AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-05feat(gleam): Add Gleam module (#5886)boreinhardt
2024-04-04build(deps): update rust crate notify-rust to 4.11.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-04build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.4renovate[bot]
2024-04-04docs(faq): fix typo (#5905)Sam
2024-04-03build(deps): update rust crate strsim to 0.11.1renovate[bot]
2024-04-02build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.3renovate[bot]
2024-04-02fix(bash): use `eval` instead of a procsub for the POSIX mode (#5020)Koichi Murase
2024-04-02build(deps): update pest crates to 2.7.9renovate[bot]
2024-04-02build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.1renovate[bot]
2024-04-01build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-01docs(preset): fix incorrect Rocky Linux key in plain text symbols preset (#5899)Andrei Lapshin
2024-03-30fix(bun): change default icon (#5880)Ramy
2024-03-30docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#5883)Matan Kushner
2024-03-29chore(master): release 1.18.2 (#5882)v1.18.2github-actions[bot]
2024-03-29chore(cargo-deny): migrate to advisories & licenses v2 config (#5877)David Knaack
2024-03-29build(deps): update rust crate yaml-rust2 to 0.8.0renovate[bot]
2024-03-29fix: replace unmaintained crates `yaml-rust`, `dirs-next` (#5887)David Knaack
2024-03-27build(deps): update rust crate chrono to 0.4.37renovate[bot]
2024-03-26build(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.115renovate[bot]
2024-03-26build(deps): update rust crate clap to 4.5.4renovate[bot]
2024-03-25revert: "build(deps): update rust crate gix to 0.61.1" (#5878)David Knaack
2024-03-24docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#5869)Matan Kushner
2024-03-24build(deps): update rust crate rayon to 1.10.0renovate[bot]
2024-03-24chore(master): release 1.18.1 (#5874)v1.18.1github-actions[bot]
2024-03-24docs: document version requirement (#5861)David Knaack
2024-03-24fix: replace all remaining paths referring to vuepress (#5859)David Knaack
2024-03-24fix(deps): update rust crate os_info to 3.8.2 (#5870)David Knaack
2024-03-23build(deps): update dependency vitepress to ^1.0.1renovate[bot]
2024-03-23build(deps): update rust crate which to 6.0.1renovate[bot]
2024-03-23docs(faq): Tweak some grammar in the FAQ (#5867)Brett Cannon
2024-03-23build(deps): update rust crate regex to 1.10.4renovate[bot]
2024-03-23build(deps): update rust crate indexmap to 2.2.6renovate[bot]
2024-03-22build(deps): update embarkstudios/cargo-deny-action action to v1.6.2renovate[bot]
2024-03-22build(deps): update rust crate gix to 0.61.1renovate[bot]
2024-03-22docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#5858)Matan Kushner
2024-03-21chore(master): release 1.18.0 (#5684)v1.18.0github-actions[bot]
2024-03-21docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#5818)Matan Kushner
2024-03-21docs(bun): Add nodejs override to bun config documentation (#5834)Alper Cugun
2024-03-21feat(os): add new os symbols (#5849)David Knaack
2024-03-21fix(nu): continuation prompt not being displayed correctly (#5851)Texas Toland
2024-03-21Update sponsorsMatan Kushner
2024-03-20fix(status): fix pipestatus width calculation (#5036)David Knaack
2024-03-20feat: $gemset variable for Ruby module (#5429)marcybell
2024-03-20feat(quarto): Add Quarto module (#5820)Virgile Andreani
2024-03-20build(deps): update rust crate toml_edit to 0.22.9renovate[bot]
2024-03-20feat(username): add detect_env_vars as option (#5833)Mick Hohmann
2024-03-20feat(release): add winget arm64 push & repo sync (#5033)David Knaack
2024-03-20chore: fix upcoming rust 1.77 clippy issues and chrono deprecations (#5850)David Knaack
2024-03-20build(deps): update toml crates (#5842)David Knaack
2024-03-18build(deps): update rust crate gix to 0.61.0renovate[bot]