import sys, os, pty from AppKit import * import my, models, askpass def sshuttle_args(host, auto_nets, auto_hosts, dns, nets, debug, no_latency_control): argv = [my.bundle_path('sshuttle/sshuttle', ''), '-r', host] assert(argv[0]) if debug: argv.append('-v') if auto_nets: argv.append('--auto-nets') if auto_hosts: argv.append('--auto-hosts') if dns: argv.append('--dns') if no_latency_control: argv.append('--no-latency-control') argv += nets return argv class _Callback(NSObject): def initWithFunc_(self, func): self = super(_Callback, self).init() self.func = func return self def func_(self, obj): return self.func(obj) class Callback: def __init__(self, func): self.obj = _Callback.alloc().initWithFunc_(func) self.sel = self.obj.func_ class Runner: def __init__(self, argv, logfunc, promptfunc, serverobj): print 'in __init__' = argv self.rv = None = None self.fd = None self.logfunc = logfunc self.promptfunc = promptfunc self.serverobj = serverobj self.buf = '' self.logfunc('\nConnecting to %s.\n' % print 'will run: %r' % argv self.serverobj.setConnected_(False) pid,fd = pty.fork() if pid == 0: # child try: os.execvp(argv[0], argv) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write('failed to start: %r\n' % e) raise finally: os._exit(42) # parent = pid self.file = NSFileHandle.alloc()\ .initWithFileDescriptor_closeOnDealloc_(fd, True) self.cb = Callback(self.gotdata) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()\ .addObserver_selector_name_object_(self.cb.obj, self.cb.sel, NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification, self.file) self.file.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() def __del__(self): self.wait() def _try_wait(self, options): if self.rv == None and > 0: pid,code = os.waitpid(, options) if pid == if os.WIFEXITED(code): self.rv = os.WEXITSTATUS(code) if self.rv == 111: NSRunAlertPanel('Sshuttle', 'Please restart your computer to finish ' 'installing Sshuttle.', 'Restart Later', None, None) else: self.rv = -os.WSTOPSIG(code) self.serverobj.setConnected_(False) self.serverobj.setError_('VPN process died') self.logfunc('Disconnected.\n') print 'wait_result: %r' % self.rv return self.rv def wait(self): rv = None while rv is None: self.gotdata(None) rv = self._try_wait(os.WNOHANG) def poll(self): return self._try_wait(os.WNOHANG) def kill(self): assert( > 0) print 'killing: pid=%r rv=%r' % (, self.rv) if self.rv == None: self.logfunc('Disconnecting from %s.\n' % os.kill(, 15) self.wait() def gotdata(self, notification): print 'gotdata!' d = str(self.file.availableData()) if d: self.logfunc(d) self.buf = self.buf + d if 'Connected.\r\n' in self.buf: self.serverobj.setConnected_(True) self.buf = self.buf[-4096:] if self.buf.strip().endswith(':'): lastline = self.buf.rstrip().split('\n')[-1] resp = self.promptfunc(lastline) add = ' (response)\n' self.buf += add self.logfunc(add) self.file.writeData_(my.Data(resp + '\n')) self.file.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() self.poll() #print 'gotdata done!' class SshuttleApp(NSObject): def initialize(self): d = my.PList('UserDefaults') my.Defaults().registerDefaults_(d) class SshuttleController(NSObject): # Interface builder outlets startAtLoginField = objc.IBOutlet() autoReconnectField = objc.IBOutlet() debugField = objc.IBOutlet() routingField = objc.IBOutlet() prefsWindow = objc.IBOutlet() serversController = objc.IBOutlet() logField = objc.IBOutlet() latencyControlField = objc.IBOutlet() servers = [] conns = {} def _connect(self, server): host = print 'connecting %r' % host self.fill_menu() def logfunc(msg): print 'log! (%d bytes)' % len(msg) self.logField.textStorage()\ .appendAttributedString_(NSAttributedString.alloc()\ .initWithString_(msg)) self.logField.didChangeText() def promptfunc(prompt): print 'prompt! %r' % prompt return askpass.askpass(prompt) nets_mode = server.autoNets() if nets_mode == models.NET_MANUAL: manual_nets = ["%s/%d" % (i.subnet(), i.width()) for i in server.nets()] elif nets_mode == models.NET_ALL: manual_nets = ['0/0'] else: manual_nets = [] noLatencyControl = (server.latencyControl() != models.LAT_INTERACTIVE) conn = Runner(sshuttle_args(host, auto_nets = nets_mode == models.NET_AUTO, auto_hosts = server.autoHosts(), dns = server.useDns(), nets = manual_nets, debug = self.debugField.state(), no_latency_control = noLatencyControl), logfunc=logfunc, promptfunc=promptfunc, serverobj=server) self.conns[host] = conn def _disconnect(self, server): host = print 'disconnecting %r' % host conn = self.conns.get(host) if conn: conn.kill() self.fill_menu() self.logField.textStorage().setAttributedString_( NSAttributedString.alloc().initWithString_('')) @objc.IBAction def cmd_connect(self, sender): server = sender.representedObject() server.setWantConnect_(True) @objc.IBAction def cmd_disconnect(self, sender): server = sender.representedObject() server.setWantConnect_(False) @objc.IBAction def cmd_show(self, sender): self.prefsWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) NSApp.activateIgnoringOtherApps_(True) @objc.IBAction def cmd_quit(self, sender): NSApp.performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_(NSApp.terminate_, None, 0.0) def fill_menu(self): menu = menu.removeAllItems() def additem(name, func, obj): it = menu.addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(name, None, "") it.setRepresentedObject_(obj) it.setTarget_(self) it.setAction_(func) def addnote(name): additem(name, None, None) any_inprogress = None any_conn = None any_err = None if len(self.servers): for i in self.servers: host = title = i.title() want = i.wantConnect() connected = i.connected() numnets = len(list(i.nets())) if not host: additem('Connect Untitled', None, i) elif i.autoNets() == models.NET_MANUAL and not numnets: additem('Connect %s (no routes)' % host, None, i) elif want: any_conn = i additem('Disconnect %s' % title, self.cmd_disconnect, i) else: additem('Connect %s' % title, self.cmd_connect, i) if not want: msg = 'Off' elif i.error(): msg = 'ERROR - try reconnecting' any_err = i elif connected: msg = 'Connected' else: msg = 'Connecting...' any_inprogress = i addnote(' State: %s' % msg) else: addnote('No servers defined yet') menu.addItem_(NSMenuItem.separatorItem()) additem('Preferences...', self.cmd_show, None) additem('Quit Sshuttle VPN', self.cmd_quit, None) if any_err: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.img_err) self.statusitem.setTitle_('Error!') elif any_conn: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.img_running) if any_inprogress: self.statusitem.setTitle_('Connecting...') else: self.statusitem.setTitle_('') else: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.img_idle) self.statusitem.setTitle_('') def load_servers(self): l = my.Defaults().arrayForKey_('servers') or [] sl = [] for s in l: host = s.get('host', None) if not host: continue nets = s.get('nets', []) nl = [] for n in nets: subnet = n[0] width = n[1] net = models.SshuttleNet.alloc().init() net.setSubnet_(subnet) net.setWidth_(width) nl.append(net) autoNets = s.get('autoNets', models.NET_AUTO) autoHosts = s.get('autoHosts', True) useDns = s.get('useDns', autoNets == models.NET_ALL) latencyControl = s.get('latencyControl', models.LAT_INTERACTIVE) srv = models.SshuttleServer.alloc().init() srv.setHost_(host) srv.setAutoNets_(autoNets) srv.setAutoHosts_(autoHosts) srv.setNets_(nl) srv.setUseDns_(useDns) srv.setLatencyControl_(latencyControl) sl.append(srv) self.serversController.addObjects_(sl) self.serversController.setSelectionIndex_(0) def save_servers(self): l = [] for s in self.servers: host = if not host: continue nets = [] for n in s.nets(): subnet = n.subnet() if not subnet: continue nets.append((subnet, n.width())) d = dict(, nets=nets, autoNets=s.autoNets(), autoHosts=s.autoHosts(), useDns=s.useDns(), latencyControl=s.latencyControl()) l.append(d) my.Defaults().setObject_forKey_(l, 'servers') self.fill_menu() def awakeFromNib(self): self.routingField.removeAllItems() tf = self.routingField.addItemWithTitle_ tf('Send all traffic through this server') tf('Determine automatically') tf('Custom...') self.latencyControlField.removeAllItems() tf = self.latencyControlField.addItemWithTitle_ tf('Fast transfer') tf('Low latency') # Hmm, even when I mark this as !enabled in the .nib, it still comes # through as enabled. So let's just disable it here (since we don't # support this feature yet). self.startAtLoginField.setEnabled_(False) self.startAtLoginField.setState_(False) self.autoReconnectField.setEnabled_(False) self.autoReconnectField.setState_(False) self.load_servers() # Initialize our menu item = NSMenu.alloc().initWithTitle_('Sshuttle') bar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() statusitem = bar.statusItemWithLength_(NSVariableStatusItemLength) self.statusitem = statusitem self.img_idle = my.Image('chicken-tiny-bw', 'png') self.img_running = my.Image('chicken-tiny', 'png') self.img_err = my.Image('chicken-tiny-err', 'png') statusitem.setImage_(self.img_idle) statusitem.setHighlightMode_(True) statusitem.setMenu_( self.fill_menu() models.configchange_callback = my.DelayedCallback(self.save_servers) def sc(server): if server.wantConnect(): self._connect(server) else: self._disconnect(server) models.setconnect_callback = sc # Note: NSApplicationMain calls sys.exit(), so this never returns. NSApplicationMain(sys.argv)