res.compile()?; } Ok(()) } fn gen_presets_hook(mut file: &File) -> SdResult<()> { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=docs/.vuepress/public/presets/toml"); let paths = fs::read_dir("docs/.vuepress/public/presets/toml")?; let mut presets = String::new(); let mut match_arms = String::new(); for path in paths { let unwrapped = path?; let file_name = unwrapped.file_name(); let full_path = dunce::canonicalize(unwrapped.path())?; let full_path = full_path.to_str().expect("failed to convert to string"); let name = file_name .to_str() .and_then(|v| v.strip_suffix(".toml")) .expect("Failed to process filename"); presets.push_str(format!("print::Preset(\"{}\"),\n", name).as_str()); match_arms.push_str( format!( r#" "{name}" => {{ let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock(); let _ = stdout.write_all(include_bytes!(r"{full_path}")); }} "# ) .as_str(), ); } writeln!( file, r#" use std::io::{{self, Write}}; use crate::print; pub fn get_preset_list<'a>() -> &'a [print::Preset] {{ &[ {presets} ] }} pub fn print_preset_content(name: &str) {{ match name {{ {match_arms} _ => {{}} }} }} "# )?; Ok(()) }