path: root/docs/zh-CN/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/zh-CN/config/')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/docs/zh-CN/config/ b/docs/zh-CN/config/
index 546123b23..a66118ab0 100644
--- a/docs/zh-CN/config/
+++ b/docs/zh-CN/config/
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)" # The "success_symbol" segment is being
disabled = true
-你可以设置环境变量 `STARSHIP_CONFIG` 来修改 starship 查找配置文件 `starship.toml` 时查找的位置:
+You can change default configuration file location with `STARSHIP_CONFIG` environment variable:
-export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/.starship
+export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/.starship/config.toml
在 PowerShell (Windows) 中,在 `$PROFILE` 中添加下面的代码行能达到同样的效果:
+$ENV:STARSHIP_CONFIG = "$HOME\.starship\config.toml"
### 日志
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ $jobs\
@@ -423,19 +424,22 @@ vicmd_symbol = "[V](bold green) "
## CMake
-The `cmake` module shows the currently installed version of CMake if any of the following conditions are met:
+The `cmake` module shows the currently installed version of CMake. By default the module will be activated if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a `CMakeLists.txt` file
- The current directory contains a `CMakeCache.txt` file
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"喝 "` | The symbol used before the version of cmake. |
-| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cmake` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"喝 "` | The symbol used before the version of cmake. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this moudle |
+| `detect_files` | `["CMakeLists.txt", "CMakeCache.txt"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module |
+| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cmake` module. |
### Variables
@@ -538,19 +542,22 @@ format = "[$symbol$environment](dimmed green) "
## Crystal
-The `crystal` module shows the currently installed version of Crystal. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `crystal` module shows the currently installed version of Crystal. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含一个 `shard.yml` 文件
- The current directory contains a `.cr` file
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `symbol` | `"🔮 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of crystal. |
-| `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `crystal` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `symbol` | `"🔮 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of crystal. |
+| `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["cr"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["shard.yml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `crystal` module. |
### Variables
@@ -573,20 +580,23 @@ format = "via [✨ $version](bold blue) "
## Dart
-The `dart` module shows the currently installed version of Dart. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `dart` module shows the currently installed version of Dart. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a file with `.dart` extension
- The current directory contains a `.dart_tool` directory
-- The current directory contains a `pubspec.yaml` or `pubspec.lock` file
+- The current directory contains a `pubspec.yaml`, `pubspec.yml` or `pubspec.lock` file
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"🎯 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Dart |
-| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `dart` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"🎯 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Dart |
+| `detect_extensions` | `['dart']` | Which extensions should trigger this moudle. |
+| `detect_files` | `["pubspec.yaml", "pubspec.yml", "pubspec.lock"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[".dart_tool"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `dart` module. |
### Variables
@@ -632,11 +642,11 @@ format = "via [🔰 $version](bold red) "
-| Advanced Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| --------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| `substitutions` | | A table of substitutions to be made to the path. |
-| `fish_style_pwd_dir_length` | `0` | 使用 fish shell 当前目录路径逻辑时每个省略目录名使用的字符数。 |
-| `use_logical_path` | `true` | 显示由 shell 提供的逻辑路径(`PWD`)而不是 OS 提供的路径。 |
+| Advanced Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| --------------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `substitutions` | | A table of substitutions to be made to the path. |
+| `fish_style_pwd_dir_length` | `0` | 使用 fish shell 当前目录路径逻辑时每个省略目录名使用的字符数。 |
+| `use_logical_path` | `true` | If `true` render the logical path sourced from the shell via `PWD` or `--logical-path`. If `false` instead render the physical filesystem path with symlinks resolved. |
`substitutions` allows you to define arbitrary replacements for literal strings that occur in the path, for example long network prefixes or development directories (i.e. Java). Note that this will disable the fish style PWD.
@@ -675,13 +685,16 @@ The `docker_context` module shows the currently active [Docker context](https://
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ----------------- | ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol$context]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"🐳 "` | The symbol used before displaying the Docker context. |
-| `style` | `"blue bold"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `only_with_files` | `true` | Only show when there's a `docker-compose.yml`, `docker-compose.yaml`, or `Dockerfile` in the current directory. |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `docker_context` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol$context]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"🐳 "` | The symbol used before displaying the Docker context. |
+| `only_with_files` | `true` | Only show when there's a match |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module (needs `only_with_files` to be true). |
+| `detect_files` | `["docker-compose.yml", "docker-compose.yaml", "Dockerfile"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module (needs `only_with_files` to be true). |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module (needs `only_with_files` to be true). |
+| `style` | `"blue bold"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `docker_context` module. |
### Variables
@@ -706,7 +719,7 @@ format = "via [🐋 $context](blue bold)"
`dotnet` 模块显示与当前目录下使用的 .NET Core SDK 相关联的版本。 如果当前目录已被绑定了一个版本的 SDK,则显示被帮定的版本。 否则此组件将显示最新安装的 SDK 版本。
-This module will only be shown in your prompt when one or more of the following files are present in the current directory:
+By default this module will only be shown in your prompt when one or more of the following files are present in the current directory:
- `global.json`
- `project.json`
@@ -726,13 +739,16 @@ The module will also show the Target Framework Moniker (<
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ----------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| `format` | `"[$symbol($version )(🎯 $tfm )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"•NET "` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 .NET 版本之前。 |
-| `heuristic` | `true` | 使用更快的版本探测机制以保证 starship 的运行速度。 |
-| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `dotnet` 组件。 |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"[$symbol($version )(🎯 $tfm )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"•NET "` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 .NET 版本之前。 |
+| `heuristic` | `true` | 使用更快的版本探测机制以保证 starship 的运行速度。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["sln", "csproj", "fsproj", "xproj"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["global.json", "project.json", "Directory.Build.props", "Directory.Build.targets", "Packages.props"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `dotnet` module. |
### Variables
@@ -758,18 +774,21 @@ heuristic = false
## Elixir
-The `elixir` module shows the currently installed version of Elixir and Erlang/OTP. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `elixir` module shows the currently installed version of Elixir and Erlang/OTP. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含一个 `mix.exs` 文件.
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `symbol` | `"💧 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Elixir/Erlang. |
-| `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `format` | `'via [$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\) )]($style)'` | The format for the module elixir. |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elixir` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `symbol` | `"💧 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Elixir/Erlang. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["mix.exs"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `format` | `'via [$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\) )]($style)'` | The format for the module elixir. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elixir` module. |
### Variables
@@ -793,7 +812,7 @@ symbol = "🔮 "
## Elm
-The `elm` module shows the currently installed version of Elm. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `elm` module shows the currently installed version of Elm. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含一个 `elm.json` 文件
- 当前目录包含 `elm-package.json` 文件
@@ -803,12 +822,15 @@ The `elm` module shows the currently installed version of Elm. 此组件将在
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"🌳 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Elm. |
-| `style` | `"cyan bold"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elm` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"🌳 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Elm. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["elm"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["elm.json", "elm-package.json", ".elm-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `["elm-stuff"]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `style` | `"cyan bold"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elm` module. |
### Variables
@@ -868,19 +890,22 @@ default = "unknown shell"
## Erlang
-The `erlang` module shows the currently installed version of Erlang/OTP. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `erlang` module shows the currently installed version of Erlang/OTP. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含一个 `rebar.config` 文件.
- 当前目录包含一个 `` 文件.
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `symbol` | `" "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of erlang. |
-| `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `erlang` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `symbol` | `" "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of erlang. |
+| `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["rebar.config", ""]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `erlang` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1161,7 +1186,7 @@ behind = "⇣${count}"
## Golang
-`golang` 组件显示当前安装的 Golang 版本。 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+`golang` 组件显示当前安装的 Golang 版本。 By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含 `go.mod` 文件
- 当前目录包含 `go.sum` 文件
@@ -1174,12 +1199,15 @@ behind = "⇣${count}"
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"🐹 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Go. |
-| `style` | `"bold cyan"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `golang` 组件。 |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"🐹 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Go. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["go"]` | Which extensions should trigger this moudle. |
+| `detect_files` | `["go.mod", "go.sum", "glide.yaml", "Gopkg.yml", "Gopkg.lock", ".go-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `["Godeps"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `style` | `"bold cyan"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `golang` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1202,19 +1230,22 @@ format = "via [🏎💨 $version](bold cyan) "
## Helm
-The `helm` module shows the currently installed version of Helm. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `helm` module shows the currently installed version of Helm. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含一个 `helmfile.yaml` 文件
- The current directory contains a `Chart.yaml` file
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"⎈ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Helm. |
-| `style` | `"bold white"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `helm` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["helmfile.yaml", "Chart.yaml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `symbol` | `"⎈ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Helm. |
+| `style` | `"bold white"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `helm` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1272,19 +1303,22 @@ disabled = false
## Java
-`java` 组件显示当前安装的 Java 版本。 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+`java` 组件显示当前安装的 Java 版本。 By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a `pom.xml`, `build.gradle.kts`, `build.sbt`, `.java-version`, `.deps.edn`, `project.clj`, or `build.boot` file
- The current directory contains a file with the `.java`, `.class`, `.gradle`, `.jar`, `.clj`, or `.cljc` extension
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"☕ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Java |
-| `style` | `"red dimmed"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `java` 组件。 |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["java", "class", "gradle", "jar", "cljs", "cljc"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["pom.xml", "build.gradle.kts", "build.sbt", ".java-version", ".deps.edn", "project.clj", "build.boot"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `symbol` | `"☕ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Java |
+| `style` | `"red dimmed"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `java` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1341,7 +1375,7 @@ threshold = 4
## Julia
-The `julia` module shows the currently installed version of Julia. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `julia` module shows the currently installed version of Julia. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a `Project.toml` file
- The current directory contains a `Manifest.toml` file
@@ -1349,12 +1383,15 @@ The `julia` module shows the currently installed version of Julia. 此组件将
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"ஃ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Julia. |
-| `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `julia` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["jl"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `["Project.toml", "Manifest.toml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `symbol` | `"ஃ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Julia. |
+| `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `julia` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1377,19 +1414,22 @@ symbol = "∴ "
## Kotlin
-The `kotlin` module shows the currently installed version of Kotlin. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `kotlin` module shows the currently installed version of Kotlin. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a `.kt` or a `.kts` file
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| --------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"🅺 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Kotlin. |
-| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `kotlin_binary` | `"kotlin"` | Configures the kotlin binary that Starship executes when getting the version. |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `kotlin` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["kt", "kts"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `symbol` | `"🅺 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Kotlin. |
+| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `kotlin_binary` | `"kotlin"` | Configures the kotlin binary that Starship executes when getting the version. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `kotlin` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1482,7 +1522,7 @@ disabled = true
## Lua
-The `lua` module shows the currently installed version of Lua. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `lua` module shows the currently installed version of Lua. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a `.lua-version` file
- The current directory contains a `lua` directory
@@ -1490,13 +1530,16 @@ The `lua` module shows the currently installed version of Lua. 此组件将在
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ------------ | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
-| `symbol` | `"🌙 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Lua. |
-| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `lua_binary` | `"lua"` | Configures the lua binary that Starship executes when getting the version. |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `lua` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
+| `symbol` | `"🌙 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Lua. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["lua"]` | Which extensions should trigger this moudle. |
+| `detect_files` | `[".lua-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `["lua"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `lua_binary` | `"lua"` | Configures the lua binary that Starship executes when getting the version. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `lua` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1602,7 +1645,7 @@ truncation_symbol = ""
## Nim
-The `nim` module shows the currently installed version of Nim. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `nim` module shows the currently installed version of Nim. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含一个 `nim.cfg` 文件
- The current directory contains a file with the `.nim` extension
@@ -1611,12 +1654,15 @@ The `nim` module shows the currently installed version of Nim. 此组件将在
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | The format for the module |
-| `symbol` | `"👑 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Nim. |
-| `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `nim` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | The format for the module |
+| `symbol` | `"👑 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Nim. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["nim", "nims", "nimble"]` | Which extensions should trigger this moudle. |
+| `detect_files` | `["nim.cfg"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `nim` module. |
### Variables
@@ -1678,7 +1724,7 @@ format = 'via [☃️ $state( \($name\))](bold blue) '
## NodeJS
-`nodejs` 组件显示当前安装的 NodeJS 版本。 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+`nodejs` 组件显示当前安装的 NodeJS 版本。 By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- 当前目录包含 `package.json` 文件
- The current directory contains a `.node-version` file
@@ -1692,8 +1738,11 @@ format = 'via [☃️ $state( \($name\))](bold blue) '
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 |
| `symbol` | `"⬢ "` | A format string representing the symbol of NodeJS. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `["js", "mjs", "cjs", "ts"]` | Which extensions should trigger this moudle. |
+| `detect_files` | `["package.json", ".node-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `["node_modules"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
| `style` | `"bold green"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `nodejs` 组件。 |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `nodejs` module. |
| `not_capable_style` | `bold red` | The style for the module when an engines property in Packages.json does not match the NodeJS version. |
###  Variables
@@ -1717,7 +1766,7 @@ format = "via [🤖 $version](bold green) "
## OCaml
-The `ocaml` module shows the currently installed version of OCaml. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:
+The `ocaml` module shows the currently installed version of OCaml. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
- The current directory contains a file with `.opam` extension or `_opam` directory
- The current directory contains a `esy.lock` directory
@@ -1728,12 +1777,15 @@ The `ocaml` module shows the currently installed version of OCaml. 此组件将
### 配置项
-| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | The format string for the module. |
-| `symbol` | `"🐫 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of OCaml. |
-| `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 |
-| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `ocaml` module. |
+| Option | 默认值 | 描述 |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | The format string for the module. |
+| `symbol` | `"🐫 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of OCaml