import re import struct import socket import traceback import time import sys import os import platform import sshuttle.ssnet as ssnet import sshuttle.helpers as helpers import sshuttle.hostwatch as hostwatch import subprocess as ssubprocess from sshuttle.ssnet import Handler, Proxy, Mux, MuxWrapper from sshuttle.helpers import b, log, debug1, debug2, debug3, Fatal, \ resolvconf_random_nameserver try: from shutil import which except ImportError: from distutils.spawn import find_executable as which def _ipmatch(ipstr): # FIXME: IPv4 only if ipstr == 'default': ipstr = '' m = re.match(r'^(\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+)?)?)?)(?:/(\d+))?$', ipstr) if m: g = m.groups() ips = g[0] width = int(g[4] or 32) if g[1] is None: ips += '.0.0.0' width = min(width, 8) elif g[2] is None: ips += '.0.0' width = min(width, 16) elif g[3] is None: ips += '.0' width = min(width, 24) ips = ips return (struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ips))[0], width) def _ipstr(ip, width): # FIXME: IPv4 only if width >= 32: return ip else: return "%s/%d" % (ip, width) def _maskbits(netmask): # FIXME: IPv4 only if not netmask: return 32 for i in range(32): if netmask[0] & _shl(1, i): return 32 - i return 0 def _shl(n, bits): return n * int(2 ** bits) def _route_netstat(line): cols = line.split(None) if len(cols) < 3: return None, None ipw = _ipmatch(cols[0]) maskw = _ipmatch(cols[2]) # linux only mask = _maskbits(maskw) # returns 32 if maskw is null return ipw, mask def _route_iproute(line): ipm = line.split(None, 1)[0] if '/' not in ipm: return None, None ip, mask = ipm.split('/') ipw = _ipmatch(ip) return ipw, int(mask) def _list_routes(argv, extract_route): # FIXME: IPv4 only env = { 'PATH': os.environ['PATH'], 'LC_ALL': "C", } p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=ssubprocess.PIPE, env=env) routes = [] for line in p.stdout: if not line.strip(): continue ipw, mask = extract_route(line.decode("ASCII")) if not ipw: continue width = min(ipw[1], mask) ip = ipw[0] & _shl(_shl(1, width) - 1, 32 - width) routes.append( (socket.AF_INET, socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!I', ip)), width)) rv = p.wait() if rv != 0: log('WARNING: %r returned %d\n' % (argv, rv)) log('WARNING: That prevents --auto-nets from working.\n') return routes def list_routes(): if which('ip'): routes = _list_routes(['ip', 'route'], _route_iproute) elif which('netstat'): routes = _list_routes(['netstat', '-rn'], _route_netstat) else: log('WARNING: Neither ip nor netstat were found on the server.\n') routes = [] for (family, ip, width) in routes: if not ip.startswith('0.') and not ip.startswith('127.'): yield (family, ip, width) def _exc_dump(): exc_info = sys.exc_info() return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) def start_hostwatch(seed_hosts, auto_hosts): s1, s2 = socket.socketpair() pid = os.fork() if not pid: # child rv = 99 try: try: s2.close() os.dup2(s1.fileno(), 1) os.dup2(s1.fileno(), 0) s1.close() rv = hostwatch.hw_main(seed_hosts, auto_hosts) or 0 except Exception: log('%s\n' % _exc_dump()) rv = 98 finally: os._exit(rv) s1.close() return pid, s2 class Hostwatch: def __init__(self): = 0 self.sock = None class DnsProxy(Handler): def __init__(self, mux, chan, request, to_nameserver): Handler.__init__(self, []) self.timeout = time.time() + 30 self.mux = mux self.chan = chan self.tries = 0 self.request = request self.peers = {} self.to_ns_peer = None self.to_ns_port = None if to_nameserver is None: self.to_nameserver = None else: self.to_ns_peer, self.to_ns_port = to_nameserver.split("@") self.to_nameserver = self._addrinfo(self.to_ns_peer, self.to_ns_port) self.try_send() @staticmethod def _addrinfo(peer, port): if int(port) == 0: port = 53 family, _, _, _, sockaddr = socket.getaddrinfo(peer, port)[0] return (family, sockaddr) def try_send(self): if self.tries >= 3: return self.tries += 1 if self.to_nameserver is None: _, peer = resolvconf_random_nameserver() port = 53 else: peer = self.to_ns_peer port = int(self.to_ns_port) family, sockaddr = self._addrinfo(peer, port) sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42) sock.connect(sockaddr) self.peers[sock] = peer debug2('DNS: sending to %r:%d (try %d)\n' % (peer, port, self.tries)) try: sock.send(self.request) self.socks.append(sock) except socket.error: _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] if e.args[0] in ssnet.NET_ERRS: # might have been spurious; try again. # Note: these errors sometimes are reported by recv(), # and sometimes by send(). We have to catch both. debug2('DNS send to %r: %s\n' % (peer, e)) self.try_send() return else: log('DNS send to %r: %s\n' % (peer, e)) return def callback(self, sock): peer = self.peers[sock] try: data = sock.recv(4096) except socket.error: _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.socks.remove(sock) del self.peers[sock] if e.args[0] in ssnet.NET_ERRS: # might have been spurious; try again. # Note: these errors sometimes are reported by recv(), # and sometimes by send(). We have to catch both. debug2('DNS recv from %r: %s\n' % (peer, e)) self.try_send() return else: log('DNS recv from %r: %s\n' % (peer, e)) return debug2('DNS response: %d bytes\n' % len(data)) self.mux.send(self.chan, ssnet.CMD_DNS_RESPONSE, data) self.ok = False class UdpProxy(Handler): def __init__(self, mux, chan, family): sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) Handler.__init__(self, [sock]) self.timeout = time.time() + 30 self.mux = mux self.chan = chan self.sock = sock if family == socket.AF_INET: self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42) def send(self, dstip, data): debug2('UDP: sending to %r port %d\n' % dstip) try: self.sock.sendto(data, dstip) except socket.error: _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] log('UDP send to %r port %d: %s\n' % (dstip[0], dstip[1], e)) return def callback(self, sock): try: data, peer = sock.recvfrom(4096) except socket.error: _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] log('UDP recv from %r port %d: %s\n' % (peer[0], peer[1], e)) return debug2('UDP response: %d bytes\n' % len(data)) hdr = b("%s,%r," % (peer[0], peer[1])) self.mux.send(self.chan, ssnet.CMD_UDP_DATA, hdr + data) def main(latency_control, auto_hosts, to_nameserver, auto_nets): debug1('Starting server with Python version %s\n' % platform.python_version()) if helpers.verbose >= 1: helpers.logprefix = ' s: ' else: helpers.logprefix = 'server: ' debug1('latency control setting = %r\n' % latency_control) # synchronization header sys.stdout.write('\0\0SSHUTTLE0001') sys.stdout.flush() handlers = [] mux = Mux(socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), socket.fromfd(sys.stdout.fileno(), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) handlers.append(mux) debug1('auto-nets:' + str(auto_nets) + '\n') if auto_nets: routes = list(list_routes()) debug1('available routes:\n') for r in routes: debug1(' %d/%s/%d\n' % r) else: routes = [] routepkt = '' for r in routes: routepkt += '%d,%s,%d\n' % r mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_ROUTES, b(routepkt)) hw = Hostwatch() hw.leftover = b('') def hostwatch_ready(sock): assert( content = hw.sock.recv(4096) if content: lines = (hw.leftover + content).split(b('\n')) if lines[-1]: # no terminating newline: entry isn't complete yet! hw.leftover = lines.pop() lines.append(b('')) else: hw.leftover = b('') mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_HOST_LIST, b('\n').join(lines)) else: raise Fatal('hostwatch process died') def got_host_req(data): if not (, hw.sock) = start_hostwatch( data.decode("ASCII").strip().split(), auto_hosts) handlers.append(Handler(socks=[hw.sock], callback=hostwatch_ready)) mux.got_host_req = got_host_req def new_channel(channel, data): (family, dstip, dstport) = data.decode("ASCII").split(',', 2) family = int(family) # AF_INET is the same constant on Linux and BSD but AF_INET6 # is different. As the client and server can be running on # different platforms we can not just set the socket family # to what comes in the wire. if family != socket.AF_INET: family = socket.AF_INET6 dstport = int(dstport) outwrap = ssnet.connect_dst(family, dstip, dstport) handlers.append(Proxy(MuxWrapper(mux, channel), outwrap)) mux.new_channel = new_channel dnshandlers = {} def dns_req(channel, data): debug2('Incoming DNS request channel=%d.\n' % channel) h = DnsProxy(mux, channel, data, to_nameserver) handlers.append(h) dnshandlers[channel] = h mux.got_dns_req = dns_req udphandlers = {} def udp_req(channel, cmd, data): debug2('Incoming UDP request channel=%d, cmd=%d\n' % (channel, cmd)) if cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_DATA: (dstip, dstport, data) = data.split(b(','), 2) dstport = int(dstport) debug2('is incoming UDP data. %r %d.\n' % (dstip, dstport)) h = udphandlers[channel] h.send((dstip, dstport), data) elif cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_CLOSE: debug2('is incoming UDP close\n') h = udphandlers[channel] h.ok = False del mux.channels[channel] def udp_open(channel, data): debug2('Incoming UDP open.\n') family = int(data) mux.channels[channel] = lambda cmd, data: udp_req(channel, cmd, data) if channel in udphandlers: raise Fatal('UDP connection channel %d already open' % channel) else: h = UdpProxy(mux, channel, family) handlers.append(h) udphandlers[channel] = h mux.got_udp_open = udp_open while mux.ok: if assert( > 0) (rpid, rv) = os.waitpid(, os.WNOHANG) if rpid: raise Fatal( 'hostwatch exited unexpectedly: code 0x%04x\n' % rv) ssnet.runonce(handlers, mux) if latency_control: mux.check_fullness() if dnshandlers: now = time.time() remove = [] for channel, h in dnshandlers.items(): if h.timeout < now or not h.ok: debug3('expiring dnsreqs channel=%d\n' % channel) remove.append(channel) h.ok = False for channel in remove: del dnshandlers[channel] if udphandlers: remove = [] for channel, h in udphandlers.items(): if not h.ok: debug3('expiring UDP channel=%d\n' % channel) remove.append(channel) h.ok = False for channel in remove: del udphandlers[channel]