path: root/src/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/ b/src/modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bab47c71..000000000
--- a/src/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-use ansi_term::Color;
-use path_slash::PathExt;
-use std::path::Path;
-use super::{Context, Module};
-/// Creates a module with the current directory
-/// Will perform path contraction and truncation.
-/// **Contraction**
-/// - Paths beginning with the home directory or with a git repo right
-/// inside the home directory will be contracted to `~`
-/// - Paths containing a git repo will contract to begin at the repo root
-/// **Truncation**
-/// Paths will be limited in length to `3` path components by default.
-pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option<Module<'a>> {
- const HOME_SYMBOL: &str = "~";
- const DIR_TRUNCATION_LENGTH: i64 = 3;
- const FISH_STYLE_PWD_DIR_LENGTH: i64 = 0;
- let mut module = context.new_module("directory");
- let module_color = module
- .config_value_style("style")
- .unwrap_or_else(|| Color::Cyan.bold());
- module.set_style(module_color);
- let truncation_length = module
- .config_value_i64("truncation_length")
- let truncate_to_repo = module.config_value_bool("truncate_to_repo").unwrap_or(true);
- let fish_style_pwd_dir_length = module
- .config_value_i64("fish_style_pwd_dir_length")
- // Using environment PWD is the standard approach for determining logical path
- let use_logical_path = module.config_value_bool("use_logical_path").unwrap_or(true);
- // If this is None for any reason, we fall back to reading the os-provided path
- let logical_current_dir = if use_logical_path {
- match std::env::var("PWD") {
- Ok(x) => Some(x),
- Err(_) => {
- log::debug!("Asked for logical path, but PWD was invalid.");
- None
- }
- }
- } else {
- None
- };
- let current_dir = logical_current_dir
- .as_ref()
- .map(|d| Path::new(d))
- .unwrap_or_else(|| context.current_dir.as_ref());
- let home_dir = dirs::home_dir().unwrap();
- log::debug!("Current directory: {:?}", current_dir);
- let repo = &context.get_repo().ok()?;
- let dir_string = match &repo.root {
- Some(repo_root) if truncate_to_repo && (repo_root != &home_dir) => {
- let repo_folder_name = repo_root.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
- // Contract the path to the git repo root
- contract_path(current_dir, repo_root, repo_folder_name)
- }
- // Contract the path to the home directory
- _ => contract_path(current_dir, &home_dir, HOME_SYMBOL),
- };
- // Truncate the dir string to the maximum number of path components
- let truncated_dir_string = truncate(dir_string, truncation_length as usize);
- if fish_style_pwd_dir_length > 0 {
- // If user is using fish style path, we need to add the segment first
- let contracted_home_dir = contract_path(&current_dir, &home_dir, HOME_SYMBOL);
- let fish_style_dir = to_fish_style(
- fish_style_pwd_dir_length as usize,
- contracted_home_dir,
- &truncated_dir_string,
- );
- module.new_segment("path", &fish_style_dir);
- }
- module.new_segment("path", &truncated_dir_string);
- module.get_prefix().set_value("in ");
- Some(module)
-/// Contract the root component of a path
-/// Replaces the `top_level_path` in a given `full_path` with the provided
-/// `top_level_replacement`.
-fn contract_path(full_path: &Path, top_level_path: &Path, top_level_replacement: &str) -> String {
- if !full_path.starts_with(top_level_path) {
- return replace_c_dir(full_path.to_slash().unwrap());
- }
- if full_path == top_level_path {
- return replace_c_dir(top_level_replacement.to_string());
- }
- format!(
- "{replacement}{separator}{path}",
- replacement = top_level_replacement,
- separator = "/",
- path = replace_c_dir(
- full_path
- .strip_prefix(top_level_path)
- .unwrap()
- .to_slash()
- .unwrap()
- )
- )
-/// Replaces "C://" with "/c/" within a Windows path
-/// On non-Windows OS, does nothing
-#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
-fn replace_c_dir(path: String) -> String {
- return path.replace("C:/", "/c");
-/// Replaces "C://" with "/c/" within a Windows path
-/// On non-Windows OS, does nothing
-#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
-const fn replace_c_dir(path: String) -> String {
- path
-/// Truncate a path to only have a set number of path components
-/// Will truncate a path to only show the last `length` components in a path.
-/// If a length of `0` is provided, the path will not be truncated.
-fn truncate(dir_string: String, length: usize) -> String {
- if length == 0 {
- return dir_string;
- }
- let components = dir_string.split('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
- if components.len() <= length {
- return dir_string;
- }
- let truncated_components = &components[components.len() - length..];
- truncated_components.join("/")
-/// Takes part before contracted path and replaces it with fish style path
-/// Will take the first letter of each directory before the contracted path and
-/// use that in the path instead. See the following example.
-/// Absolute Path: `/Users/Bob/Projects/work/a_repo`
-/// Contracted Path: `a_repo`
-/// With Fish Style: `~/P/w/a_repo`
-/// Absolute Path: `/some/Path/not/in_a/repo/but_nested`
-/// Contracted Path: `in_a/repo/but_nested`
-/// With Fish Style: `/s/P/n/in_a/repo/but_nested`
-fn to_fish_style(pwd_dir_length: usize, dir_string: String, truncated_dir_string: &str) -> String {
- let replaced_dir_string = dir_string.trim_end_matches(truncated_dir_string).to_owned();
- let components = replaced_dir_string.split('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
- if components.is_empty() {
- return replaced_dir_string;
- }
- components
- .into_iter()
- .map(|word| match word {
- "" => "",
- _ if word.len() <= pwd_dir_length => word,
- _ if word.starts_with('.') => &word[..=pwd_dir_length],
- _ => &word[..pwd_dir_length],
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()
- .join("/")
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn contract_home_directory() {
- let full_path = Path::new("/Users/astronaut/schematics/rocket");
- let home = Path::new("/Users/astronaut");
- let output = contract_path(full_path, home, "~");
- assert_eq!(output, "~/schematics/rocket");
- }
- #[test]
- fn contract_repo_directory() {
- let full_path = Path::new("/Users/astronaut/dev/rocket-controls/src");
- let repo_root = Path::new("/Users/astronaut/dev/rocket-controls");
- let output = contract_path(full_path, repo_root, "rocket-controls");
- assert_eq!(output, "rocket-controls/src");
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
- fn contract_windows_style_home_directory() {
- let full_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut\\schematics\\rocket");
- let home = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut");
- let output = contract_path(full_path, home, "~");
- assert_eq!(output, "~/schematics/rocket");
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
- fn contract_windows_style_repo_directory() {
- let full_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut\\dev\\rocket-controls\\src");
- let repo_root = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut\\dev\\rocket-controls");
- let output = contract_path(full_path, repo_root, "rocket-controls");
- assert_eq!(output, "rocket-controls/src");
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
- fn contract_windows_style_no_top_level_directory() {
- let full_path = Path::new("C:\\Some\\Other\\Path");
- let top_level_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut");
- let output = contract_path(full_path, top_level_path, "~");
- assert_eq!(output, "/c/Some/Other/Path");
- }
- #[test]
- #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
- fn contract_windows_style_root_directory() {
- let full_path = Path::new("C:\\");
- let top_level_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut");
- let output = contract_path(full_path, top_level_path, "~");
- assert_eq!(output, "/c");
- }
- #[test]
- fn truncate_smaller_path_than_provided_length() {
- let path = "~/starship";
- let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
- assert_eq!(output, "~/starship")
- }
- #[test]
- fn truncate_same_path_as_provided_length() {
- let path = "~/starship/engines";
- let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
- assert_eq!(output, "~/starship/engines")
- }
- #[test]
- fn truncate_slightly_larger_path_than_provided_length() {
- let path = "~/starship/engines/booster";
- let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
- assert_eq!(output, "starship/engines/booster")
- }
- #[test]
- fn truncate_larger_path_than_provided_length() {
- let path = "~/starship/engines/booster/rocket";
- let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
- assert_eq!(output, "engines/booster/rocket")
- }
- #[test]
- fn fish_style_with_user_home_contracted_path() {
- let path = "~/starship/engines/booster/rocket";
- let output = to_fish_style(1, path.to_string(), "engines/booster/rocket");
- assert_eq!(output, "~/s/");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fish_style_with_user_home_contracted_path_and_dot_dir() {
- let path = "~/.starship/engines/booster/rocket";
- let output = to_fish_style(1, path.to_string(), "engines/booster/rocket");
- assert_eq!(output, "~/.s/");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fish_style_with_no_contracted_path() {
- // `truncatation_length = 2`
- let path = "/absolute/Path/not/in_a/repo/but_nested";
- let output = to_fish_style(1, path.to_string(), "repo/but_nested");
- assert_eq!(output, "/a/P/n/i/");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fish_style_with_pwd_dir_len_no_contracted_path() {
- // `truncatation_length = 2`
- let path = "/absolute/Path/not/in_a/repo/but_nested";
- let output = to_fish_style(2, path.to_string(), "repo/but_nested");
- assert_eq!(output, "/ab/Pa/no/in/");
- }
- #[test]
- fn fish_style_with_duplicate_directories() {
- let path = "~/starship/tmp/C++/C++/C++";
- let output = to_fish_style(1, path.to_string(), "C++");
- assert_eq!(output, "~/s/t/C/C/");
- }