use crossterm::event::{read, Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent}; use crossterm::style::{Color, Print}; use crossterm::terminal::ClearType; use crossterm::{cursor, execute, terminal}; use futures::Future; use std::io::{stderr, Write}; use termimad::{CompoundStyle, MadSkin}; use tokio::sync::{ oneshot, oneshot::{error::TryRecvError, Sender}, }; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tokio::time; use crate::error::Result; const LOADING_SPINNER_DELAY: u64 = 40; const LOADING_SPINNER_DOTS: [&str; 56] = [ "⢀⠀", "⡀⠀", "⠄⠀", "⢂⠀", "⡂⠀", "⠅⠀", "⢃⠀", "⡃⠀", "⠍⠀", "⢋⠀", "⡋⠀", "⠍⠁", "⢋⠁", "⡋⠁", "⠍⠉", "⠋⠉", "⠋⠉", "⠉⠙", "⠉⠙", "⠉⠩", "⠈⢙", "⠈⡙", "⢈⠩", "⡀⢙", "⠄⡙", "⢂⠩", "⡂⢘", "⠅⡘", "⢃⠨", "⡃⢐", "⠍⡐", "⢋⠠", "⡋⢀", "⠍⡁", "⢋⠁", "⡋⠁", "⠍⠉", "⠋⠉", "⠋⠉", "⠉⠙", "⠉⠙", "⠉⠩", "⠈⢙", "⠈⡙", "⠈⠩", "⠀⢙", "⠀⡙", "⠀⠩", "⠀⢘", "⠀⡘", "⠀⠨", "⠀⢐", "⠀⡐", "⠀⠠", "⠀⢀", "⠀⡀", ]; pub struct Term { skin: MadSkin, } impl Default for Term { fn default() -> Self { Term::new() } } impl Term { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut skin = MadSkin::default(); skin.inline_code = CompoundStyle::with_fg(Color::Cyan); skin.code_block.compound_style = CompoundStyle::with_fg(Color::Cyan); Term { skin } } /// Print text to stdout pub fn print(&self, text: &str) { } /// Print text with error styling to stderr /// Needs mut to temporarily modify styling (e.g. red fg) pub fn print_error(&mut self, text: &str) -> Result<()> { self.print_with_style(Color::Red, "✖ ", text) } /// Print text with notice styling to stderr /// Needs mut to temporarily modify styling (e.g. yellow fg) pub fn print_notice(&mut self, text: &str) -> Result<()> { self.print_with_style(Color::Yellow, "➜ ", text) } fn print_with_style(&mut self, fg: Color, prefix: &str, text: &str) -> Result<()> { let mut styled_text = String::from(prefix); styled_text.push_str(text); // Set fg; .write_text_on(&mut std::io::stderr(), &styled_text)?; // Unset fg .paragraph .compound_style .object_style .foreground_color = None; Ok(()) } /// Blocks and waits for the user to press any key. Returns whether or not that key is the /// character key `c`. pub fn wait_for_char(c: char) -> Result { let mut pressed = false; terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; loop { match read()? { Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char(ch), .. }) if ch == c => { pressed = true; break; } Event::Key(_) => break, _ => (), } } terminal::disable_raw_mode()?; Ok(pressed) } /// As it sounds, takes a future and shows a CLI spinner until it's output is ready pub async fn wrap_spinner(future: F) -> Result where F: Future, { // Start spinner let (tx, spinner_handle) = Self::spinner(); let result = future.await; // Stop spinner tx.send(()).ok(); spinner_handle.await??; Ok(result) } /// Start a CLI spinner on the current cursor line. To stop it, call `send` on the `Sender`. To /// wait until it's done cleaning up it's current action (which is very important), await it's /// `JoinHandle`. fn spinner() -> (Sender<()>, JoinHandle>) { let (tx, mut rx) = oneshot::channel(); let spinner_handle = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut dots = LOADING_SPINNER_DOTS.iter().cycle(); terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; execute!( stderr(), cursor::SavePosition, cursor::Hide, terminal::Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine), )?; let mut interval = time::interval(time::Duration::from_millis(LOADING_SPINNER_DELAY)); while let Err(TryRecvError::Empty) = rx.try_recv() { execute!( stderr(), cursor::MoveToColumn(0), terminal::Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine), Print( )?; interval.tick().await; } execute!( stderr(), terminal::Clear(ClearType::CurrentLine), cursor::RestorePosition, cursor::Show, )?; terminal::disable_raw_mode()?; Ok(()) }); (tx, spinner_handle) } } pub fn print_error(text: &str) -> Result<()> { Term::new().print_error(text) }