AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-07Bump versionv0.4.0Sam Tay
2020-07-07Update TODOsSam Tay
2020-07-07Add unicode testSam Tay
Seeing if this fails in appveyor build
2020-07-07Obey clippySam Tay
2020-07-06Bump to crossterm 0.17.6Sam Tay
But this doesnt quite solve #3 due to tokio dep
2020-07-06Add AUR installation optionSam Tay
2020-07-06Add keybinding to help menuSam Tay
This has been around for a while, but might be useful for users to know about
2020-07-06Add changelogSam Tay
2020-07-05Use "black" as default highlight_textSam Tay
This seems to work better for most terminals
2020-07-05Update README.mdSam Tay
Add Arch Linux & Mac installation options. Fix location of config directory on Mac. Add a note about highlight_text.
2020-07-04Align text in help menuSam Tay
2020-07-04Merge pull request #1 from zynaxsoft/feat/quit-on-qSam Tay
Add "q" key binding for exitting the app.
2020-07-05Update helpTanapol Prucksakorn
2020-07-04Add "q" key binding for quitting the app.Tanapol Prucksakorn
2020-07-02Remove dead code & commentsSam Tay
2020-07-02Update tomorrow themes' highlight stylesSam Tay
2020-07-02Bump versionv0.3.6Sam Tay
2020-07-02Fix fragmented highlight stylesSam Tay
2020-07-02Solve "bug"Sam Tay
This was happening to me because I have a zsh alias vim=nvim
2020-07-01Update demo gifSam Tay
2020-07-01Use include_str instead of duplicating themeSam Tay
2020-07-01Add a CLI spinnerSam Tay
2020-06-30Update readmeSam Tay
2020-06-30Update TODOSam Tay
2020-06-30Update issue templatesSam Tay
2020-06-30Bump versionv0.3.5Sam Tay
2020-06-30Update TODOsSam Tay
2020-06-30Update readmeSam Tay
2020-06-30Use Chaz's logoSam Tay
2020-06-30Update demoSam Tay
2020-06-28Bump versionv0.3.4Sam Tay
2020-06-28Move .gitattributes fileSam Tay
2020-06-28Run CI on `develop` branchSam Tay
2020-06-28Remove unused dependenciesSam Tay
2020-06-28Improve scrolling controlsSam Tay
2020-06-28Fix handling newlines in markdownSam Tay
2020-06-28Add a key-bindings help popupSam Tay
2020-06-28Update readmeSam Tay
2020-06-28Better benchmark nameSam Tay
2020-06-28Benchmark & improve md parsingSam Tay
2020-06-27Rule out regex as potential improvementSam Tay
2020-06-27Add benchmarks for HTML parsingSam Tay
2020-06-27Fix capturing incorrect subdomain sitesSam Tay
2020-06-26Fix parsing /tagged linksSam Tay
2020-06-26Add demo gifSam Tay
2020-06-26Fix various small bugsSam Tay
2020-06-25Update license linkSam Tay
2020-06-25Add katys logoSam Tay
2020-06-25Bump versionv0.3.3Sam Tay
2020-06-25Fix bug in google parserSam Tay