AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-23Update deploy.ymladd-releasesMatan Kushner
2020-11-23Update musl check to contain all musl buildsMatan Kushner
2020-11-23build: add armv7l-musl and aarch64-darwin buildsMatan Kushner
2020-11-23perf(memory_usage): replace sysinfo with sys-info (#1886)David Knaack
2020-11-23feat(git_branch): add remote branch name if different than local branch (#1915)Sagittarius-a
2020-11-23fix: apply nightly clippy & fmt suggestions (#1922)David Knaack
2020-11-23feat(git_branch): add 'only_attached' config bool (#1910)Aaron Gable
2020-11-21Update config.jsMatan Kushner
2020-11-20fix(swift): parsing swift version (#1913)Masashi Aso
2020-11-17docs: update rust icon in preset configuration (#1900)Giorgio Gallo
2020-11-16build(deps): bump unicode-segmentation from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-15chore(release): v0.47.0v0.47.0Thomas O'Donnell
2020-11-14docs: Alphabetic sorting of config subsections (#1877)Giorgio Gallo
2020-11-14feat(terraform): Add hcl extension support to Terraform module (#1875)Adham
2020-11-13build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-12fix(pwsh): fix crash on error in shell with old pwsh (#1861)David Knaack
2020-11-12build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-11build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-11fix(windows): configure console to enable ANSI support (#1646)David Knaack
2020-11-11build(deps): bump native-tls from 0.2.5 to 0.2.6dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-08perf(init/pwsh): use get-random for session-key instead of invoking starship ...David Knaack
2020-11-07perf(init): use $RANDOM env-var instead of starship session to generate sessi...Gautham Warrier
2020-11-06build(deps): bump native-tls from 0.2.4 to 0.2.5dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-05fix(gcloud): respect overides of the active gcloud config (#1846)Jamie Kirkpatrick
2020-11-04docs(cmd_duration): Document cmd_duration notifications (#1831)juno suárez
2020-11-03docs(pwsh/init): various fixes for init doc (#1793)David Knaack
2020-11-02build(deps): bump battery from 0.7.7 to 0.7.8dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-02build(deps): bump regex from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-30fix(bug-report): verify exit code of open, always print url (#1839)David Knaack
2020-10-27feat(lua): Add a Lua module (#1815)Shu Kutsuzawa
2020-10-27fix(zsh): Ensure existing keymap change functions are not overriden (#1826)Gautham Warrier
2020-10-27feat(logger): don't create empty log files (#1836)David Knaack
2020-10-26build(deps): bump os_info from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-25feat(cmake): Add CMakeCache.txt detection to CMake module (#1795)Christoph Schlosser
2020-10-25fix(install): Better platform detection (#1827)Thomas O'Donnell
2020-10-24feat(openstack): Add module for OpenStack (#1664)Mauricio Teixeira
2020-10-24fix(pwsh): Switched pwsh profile to use dollar hook for a more accurate succe...marcos-quezada
2020-10-23feat(git_commit): add git tag to module (#950)Miguel Ángel Melón Pérez
2020-10-23fix(kubernetes): Parse stacked kubeconfigs (#1678)Thomas O'Donnell
2020-10-22build(deps): bump dirs-next from 1.0.2 to 2.0.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-22build(deps): bump rayon from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-21ci: Run against nightly version of rust (#1814)Thomas O'Donnell
2020-10-20build(deps): bump battery from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-19fix(pwsh): preserve original console encondings (#1810)David Knaack
2020-10-19build(deps-dev): bump @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics in /docs (#1808)dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-19build(deps-dev): bump vuepress from 1.6.0 to 1.7.1 in /docs (#1809)dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-19build(deps-dev): bump vuepress-theme-default-prefers-color-scheme (#1807)dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-19build(deps): bump quick-xml from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-17chore(context): Use monotonic clock for timeout (#1802)Thomas O'Donnell
2020-10-17chore: fix the double compiling of lib and bin (#1616)jRimbault