use futures::stream::StreamExt; use percent_encoding::percent_decode_str; use rayon::prelude::*; use reqwest::header; use reqwest::Client; use reqwest::Url; use scraper::html::Html; use scraper::selector::Selector; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::config::{project_dir, Config}; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::tui::markdown; use crate::tui::markdown::Markdown; use crate::utils; /// DuckDuckGo URL const DUCKDUCKGO_URL: &str = ""; /// StackExchange API v2.2 URL // TODO why not https? const SE_API_URL: &str = ""; const SE_API_VERSION: &str = "2.2"; /// Filter generated to include only the fields needed to populate /// the structs below. Go here to make new filters: /// [create filter]( const SE_FILTER: &str = ".DND5X2VHHUH8HyJzpjo)5NvdHI3w6auG"; /// Pagesize when fetching all SE sites. Should be good for many years... const SE_SITES_PAGESIZE: u16 = 10000; /// Limit on concurrent requests (gets passed to `buffer_unordered`) const CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_LIMIT: usize = 8; /// Mock user agent to get real DuckDuckGo results // TODO copy other user agents and use random one each time const USER_AGENT: &str = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0"; /// This structure allows interacting with parts of the StackExchange /// API, using the `Config` struct to determine certain API settings and options. // TODO should my se structs have &str instead of String? #[derive(Clone)] pub struct StackExchange { client: Client, config: Config, sites: HashMap, query: String, } /// This structure allows interacting with locally cached StackExchange metadata. pub struct LocalStorage { pub sites: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)] pub struct Site { pub api_site_parameter: String, pub site_url: String, } /// Represents a StackExchange answer with a custom selection of fields from /// the [StackExchange docs]( #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Answer { #[serde(rename = "answer_id")] pub id: u32, pub score: i32, #[serde(rename = "body_markdown")] pub body: S, pub is_accepted: bool, } /// Represents a StackExchange question with a custom selection of fields from /// the [StackExchange docs]( // TODO container over answers should be generic iterator // TODO let body be a generic that implements Display! #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Question { #[serde(rename = "question_id")] pub id: u32, pub score: i32, pub answers: Vec>, pub title: String, #[serde(rename = "body_markdown")] pub body: S, } /// Internal struct that represents the boilerplate response wrapper from SE API. #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct ResponseWrapper { items: Vec, } impl StackExchange { pub fn new(config: Config, local_storage: LocalStorage, query: String) -> Self { let client = Client::new(); StackExchange { client, sites: local_storage.get_urls(&config.sites), config, query, } } /// Search query and get the top answer body /// /// For StackExchange engine, use only the first configured site, /// since, parodoxically, sites with the worst results will finish /// executing first, because there's less data to retrieve. /// /// Needs mut because it temporarily changes self.config pub async fn search_lucky(&mut self) -> Result { let original_config = self.config.clone(); // Temp set lucky config self.config.limit = 1; if !self.config.duckduckgo { self.config.sites.truncate(1); } // Run search with temp config let result =; // Reset config self.config = original_config; Ok(result? .into_iter() .next() .ok_or(Error::NoResults)? .answers .into_iter() .next() .ok_or_else(|| Error::StackExchange(String::from("Received question with no answers")))? .body) } /// Search and parse to Markdown for TUI pub async fn search_md(&self) -> Result>> { Ok(parse_markdown( } /// Search query and get a list of relevant questions pub async fn search(&self) -> Result>> { if self.config.duckduckgo { self.search_duckduck_go().await } else { // TODO after duckduck go finished, refactor to _not_ thread this limit, its unnecessary self.se_search_advanced(self.config.limit).await } } /// Search query at duckduckgo and then fetch the resulting questions from SE. async fn search_duckduck_go(&self) -> Result>> { let url = duckduckgo_url(&self.query, self.sites.values()); let html = self .client .get(url) .header(header::USER_AGENT, USER_AGENT) .send() .await? .text() .await?; let ids = parse_questions_from_ddg_html(&html, &self.sites, self.config.limit)?; self.se_questions(ids).await } /// Parallel searches against the SE question endpoint across the sites in `ids`. // TODO I'm sure there is a way to DRY the se_question & se_search_advanced functions async fn se_questions( &self, ids: HashMap>, ) -> Result>> { futures::stream::iter(ids) .map(|(site, ids)| { let clone = self.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let clone = &clone; clone.se_questions_site(&site, ids).await }) }) .buffer_unordered(CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_LIMIT) .collect::>() .await .into_iter() .map(|r| r.map_err(Error::from).and_then(|x| x)) .collect::>>>() .map(|v| { let qs: Vec> = v.into_iter().flatten().collect(); // TODO sort by original ordering ! qs }) } /// Parallel searches against the SE search/advanced endpoint across all configured sites async fn se_search_advanced(&self, limit: u16) -> Result>> { futures::stream::iter(self.config.sites.clone()) .map(|site| { let clone = self.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let clone = &clone; clone.se_search_advanced_site(&site, limit).await }) }) .buffer_unordered(CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_LIMIT) .collect::>() .await .into_iter() .map(|r| r.map_err(Error::from).and_then(|x| x)) .collect::>>>() .map(|v| { let mut qs: Vec> = v.into_iter().flatten().collect(); if self.config.sites.len() > 1 { qs.sort_unstable_by_key(|q| -q.score); } qs }) } /// Search against the SE site's /questions/{ids} endpoint. /// Filters out questions with no answers. async fn se_questions_site( &self, site: &str, ids: Vec, ) -> Result>> { let total = ids.len().to_string(); let endpoint = format!("questions/{ids}", ids = ids.join(";")); let qs = self .client .get(stackexchange_url(&endpoint)) .header("Accepts", "application/json") .query(&self.get_default_se_opts()) .query(&[("site", site), ("pagesize", &total), ("page", "1")]) .send() .await? .json::>>() .await? .items; Ok(Self::preprocess(qs)) } /// Search against the SE site's /search/advanced endpoint with a given query. /// Only fetches questions that have at least one answer. async fn se_search_advanced_site( &self, site: &str, limit: u16, ) -> Result>> { let qs = self .client .get(stackexchange_url("search/advanced")) .header("Accepts", "application/json") .query(&self.get_default_se_opts()) .query(&[ ("q", self.query.as_str()), ("pagesize", &limit.to_string()), ("site", site), ("page", "1"), ("answers", "1"), ("order", "desc"), ("sort", "relevance"), ]) .send() .await? .json::>>() .await? .items; Ok(Self::preprocess(qs)) } fn get_default_se_opts(&self) -> HashMap<&str, &str> { let mut params = HashMap::new(); params.insert("filter", SE_FILTER); if let Some(key) = &self.config.api_key { params.insert("key", &key); } params } /// Sorts answers by score /// Preprocess SE markdown to "cmark" markdown (or something closer to it) /// This markdown preprocess _always_ happens. fn preprocess(qs: Vec>) -> Vec> { qs.into_par_iter() .map(|q| { let mut answers = q.answers; answers.par_sort_unstable_by_key(|a| -a.score); let answers = answers .into_par_iter() .map(|a| Answer { body: markdown::preprocess(a.body.clone()), ..a }) .collect(); Question { answers, body: markdown::preprocess(q.body), ..q } }) .collect::>() } } /// Parse all markdown fields /// This only happens for content going into the cursive TUI (not lucky prompt) fn parse_markdown(qs: Vec>) -> Vec> { qs.into_par_iter() .map(|q| { let body = markdown::parse(q.body); let answers = q .answers .into_par_iter() .map(|a| { let body = markdown::parse(a.body); Answer { body, id:, score: a.score, is_accepted: a.is_accepted, } }) .collect::>(); Question { body, answers, id:, score: q.score, title: q.title, } }) .collect::>() } impl LocalStorage { fn fetch_local_sites(filename: &PathBuf) -> Result>> { if let Some(file) = utils::open_file(filename)? { return serde_json::from_reader(file) .map_err(|_| Error::MalformedFile(filename.clone())); } Ok(None) } // TODO decide whether or not I should give LocalStorage an api key.. async fn fetch_remote_sites() -> Result> { let se_sites = Client::new() .get(stackexchange_url("sites")) .header("Accepts", "application/json") .query(&[ ("pagesize", SE_SITES_PAGESIZE.to_string()), ("page", "1".to_string()), ]) .send() .await? .json::>() .await? .items; Ok(se_sites .into_par_iter() .map(|site| { let site_url = site.site_url.trim_start_matches("https://").to_string(); Site { site_url, } }) .collect()) } fn store_local_sites(filename: &PathBuf, sites: &[Site]) -> Result<()> { let file = utils::create_file(filename)?; serde_json::to_writer(file, sites)?; Ok(()) } async fn init_sites(filename: &PathBuf, update: bool) -> Result> { if !update { if let Some(sites) = Self::fetch_local_sites(filename)? { return Ok(sites); } } let sites = Self::fetch_remote_sites().await?; Self::store_local_sites(filename, &sites)?; Ok(sites) } pub async fn new(update: bool) -> Result { let project = project_dir()?; let dir = project.cache_dir(); fs::create_dir_all(&dir)?; let sites_filename = dir.join("sites.json"); let sites = Self::init_sites(&sites_filename, update).await?; Ok(LocalStorage { sites }) } // TODO is this HM worth it? Probably only will ever have < 10 site codes to search... // TODO store this as Option on self if other methods use it... pub async fn find_invalid_site<'a, 'b>( &'b self, site_codes: &'a [String], ) -> Option<&'a String> { let hm: HashMap<&str, ()> = self .sites .iter() .map(|site| (site.api_site_parameter.as_str(), ())) .collect(); site_codes.iter().find(|s| !hm.contains_key(&s.as_str())) } pub fn get_urls(&self, site_codes: &[String]) -> HashMap { self.sites .iter() .filter_map(move |site| { let _ = site_codes .iter() .find(|&sc| *sc == site.api_site_parameter)?; Some((site.api_site_parameter.to_owned(), site.site_url.to_owned())) }) .collect() } } /// Creates stackexchange API url given endpoint // TODO lazy static this url parse fn stackexchange_url(path: &str) -> Url { let mut url = Url::parse(SE_API_URL).unwrap(); url.path_segments_mut() .unwrap() .push(SE_API_VERSION) .extend(path.split('/')); url } /// Creates duckduckgo search url given sites and query /// See for more info fn duckduckgo_url<'a, I>(query: &str, sites: I) -> Url where I: IntoIterator, { let mut q = String::new(); // Restrict to sites q.push('('); q.push_str( sites .into_iter() .map(|site| String::from("site:") + site) .collect::>() .join(" OR ") .as_str(), ); q.push_str(") "); // Search terms q.push_str( query .trim_end_matches('?') .split_whitespace() .collect::>() .join(" ") .as_str(), ); Url::parse_with_params( DUCKDUCKGO_URL, &[("q", q.as_str()), ("kz", "-1"), ("kh", "-1")], ) .unwrap() } /// Parse (site, question_id) pairs out of duckduckgo search results html /// TODO currently hashmap {site: [qids]} BUT we should maintain relevance order ! /// maybe this is as simple as a HashMap {qid: ordinal} fn parse_questions_from_ddg_html<'a>( html: &'a str, sites: &'a HashMap, limit: u16, ) -> Result>> { let fragment = Html::parse_document(html); let anchors = Selector::parse("a.result__a").unwrap(); let mut qids: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut count = 0; for anchor in { let url = anchor .value() .attr("href") .ok_or_else(|| Error::ScrapingError("Anchor with no href".to_string())) .map(|href| percent_decode_str(href).decode_utf8_lossy().into_owned())?; sites .iter() .find_map(|(site_code, site_url)| { let id = question_url_to_id(site_url, &url)?; match qids.entry(site_code.to_owned()) { Entry::Occupied(mut o) => o.get_mut().push(id), Entry::Vacant(o) => { o.insert(vec![id]); } } count += 1; Some(()) }) .ok_or_else(|| { Error::ScrapingError( "Duckduckgo returned results outside of SE network".to_string(), ) })?; if count >= limit as usize { break; } } // It doesn't seem possible for DDG to return no results, so assume this is // a bad user agent if count == 0 { Err(Error::ScrapingError(String::from( "DuckDuckGo blocked this request", ))) } else { Ok(qids) } } /// For example /// ``` /// let id = ""; /// let input = "/l/?kh=-1&uddg="; /// assert_eq!(question_url_to_id(site_url, input), "11828270") /// ``` fn question_url_to_id(site_url: &str, input: &str) -> Option { // TODO use str_prefix once its stable let fragment = site_url.trim_end_matches('/').to_owned() + "/questions/"; let ix = input.find(&fragment)? + fragment.len(); let input = &input[ix..]; let end = input.find('/')?; Some(input[0..end].to_string()) } // TODO figure out a query that returns no results so that I can test it and differentiate it from // a blocked request #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_stackexchange_url() { assert_eq!( stackexchange_url("some/endpoint").as_str(), "" ) } #[test] fn test_duckduckgo_url() { let q = "how do I exit vim?"; let sites = vec![ String::from(""), String::from(""), ]; assert_eq!( duckduckgo_url(q, &sites).as_str(), String::from( "\ ?\ +how+do+I+exit+vim&kz=-1&kh=-1" ) ) } #[test] fn test_duckduckgo_response() { // TODO make sure results are either 1) answers 2) failed connection 3) blocked } #[test] fn test_duckduckgo_parser() { let html = include_str!("../test/exit-vim.html"); let sites = vec![ ("stackoverflow", ""), ("askubuntu", ""), ] .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.to_string())) .collect::>(); let mut expected_question_ids = HashMap::new(); expected_question_ids.insert( "stackoverflow".to_string(), vec!["11828270".to_string(), "9171356".to_string()], ); expected_question_ids.insert("askubuntu".to_string(), vec!["24406".to_string()]); assert_eq!( parse_questions_from_ddg_html(html, &sites, 3).unwrap(), expected_question_ids ); } #[test] fn test_duckduckgo_blocker() -> Result<(), String> { let html = include_str!("../test/bad-user-agent.html"); let mut sites = HashMap::new(); sites.insert( String::from("stackoverflow"), String::from(""), ); match parse_questions_from_ddg_html(html, &sites, 2) { Err(Error::ScrapingError(s)) if s == "DuckDuckGo blocked this request".to_string() => { Ok(()) } _ => Err(String::from("Failed to detect DuckDuckGo blocker")), } } #[test] fn test_question_url_to_id() { let site_url = ""; let input = "/l/?kh=-1&uddg="; assert_eq!(question_url_to_id(site_url, input).unwrap(), "11828270"); let site_url = ""; let input = "/l/?kh=-1&uddg="; assert_eq!(question_url_to_id(site_url, input), None); } }