trigger: branches: include: ["*"] tags: include: ["*"] stages: - stage: Checks jobs: # Check formatting - template: ci/rustfmt.yml parameters: name: rustfmt displayName: Check formatting # Run linter - template: ci/cargo-clippy.yml parameters: name: cargo_clippy displayName: Run linter # Cargo check - template: ci/cargo-check.yml parameters: name: cargo_check displayName: Cargo check - stage: Test dependsOn: Checks jobs: # Test stable - template: ci/test.yml parameters: name: cargo_test_stable displayName: Cargo test cross: true # Test on Windows and macOS # Test nightly - template: ci/test.yml parameters: name: cargo_test_nightly displayName: Cargo test rust_version: nightly # Test docker # Runs integration tests as a starship developer would run them locally - template: ci/test-docker.yml parameters: name: test_docker displayName: Docker test - stage: Release dependsOn: - Checks - Test condition: and(succeeded(), startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/v')) jobs: # Release binary on GitHub - template: ci/github-release.yml parameters: name: github_release rust_version: stable contents: | * !*.rlib !*.d !.* targets: - x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu # Windows support temporarily disabled # - x86_64-pc-windows-gnu # - x86_64-pc-windows-msvc - x86_64-apple-darwin github: gitHubConnection: StarshipRelease repositoryName: starship/starship isPreRelease: false # Publish package to - template: ci/cargo-publish.yml parameters: name: cargo_publish displayName: Publish to # Open a PR on Homebrew/homebrew-core with an update to the starship formula - template: ci/bump-brew-formula.yml parameters: name: bump_brew_formula displayName: Bump the Homebrew formula