import sys import os import re import socket import zlib import imp import subprocess as ssubprocess import shlex from shlex import quote import ipaddress from urllib.parse import urlparse import sshuttle.helpers as helpers from sshuttle.helpers import debug2 def readfile(name): tokens = name.split(".") f = None token = tokens[0] token_name = [token] token_str = ".".join(token_name) try: f, pathname, description = imp.find_module(token_str) for token in tokens[1:]: module = imp.load_module(token_str, f, pathname, description) if f is not None: f.close() token_name.append(token) token_str = ".".join(token_name) f, pathname, description = imp.find_module( token, module.__path__) if f is not None: contents = else: contents = "" finally: if f is not None: f.close() return contents.encode("UTF8") def empackage(z, name, data=None): if not data: data = readfile(name) content = z.compress(data) content += z.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) return b'%s\n%d\n%s' % (name.encode("ASCII"), len(content), content) def parse_hostport(rhostport): """ parses the given rhostport variable, looking like this: [username[:password]@]host[:port] if only host is given, can be a hostname, IPv4/v6 address or a ssh alias from ~/.ssh/config and returns a tuple (username, password, port, host) """ # default port for SSH is TCP port 22 port = 22 username = None password = None host = rhostport if "@" in host: # split username (and possible password) from the host[:port] username, host = host.rsplit("@", 1) # Fix #410 bad username error detect if ":" in username: # this will even allow for the username to be empty username, password = username.split(":") if ":" in host: # IPv6 address and/or got a port specified # If it is an IPv6 adress with port specification, # then it will look like: [::1]:22 try: # try to parse host as an IP adress, # if that works it is an IPv6 address host = ipaddress.ip_address(host) except ValueError: # if that fails parse as URL to get the port parsed = urlparse('//{}'.format(host)) try: host = ipaddress.ip_address(parsed.hostname) except ValueError: # else if both fails, we have a hostname with port host = parsed.hostname port = parsed.port if password is None or len(password) == 0: password = None return username, password, port, host def connect(ssh_cmd, rhostport, python, stderr, options): username, password, port, host = parse_hostport(rhostport) if username: rhost = "{}@{}".format(username, host) else: rhost = host z = zlib.compressobj(1) content = readfile('sshuttle.assembler') optdata = ''.join("%s=%r\n" % (k, v) for (k, v) in list(options.items())) optdata = optdata.encode("UTF8") content2 = (empackage(z, 'sshuttle') + empackage(z, 'sshuttle.cmdline_options', optdata) + empackage(z, 'sshuttle.helpers') + empackage(z, 'sshuttle.ssnet') + empackage(z, 'sshuttle.hostwatch') + empackage(z, 'sshuttle.server') + b"\n") pyscript = r""" import sys, os; verbosity=%d; sys.stdin = os.fdopen(0, "rb"); exec(compile(, "", "exec")) """ % (helpers.verbose or 0, len(content)) pyscript = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', pyscript.strip()) if not rhost: # ignore the --python argument when running locally; we already know # which python version works. argv = [sys.executable, '-c', pyscript] else: if ssh_cmd: sshl = shlex.split(ssh_cmd) else: sshl = ['ssh'] if python: pycmd = "'%s' -c '%s'" % (python, pyscript) else: pycmd = ("P=python3; $P -V 2>%s || P=python; " "exec \"$P\" -c %s") % (os.devnull, quote(pyscript)) pycmd = ("/bin/sh -c {}".format(quote(pycmd))) if password is not None: os.environ['SSHPASS'] = str(password) argv = (["sshpass", "-e"] + sshl + ["-p", str(port)] + [rhost, '--', pycmd]) else: argv = (sshl + ["-p", str(port)] + [rhost, '--', pycmd]) (s1, s2) = socket.socketpair() def setup(): # runs in the child process s2.close() s1a, s1b = os.dup(s1.fileno()), os.dup(s1.fileno()) s1.close() debug2('executing: %r\n' % argv) p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=s1a, stdout=s1b, preexec_fn=setup, close_fds=True, stderr=stderr) os.close(s1a) os.close(s1b) s2.sendall(content) s2.sendall(content2) return p, s2