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A terminal interface for StackOverflow written in Rust


## example usage While I like the acronym *so*, this tool would actually be better described as *se*: an interface to the StackExchange network. In particular one thing that differentiates it from [similar](https://github.com/santinic/how2) [tools](https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi) is that you can simultaneously search any number of sites in the StackExchange network: ```shell # search using your default configuration $ so how do i reverse a list in python # search for a latex solution $ so --site tex how to put tilde over character # use google to search stackoverflow.com, askubuntu.com, and unix.stackexchange.com $ so -e google -s askubuntu -s stackoverflow -s unix how do i install linux ``` ## installation #### Arch Linux You can install the AUR package [so](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/so/) (tracks latest release) or [so-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/so-git/) (tracks master), e.g. ``` yay -S so-git ``` #### MacOS You can install the homebrew [formula](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/so) ``` brew install so ``` #### cargo ``` cargo install so ``` #### release binaries Static binaries are available on the [releases page](https://github.com/samtay/so/releases) for common Linux, MacOS, and Windows targets. You can quickly install the one you need to directory `DEST` with: ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://samtay.github.io/so/install.sh \ | bash -s -- --to DEST ``` Right now I'm only building the most common targets, but in theory it should be easy to add more, so if you don't see what you are looking for just open an issue and I can add it. Here's a list of the [supported targets](https://github.com/japaric/trust#supported-targets). If you don't know what you need, you can install [rustc](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) and open an issue with the output of `rustc -Vv | grep host | cut -d' ' -f2`. ## documentation ### configuration The configuration files for e.g. a user `Alice` can be found in the following directories: - Linux: `/home/alice/.config/so` - Windows: `C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\Sam Tay\so` - MacOS: `/Users/Alice/Library/Preferences/io.Sam-Tay.so` #### defaults The `config.yml` file let's you specify your CLI defaults. So if you dislike the lucky prompt, always search serverfault.com and unix.stackexchange.com, and want the [fastest search engine](#search-engines), you can set your config file like this: ```yaml # config.yml --- api_key: ~ limit: 10 lucky: false sites: - serverfault - unix search_engine: stackexchange ``` Run `so --help` to see your current defaults. #### themes In the same directory you'll find `colors.toml` which is self-documented. The default theme attempts to blend in with your default terminal theme, but you can change it as necessary. In particular, you may want to change the `highlight_text` if the current selection is difficult to read. There are some themes in the [themes](./themes) directory as well. #### api keys If you want to use your own [StackExchange API Key](https://api.stackexchange.com/docs) you can set it via ``` so --set-api-key ``` You can also choose to use no key by editing your configuration to `api_key: ~`. If for some reason my API key is globally throttled, you can hit the StackExchange API with no key up to 300 times per day per IP, which I imagine is fine for most users. ### search engines The available search engines are StackExchange, DuckDuckGo, and Google. StackExchange will always be the fastest to search because it doesn't require an additional request or any HTML parsing; however, it is also very primitive. DuckDuckGo is in second place for speed, as its response HTML is much smaller than Google's. I've found that it performs well for my queries, so it is the default search engine. ### multi-site searching As stated in the [docs](https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/throttle), > If a single IP is making more than 30 requests a second, new requests will be dropped. So, don't go crazy with the multi-site search, since it is all done in parallel. In particular, if you specify more than 30 sites, SE will likely ban you for a short time. ### selecting a backend If you're installing from source, you can choose from a number of available backend rendering engines. Note that the package `default` and `windows` feature flags do not have an ncurses dependency, for the sake of portability. The default backend is [termion](https://github.com/redox-os/termion), a bindless library in pure Rust which seems to work quite well on Linux, MacOS, BSD, and Redox. The windows backend is by default [crossterm](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm), and while its level of support is awesome, it does comes at a price in performance. On my machine, the app kind of flashes between draws. So if you are on Mac, Linux, or Redox, your best bet is to compile with default features which uses the termion backend. If you are on windows, use crossterm, but know it will be slightly jumpy. If the crossterm folks figure out a fix for allowing ncurses to receive [resize events](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm/issues/447), and you have [ncurses installed](https://github.com/gyscos/cursive/wiki/Install-ncurses) on your system, then the ncurses and pancurses backends are likely the most performant. Just know that *currently* if you choose this option, and you run the `--lucky` prompt, you won't be able to resize the terminal window while the TUI is open. Available backends: - `termion-backend` - `ncurses-backend` - `pancurses-backend` - `crossterm-backend` E.g. to use `ncurses-backend`: ``` cargo install so --no-default-features --features ncurses-backend ``` See more information about this choice [here](https://github.com/gyscos/cursive/wiki/Backends). ## contributing **Warning**: this was my first time writing Rust and there is very likely some non-idiomatic and straight up ugly code throughout this project, so don't come looking here for a good Rust example! That being said, I would love to improve the codebase. Feel free to check out the [contributing guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) and submit any refactoring issues or pull requests. ## credits Credit to my good friend [Charles](http://heyitscharles.com) for logo design.