# TODO ## TUI considerations Going with cursive because it is way more flexible than tui-rs. **Important note** Tables are not currently allowed in stackexchange... so the benefit of incorporating termimad features will not be felt. But, this is changing [soon](https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/348746). ### v0.2.2 1. Site can be multiple 2. do tokio async on SE api 3. add warning to README about throttling on excessive requests ### v0.3.0 1. Duckduck go search ftw, e.g. ``` (site:stackoverflow.com OR site:unix.stackexchange.com) what is linux ``` etc. #### Tech debt and low hanging fruit 1. Use [`par_iter`](https://github.com/rayon-rs/rayon) for text preprocess & parsing. In particular the `tui::markdown::preprocess` function should just get called on all markdown as soon as its received from stack exchange; this is prime for parallelization. 2. Also, we could `par_iter` the initial q&a data to SpannedStrings from the start, so that it's not done on the fly... 3. The rest of the questions should really start being fetched while waiting for the user to press [Enter]... maybe start with just simple threads? ### Endless future improvements for the TUI 1. Init with smaller layout depending on initial screen size. 2. Maybe cli `--auto-resize` option. 3. Small text at bottom with '?' to bring up key mapping dialog 4. Clean up! remove dupe between ListView and MdView by making a common trait 5. Maybe **[ESC]** cycles layout in the opposite direction? And stops at BothColumns? 6. Allow cycling through themes, either found in `~/.config/so/colors/*.toml` or just hardcoded ones. 7. Small tray at the bottom with "notifications", e.g. "GitHub Theme loaded!" ### resources for later 0. [Intro to async rust](http://jamesmcm.github.io/blog/2020/05/06/a-practical-introduction-to-async-programming-in-rust/) 1. Async API calls [tokio](https://stackoverflow.com/a/57770687) 2. Parallel calls against multiple sites [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-LagKc0MPA) 0. OR JUST THREADS [see here](https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/01_getting_started/02_why_async.html) 3. [config mgmt](https://github.com/rust-cli/confy) or just use directories 5. Add sort option, e.g. relevance|votes|date 6. Google stuff [scraping with reqwest](https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/web/scraping.html)) 8. Keep track of quota in a data file, inform user when getting close? 7. App Distribution [cross-platform binaries via travis](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/blob/51e6351c28fbd40745719e6d4a7bf26dadd30c85/.travis.yml#L74-L91) also see lobster script in this [repo](https://git.sr.ht/~wezm/lobsters). 9. Great tui-rs [example app](https://github.com/SoptikHa2/desed/blob/master/src/ui/tui.rs) 10 nah look at [termimad example](https://github.com/Canop/whalespotter)