.. image:: smenu.gif What is it? =========== **smenu** is a selection filter just like ``sed`` is an editing filter. This simple tool reads words from the standard input, presents them in a cool interactive window after the current line on the terminal and writes the selected word, if any, on the standard output. After having unsuccessfully searched the NET for what I wanted, I decided to try to write my own. I have tried hard to made its usage as simple as possible. It should work, even when using an old ``vt100`` terminal and is ``UTF-8`` aware. How to build it? ================ **smenu** can be built on every system where a working ``terminfo`` development platform is available. This includes every Unix and Unix like systems I am aware of. Please use the provided ``build.sh`` to build the executable. This script accepts the same arguments as ``configure``, type ``build.sh --help`` the see them. The script ``autogen.sh`` is also provided if you need to generate a new ``configure`` script from ``configure.ac`` and ``Makefile.am``. The GNU **autotools** will need to be installed for this script to work. How to install it? ================== Once the build process has finished, a simple ``make install`` with the appropriate privileges will do it Some examples. ============== Linux example. -------------- This program should work on most Unix but if you are using Linux, try to type the following line at a shell prompt (here: ``"$ "`` ): :: $ R=$(grep Vm /proc/$$/status \ | smenu -n20 -W $':\n' -q -c -b -g -s /VmH) $ echo $R Something like this should now be displayed with the program waiting for commands: (numbers are mine, yours will be different) :: VmPeak¦ 23840 kB VmSize¦ 23836 kB VmLck ¦ 0 kB VmHWM ¦ 2936 kB VmRSS ¦ 2936 kB VmData¦ 1316 kB VmStk ¦ 136 kB VmExe ¦ 28 kB VmLib ¦ 3956 kB VmPTE ¦ 64 kB VmSwap¦ 0 kB A cursor should be under ``"VmHWM "``. After having moved the cursor to ``" 136 kB"`` and ended the program with ````, the shell variable R should contain: ``" 136 kB"``. .. raw:: pdf PageBreak Unix example. ------------- The following command, which is Unix brand agnostic, should give you a scrolling window if you have more than 10 accounts on your Unix with a UID lower than 100: :: $ R=$(awk -F: '$3 < 100 {print $1,$3,$4,$NF}' /etc/passwd \ | smenu -n10 -c) $ echo $R On mine (``LANG`` and ``LC_ALL`` set to ``POSIX``) it displays: :: at 25 25 /bin/bash \ sys 0 3 /usr/bin/ksh + bin 1 1 /bin/bash | daemon 2 2 /bin/bash | ftp 40 49 /bin/bash | games 12 100 /bin/bash | lp 4 7 /bin/bash | mail 8 12 /bin/false | named 44 44 /bin/false | ntp 74 108 /bin/false v Note the presence of a scrollbar. Interested? ----------- Please use the included man page to learn more about this little program.