path: root/Sshuttle
diff options
authorAvery Pennarun <>2011-01-22 16:52:07 -0800
committerAvery Pennarun <>2011-01-22 16:52:07 -0800
commit34ea1ed8b7ec3188af378100dc43616e8d304856 (patch)
tree5ed2c48454902a95a95944fa4ba1e84e6811862e /Sshuttle
MacOS precompiled app package for sshuttle-0.45sshuttle-0.45-macos-bin
Diffstat (limited to 'Sshuttle')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Sshuttle b/Sshuttle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25322fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sshuttle
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+"""Command-line options parser.
+With the help of an options spec string, easily parse command-line options.
+import sys, os, textwrap, getopt, re, struct
+class OptDict:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._opts = {}
+ def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+ if k.startswith('no-') or k.startswith('no_'):
+ k = k[3:]
+ v = not v
+ self._opts[k] = v
+ def __getitem__(self, k):
+ if k.startswith('no-') or k.startswith('no_'):
+ return not self._opts[k[3:]]
+ return self._opts[k]
+ def __getattr__(self, k):
+ return self[k]
+def _default_onabort(msg):
+ sys.exit(97)
+def _intify(v):
+ try:
+ vv = int(v or '')
+ if str(vv) == v:
+ return vv
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return v
+def _atoi(v):
+ try:
+ return int(v or 0)
+ except ValueError:
+ return 0
+def _remove_negative_kv(k, v):
+ if k.startswith('no-') or k.startswith('no_'):
+ return k[3:], not v
+ return k,v
+def _remove_negative_k(k):
+ return _remove_negative_kv(k, None)[0]
+def _tty_width():
+ s = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ try:
+ import fcntl, termios
+ s = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stderr.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s)
+ except (IOError, ImportError):
+ return _atoi(os.environ.get('WIDTH')) or 70
+ (ysize,xsize,ypix,xpix) = struct.unpack('HHHH', s)
+ return xsize or 70
+class Options:
+ """Option parser.
+ When constructed, two strings are mandatory. The first one is the command
+ name showed before error messages. The second one is a string called an
+ optspec that specifies the synopsis and option flags and their description.
+ For more information about optspecs, consult the bup-options(1) man page.
+ Two optional arguments specify an alternative parsing function and an
+ alternative behaviour on abort (after having output the usage string).
+ By default, the parser function is getopt.gnu_getopt, and the abort
+ behaviour is to exit the program.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exe, optspec, optfunc=getopt.gnu_getopt,
+ onabort=_default_onabort):
+ self.exe = exe
+ self.optspec = optspec
+ self._onabort = onabort
+ self.optfunc = optfunc
+ self._aliases = {}
+ self._shortopts = 'h?'
+ self._longopts = ['help']
+ self._hasparms = {}
+ self._defaults = {}
+ self._usagestr = self._gen_usage()
+ def _gen_usage(self):
+ out = []
+ lines = self.optspec.strip().split('\n')
+ lines.reverse()
+ first_syn = True
+ while lines:
+ l = lines.pop()
+ if l == '--': break
+ out.append('%s: %s\n' % (first_syn and 'usage' or ' or', l))
+ first_syn = False
+ out.append('\n')
+ last_was_option = False
+ while lines:
+ l = lines.pop()
+ if l.startswith(' '):
+ out.append('%s%s\n' % (last_was_option and '\n' or '',
+ l.lstrip()))
+ last_was_option = False
+ elif l:
+ (flags, extra) = l.split(' ', 1)
+ extra = extra.strip()
+ if flags.endswith('='):
+ flags = flags[:-1]
+ has_parm = 1
+ else:
+ has_parm = 0
+ g ='\[([^\]]*)\]$', extra)
+ if g:
+ defval =
+ else:
+ defval = None
+ flagl = flags.split(',')
+ flagl_nice = []
+ for f in flagl:
+ f,dvi = _remove_negative_kv(f, _intify(defval))
+ self._aliases[f] = _remove_negative_k(flagl[0])
+ self._hasparms[f] = has_parm
+ self._defaults[f] = dvi
+ if len(f) == 1:
+ self._shortopts += f + (has_parm and ':' or '')
+ flagl_nice.append('-' + f)
+ else:
+ f_nice = re.sub(r'\W', '_', f)
+ self._aliases[f_nice] = _remove_negative_k(flagl[0])
+ self._longopts.append(f + (has_parm and '=' or ''))
+ self._longopts.append('no-' + f)
+ flagl_nice.append('--' + f)
+ flags_nice = ', '.join(flagl_nice)
+ if has_parm:
+ flags_nice += ' ...'
+ prefix = ' %-20s ' % flags_nice
+ argtext = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(extra, width=_tty_width(),
+ initial_indent=prefix,
+ subsequent_indent=' '*28))
+ out.append(argtext + '\n')
+ last_was_option = True
+ else:
+ out.append('\n')
+ last_was_option = False
+ return ''.join(out).rstrip() + '\n'
+ def usage(self, msg=""):
+ """Print usage string to stderr and abort."""
+ sys.stderr.write(self._usagestr)
+ e = self._onabort and self._onabort(msg) or None
+ if e:
+ raise e
+ def fatal(self, s):
+ """Print an error message to stderr and abort with usage string."""
+ msg = 'error: %s\n' % s
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ return self.usage(msg)
+ def parse(self, args):
+ """Parse a list of arguments and return (options, flags, extra).
+ In the returned tuple, "options" is an OptDict with known options,
+ "flags" is a list of option flags that were used on the command-line,
+ and "extra" is a list of positional arguments.
+ """
+ try:
+ (flags,extra) = self.optfunc(args, self._shortopts, self._longopts)
+ except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+ self.fatal(e)
+ opt = OptDict()
+ for k,v in self._defaults.iteritems():
+ k = self._aliases[k]
+ opt[k] = v
+ for (k,v) in flags:
+ k = k.lstrip('-')
+ if k in ('h', '?', 'help'):
+ self.usage()
+ if k.startswith('no-'):
+ k = self._aliases[k[3:]]
+ v = 0
+ else:
+ k = self._aliases[k]
+ if not self._hasparms[k]:
+ assert(v == '')
+ v = (opt._opts.get(k) or 0) + 1
+ else:
+ v = _intify(v)
+ opt[k] = v
+ for (f1,f2) in self._aliases.iteritems():
+ opt[f1] = opt._opts.get(f2)
+ return (opt,flags,extra)