use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg}; use crate::config; use crate::config::Config; use crate::error::Result; // TODO maybe consts for these keywords? // TODO --set-api-key KEY // TODO --update-sites // TODO --install-filter-key --force // TODO --sites plural // TODO --add-site (in addition to defaults) pub struct Opts { pub list_sites: bool, pub update_sites: bool, pub query: Option, pub config: Config, } pub fn get_opts() -> Result { let config = config::user_config()?; let limit = &config.limit.to_string(); let matches = App::new("so") .setting(AppSettings::ColoredHelp) .version(clap::crate_version!()) .author(clap::crate_authors!()) .about(clap::crate_description!()) .arg( Arg::with_name("list-sites") .long("list-sites") .help("Print available StackExchange sites"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("update-sites") .long("update-sites") .help("Update cache of StackExchange sites"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("site") .long("site") .short("s") .multiple(true) .number_of_values(1) .takes_value(true) .default_value(& .help("StackExchange site code to search"), // TODO sites plural ) .arg( Arg::with_name("limit") .long("limit") .short("l") .number_of_values(1) .takes_value(true) .default_value(limit) .validator(|s| s.parse::().map_err(|e| e.to_string()).map(|_| ())) .help("Question limit per site query") .hidden(true), // TODO unhide once more than just --lucky ) .arg( Arg::with_name("lucky") .long("lucky") .help("Print the top-voted answer of the most relevant question") .hidden(true), // TODO unhide ) .arg( Arg::with_name("query") .multiple(true) .index(1) .required_unless_one(&["list-sites", "update-sites"]), ) .get_matches(); Ok(Opts { list_sites: matches.is_present("list-sites"), update_sites: matches.is_present("update-sites"), query: matches .values_of("query") .map(|q| q.collect::>().join(" ")), config: Config { // these unwraps are safe via clap default values & validators limit: matches.value_of("limit").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(), site: matches.value_of("site").unwrap().to_string(), // TODO if set_api_key passed, pass it here too ..config }, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { // TODO how can I test this now that it depends on user dir? }