import time import socket import re import select import errno import os import sys import platform import subprocess as ssubprocess import sshuttle.helpers as helpers from sshuttle.helpers import log, debug1, debug2, debug3, get_env POLL_TIME = 60 * 15 NETSTAT_POLL_TIME = 30 CACHEFILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.sshuttle.hosts') # Have we already failed to write CACHEFILE? CACHE_WRITE_FAILED = False hostnames = {} queue = {} try: null = open(os.devnull, 'wb') except IOError: _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] log('warning: %s' % e) null = os.popen("sh -c 'while read x; do :; done'", 'wb', 4096) def _is_ip(s): return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', s) def write_host_cache(): """If possible, write our hosts file to disk so future connections can reuse the hosts that we already found.""" tmpname = '%s.%d.tmp' % (CACHEFILE, os.getpid()) global CACHE_WRITE_FAILED try: f = open(tmpname, 'wb') for name, ip in sorted(hostnames.items()): f.write(('%s,%s\n' % (name, ip)).encode("ASCII")) f.close() os.chmod(tmpname, 384) # 600 in octal, 'rw-------' os.rename(tmpname, CACHEFILE) CACHE_WRITE_FAILED = False except (OSError, IOError): # Write message if we haven't yet or if we get a failure after # a previous success. if not CACHE_WRITE_FAILED: log("Failed to write host cache to temporary file " "%s and rename it to %s" % (tmpname, CACHEFILE)) CACHE_WRITE_FAILED = True try: os.unlink(tmpname) except BaseException: pass def read_host_cache(): """If possible, read the cache file from disk to populate hosts that were found in a previous sshuttle run.""" try: f = open(CACHEFILE) except (OSError, IOError): _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return else: log("Failed to read existing host cache file %s on remote host" % CACHEFILE) return for line in f: words = line.strip().split(',') if len(words) == 2: (name, ip) = words name = re.sub(r'[^-\w\.]', '-', name).strip() # Remove characters that shouldn't be in IP ip = re.sub(r'[^0-9.]', '', ip).strip() if name and ip: found_host(name, ip) def found_host(name, ip): """The provided name maps to the given IP. Add the host to the hostnames list, send the host to the sshuttle client via stdout, and write the host to the cache file. """ hostname = re.sub(r'\..*', '', name) hostname = re.sub(r'[^-\w\.]', '_', hostname) if (ip.startswith('127.') or ip.startswith('255.') or hostname == 'localhost'): return if hostname != name: found_host(hostname, ip) oldip = hostnames.get(name) if oldip != ip: hostnames[name] = ip debug1('Found: %s: %s' % (name, ip)) sys.stdout.write('%s,%s\n' % (name, ip)) write_host_cache() def _check_etc_hosts(): """If possible, read /etc/hosts to find hosts.""" filename = '/etc/hosts' debug2(' > Reading %s on remote host' % filename) try: for line in open(filename): line = re.sub(r'#.*', '', line) # remove comments words = line.strip().split() if not words: continue ip = words[0] if _is_ip(ip): names = words[1:] debug3('< %s %r' % (ip, names)) for n in names: check_host(n) found_host(n, ip) except (OSError, IOError): debug1("Failed to read %s on remote host" % filename) def _check_revdns(ip): """Use reverse DNS to try to get hostnames from an IP addresses.""" debug2(' > rev: %s' % ip) try: r = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) debug3('< %s' % r[0]) check_host(r[0]) found_host(r[0], ip) except (OSError, socket.error, UnicodeError): # This case is expected to occur regularly. # debug3('< %s gethostbyaddr failed on remote host' % ip) pass def _check_dns(hostname): debug2(' > dns: %s' % hostname) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) debug3('< %s' % ip) check_host(ip) found_host(hostname, ip) except (socket.gaierror, UnicodeError): pass def _check_netstat(): debug2(' > netstat') argv = ['netstat', '-n'] try: p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=ssubprocess.PIPE, stderr=null, env=get_env()) content ="ASCII") p.wait() except OSError: _, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] log('%r failed: %r' % (argv, e)) return # The same IPs may appear multiple times. Consolidate them so the # debug message doesn't print the same IP repeatedly. ip_list = [] for ip in re.findall(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', content): if ip not in ip_list: ip_list.append(ip) for ip in sorted(ip_list): debug3('< %s' % ip) check_host(ip) def check_host(hostname): if _is_ip(hostname): _enqueue(_check_revdns, hostname) else: _enqueue(_check_dns, hostname) def _enqueue(op, *args): t = (op, args) if queue.get(t) is None: queue[t] = 0 def _stdin_still_ok(timeout): r, _, _ =[sys.stdin.fileno()], [], [], timeout) if r: b =, 4096) if not b: return False return True def hw_main(seed_hosts, auto_hosts): helpers.logprefix = 'HH: ' debug1('Starting hostwatch with Python version %s' % platform.python_version()) for h in seed_hosts: check_host(h) if auto_hosts: read_host_cache() _enqueue(_check_etc_hosts) _enqueue(_check_netstat) check_host('localhost') check_host(socket.gethostname()) while 1: now = time.time() # For each item in the queue for t, last_polled in list(queue.items()): (op, args) = t if not _stdin_still_ok(0): break # Determine if we need to run. maxtime = POLL_TIME # netstat runs more often than other jobs if op == _check_netstat: maxtime = NETSTAT_POLL_TIME # Check if this jobs needs to run. if now - last_polled > maxtime: queue[t] = time.time() op(*args) try: sys.stdout.flush() except IOError: break # FIXME: use a smarter timeout based on oldest last_polled if not _stdin_still_ok(1): # sleeps for up to 1 second break