path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-06-18Remove tokiono-tokioSam Tay
This doesnt seem to fix the resizing problem...
2020-06-18Allow searching multiple SE sites at onceSam Tay
2020-06-16Add --lucky flagSam Tay
Punting on async for now because loading up the cursive app is already super fast. Might be noticeably necessary after multi-site and external search engines are added
2020-06-11...Use cursive insteadSam Tay
2020-06-08Clean up reading/writing to filesSam Tay
2020-06-08Refactor error handlingSam Tay
2020-06-08Use markdown in default error messagesSam Tay
2020-06-07Start using termimadSam Tay
Getting feet wet by scrapping manual crossterm calls and just letting termimad do the heavy lifting via markdown
2020-06-07Propagate errors throughout appSam Tay
and add stdout styles via crossterm