//! Shiplift is a multi-transport utility for maneuvering [docker](https://www.docker.com/) containers //! //! # examples //! //! ```no_run //! # async { //! let docker = shiplift::Docker::new(); //! //! match docker.images().list(&Default::default()).await { //! Ok(images) => { //! for image in images { //! println!("{:?}", image.repo_tags); //! } //! }, //! Err(e) => eprintln!("Something bad happened! {}", e), //! } //! # }; //! ``` pub mod builder; pub mod errors; pub mod rep; pub mod transport; pub mod tty; mod tarball; pub use crate::{ builder::{ BuildOptions, ContainerConnectionOptions, ContainerFilter, ContainerListOptions, ContainerOptions, EventsOptions, ExecContainerOptions, ImageFilter, ImageListOptions, LogsOptions, NetworkCreateOptions, NetworkListOptions, PullOptions, RegistryAuth, RmContainerOptions, TagOptions, VolumeCreateOptions, }, errors::Error, }; use crate::{ rep::{ Change, Container as ContainerRep, ContainerCreateInfo, ContainerDetails, Event, Exit, History, Image as ImageRep, ImageDetails, Info, NetworkCreateInfo, NetworkDetails as NetworkInfo, SearchResult, Stats, Status, Top, Version, Volume as VolumeRep, VolumeCreateInfo, Volumes as VolumesRep, }, transport::{tar, Transport}, tty::Multiplexer as TtyMultiPlexer, }; use futures_util::{ io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}, stream::Stream, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt, }; // use futures::{future::Either, Future, IntoFuture, Stream}; pub use hyper::Uri; use hyper::{client::HttpConnector, Body, Client, Method}; #[cfg(feature = "tls")] use hyper_openssl::HttpsConnector; #[cfg(feature = "unix-socket")] use hyperlocal::UnixConnector; use mime::Mime; #[cfg(feature = "tls")] use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslFiletype, SslMethod}; use serde_json::Value; use std::{borrow::Cow, env, io, io::Read, iter, path::Path, time::Duration}; use url::form_urlencoded; /// Represents the result of all docker operations pub type Result = std::result::Result; /// Entrypoint interface for communicating with docker daemon #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Docker { transport: Transport, } /// Interface for accessing and manipulating a named docker image pub struct Image<'a> { docker: &'a Docker, name: Cow<'a, str>, } impl<'a> Image<'a> { /// Exports an interface for operations that may be performed against a named image pub fn new( docker: &'a Docker, name: S, ) -> Self where S: Into>, { Image { docker, name: name.into(), } } /// Inspects a named image's details pub async fn inspect(&self) -> Result { self.docker .get_json(&format!("/images/{}/json", self.name)[..]) .await } /// Lists the history of the images set of changes pub async fn history(&self) -> Result> { self.docker .get_json(&format!("/images/{}/history", self.name)[..]) .await } /// Deletes an image pub async fn delete(&self) -> Result> { self.docker .delete_json::>(&format!("/images/{}", self.name)[..]) .await } /// Export this image to a tarball pub fn export(&self) -> impl Stream>> + Unpin + 'a { Box::pin( self.docker .stream_get(format!("/images/{}/get", self.name)) .map_ok(|c| c.to_vec()), ) } /// Adds a tag to an image pub async fn tag( &self, opts: &TagOptions, ) -> Result<()> { let mut path = vec![format!("/images/{}/tag", self.name)]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query) } let _ = self.docker.post(&path.join("?"), None).await?; Ok(()) } } /// Interface for docker images pub struct Images<'a> { docker: &'a Docker, } impl<'a> Images<'a> { /// Exports an interface for interacting with docker images pub fn new(docker: &'a Docker) -> Images<'a> { Images { docker } } /// Builds a new image build by reading a Dockerfile in a target directory pub fn build( &'a self, opts: &'a BuildOptions, ) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a { Box::pin( async move { let mut path = vec!["/build".to_owned()]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query) } let mut bytes = Vec::default(); tarball::dir(&mut bytes, &opts.path[..])?; let value_stream = self.docker.stream_post_into_values( path.join("?"), Some((Body::from(bytes), tar())), None::>, ); Ok(value_stream) } .try_flatten_stream(), ) } /// Lists the docker images on the current docker host pub async fn list( &self, opts: &ImageListOptions, ) -> Result> { let mut path = vec!["/images/json".to_owned()]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query); } self.docker.get_json::>(&path.join("?")).await } /// Returns a reference to a set of operations available for a named image pub fn get( &self, name: &'a str, ) -> Image<'a> { Image::new(self.docker, name) } /// Search for docker images by term pub async fn search( &self, term: &str, ) -> Result> { let query = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("term", term) .finish(); self.docker .get_json::>(&format!("/images/search?{}", query)[..]) .await } /// Pull and create a new docker images from an existing image pub fn pull( &self, opts: &PullOptions, ) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a { let mut path = vec!["/images/create".to_owned()]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query); } let headers = opts .auth_header() .map(|a| iter::once(("X-Registry-Auth", a))); Box::pin( self.docker .stream_post_into_values(path.join("?"), None, headers), ) } /// exports a collection of named images, /// either by name, name:tag, or image id, into a tarball pub fn export( &self, names: Vec<&str>, ) -> impl Stream>> + 'a { let params = names.iter().map(|n| ("names", *n)); let query = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .extend_pairs(params) .finish(); self.docker .stream_get(format!("/images/get?{}", query)) .map_ok(|c| c.to_vec()) } /// imports an image or set of images from a given tarball source /// source can be uncompressed on compressed via gzip, bzip2 or xz pub fn import( self, mut tarball: R, ) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a where R: Read + Send + 'a, { Box::pin( async move { let mut bytes = Vec::default(); tarball.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?; let value_stream = self.docker.stream_post_into_values( "/images/load", Some((Body::from(bytes), tar())), None::>, ); Ok(value_stream) } .try_flatten_stream(), ) } } /// Interface for accessing and manipulating a docker container pub struct Container<'a> { docker: &'a Docker, id: Cow<'a, str>, } impl<'a> Container<'a> { /// Exports an interface exposing operations against a container instance pub fn new( docker: &'a Docker, id: S, ) -> Self where S: Into>, { Container { docker, id: id.into(), } } /// a getter for the container id pub fn id(&self) -> &str { &self.id } /// Inspects the current docker container instance's details pub async fn inspect(&self) -> Result { self.docker .get_json::(&format!("/containers/{}/json", self.id)[..]) .await } /// Returns a `top` view of information about the container process pub async fn top( &self, psargs: Option<&str>, ) -> Result { let mut path = vec![format!("/containers/{}/top", self.id)]; if let Some(ref args) = psargs { let encoded = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("ps_args", args) .finish(); path.push(encoded) } self.docker.get_json(&path.join("?")).await } /// Returns a stream of logs emitted but the container instance pub fn logs( &self, opts: &LogsOptions, ) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a { let mut path = vec![format!("/containers/{}/logs", self.id)]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query) } let stream = Box::pin(self.docker.stream_get(path.join("?"))); Box::pin(tty::decode(stream)) } /// Attaches a multiplexed TCP stream to the container that can be used to read Stdout, Stderr and write Stdin. async fn attach_raw(&self) -> Result { self.docker .stream_post_upgrade( format!( "/containers/{}/attach?stream=1&stdout=1&stderr=1&stdin=1", self.id ), None, ) .await } /// Attaches a `[TtyMultiplexer]` to the container. /// /// The `[TtyMultiplexer]` implements Stream for returning Stdout and Stderr chunks. It also implements `[AsyncWrite]` for writing to Stdin. /// /// The multiplexer can be split into its read and write halves with the `[split](TtyMultiplexer::split)` method pub async fn attach(&self) -> Result> { let tcp_stream = self.attach_raw().await?; Ok(TtyMultiPlexer::new(tcp_stream)) } /// Returns a set of changes made to the container instance pub async fn changes(&self) -> Result> { self.docker .get_json::>(&format!("/containers/{}/changes", self.id)[..]) .await } /// Exports the current docker container into a tarball pub fn export(&self) -> impl Stream>> + 'a { self.docker .stream_get(format!("/containers/{}/export", self.id)) .map_ok(|c| c.to_vec()) } /// Returns a stream of stats specific to this container instance pub fn stats(&'a self) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a { let codec = futures_codec::LinesCodec {}; let reader = Box::pin( self.docker .stream_get(format!("/containers/{}/stats", self.id)) .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)), ) .into_async_read(); Box::pin( futures_codec::FramedRead::new(reader, codec) .map_err(Error::IO) .and_then(|s: String| async move { serde_json::from_str(&s).map_err(Error::SerdeJsonError) }), ) } /// Start the container instance pub async fn start(&self) -> Result<()> { self.docker .post(&format!("/containers/{}/start", self.id)[..], None) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Stop the container instance pub async fn stop( &self, wait: Option, ) -> Result<()> { let mut path = vec![format!("/containers/{}/stop", self.id)]; if let Some(w) = wait { let encoded = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("t", &w.as_secs().to_string()) .finish(); path.push(encoded) } self.docker.post(&path.join("?"), None).await?; Ok(()) } /// Restart the container instance pub async fn restart( &self, wait: Option, ) -> Result<()> { let mut path = vec![format!("/containers/{}/restart", self.id)]; if let Some(w) = wait { let encoded = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("t", &w.as_secs().to_string()) .finish(); path.push(encoded) } self.docker.post(&path.join("?"), None).await?; Ok(()) } /// Kill the container instance pub async fn kill( &self, signal: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<()> { let mut path = vec![format!("/containers/{}/kill", self.id)]; if let Some(sig) = signal { let encoded = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("signal", &sig.to_owned()) .finish(); path.push(encoded) } self.docker.post(&path.join("?"), None).await?; Ok(()) } /// Rename the container instance pub async fn rename( &self, name: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let query = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("name", name) .finish(); self.docker .post( &format!("/containers/{}/rename?{}", self.id, query)[..], None, ) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Pause the container instance pub async fn pause(&self) -> Result<()> { self.docker .post(&format!("/containers/{}/pause", self.id)[..], None) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Unpause the container instance pub async fn unpause(&self) -> Result<()> { self.docker .post(&format!("/containers/{}/unpause", self.id)[..], None) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Wait until the container stops pub async fn wait(&self) -> Result { self.docker .post_json( format!("/containers/{}/wait", self.id), Option::<(Body, Mime)>::None, ) .await } /// Delete the container instance /// /// Use remove instead to use the force/v options. pub async fn delete(&self) -> Result<()> { self.docker .delete(&format!("/containers/{}", self.id)[..]) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Delete the container instance (todo: force/v) pub async fn remove( &self, opts: RmContainerOptions, ) -> Result<()> { let mut path = vec![format!("/containers/{}", self.id)]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query) } self.docker.delete(&path.join("?")).await?; Ok(()) } async fn exec_create( &self, opts: &ExecContainerOptions, ) -> Result { #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")] struct Response { id: String, } let body: Body = opts.serialize()?.into(); let Response { id } = self .docker .post_json( &format!("/containers/{}/exec", self.id)[..], Some((body, mime::APPLICATION_JSON)), ) .await?; Ok(id) } fn exec_start( &self, id: String, ) -> impl Stream> + 'a { let bytes: &[u8] = b"{}"; let stream = Box::pin(self.docker.stream_post( format!("/exec/{}/start", id), Some((bytes.into(), mime::APPLICATION_JSON)), None::>, )); tty::decode(stream) } pub fn exec( &'a self, opts: &'a ExecContainerOptions, ) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a { Box::pin( async move { let id = self.exec_create(opts).await?; Ok(self.exec_start(id)) } .try_flatten_stream(), ) } /// Copy a file/folder from the container. The resulting stream is a tarball of the extracted /// files. /// /// If `path` is not an absolute path, it is relative to the container’s root directory. The /// resource specified by `path` must exist. To assert that the resource is expected to be a /// directory, `path` should end in `/` or `/`. (assuming a path separator of `/`). If `path` /// ends in `/.` then this indicates that only the contents of the path directory should be /// copied. A symlink is always resolved to its target. pub fn copy_from( &self, path: &Path, ) -> impl Stream>> + 'a { let path_arg = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("path", &path.to_string_lossy()) .finish(); let endpoint = format!("/containers/{}/archive?{}", self.id, path_arg); self.docker.stream_get(endpoint).map_ok(|c| c.to_vec()) } /// Copy a byte slice as file into (see `bytes`) the container. /// /// The file will be copied at the given location (see `path`) and will be owned by root /// with access mask 644. pub async fn copy_file_into>( &self, path: P, bytes: &[u8], ) -> Result<()> { let path = path.as_ref(); let mut ar = tar::Builder::new(Vec::new()); let mut header = tar::Header::new_gnu(); header.set_size(bytes.len() as u64); header.set_mode(0o0644); ar.append_data( &mut header, path.to_path_buf() .iter() .skip(1) .collect::(), bytes, ) .unwrap(); let data = ar.into_inner().unwrap(); self.copy_to(Path::new("/"), data.into()).await?; Ok(()) } /// Copy a tarball (see `body`) to the container. /// /// The tarball will be copied to the container and extracted at the given location (see `path`). pub async fn copy_to( &self, path: &Path, body: Body, ) -> Result<()> { let path_arg = form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("path", &path.to_string_lossy()) .finish(); let mime = "application/x-tar".parse::().unwrap(); self.docker .put( &format!("/containers/{}/archive?{}", self.id, path_arg), Some((body, mime)), ) .await?; Ok(()) } } /// Interface for docker containers pub struct Containers<'a> { docker: &'a Docker, } impl<'a> Containers<'a> { /// Exports an interface for interacting with docker containers pub fn new(docker: &'a Docker) -> Containers<'a> { Containers { docker } } /// Lists the container instances on the docker host pub async fn list( &self, opts: &ContainerListOptions, ) -> Result> { let mut path = vec!["/containers/json".to_owned()]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query) } self.docker .get_json::>(&path.join("?")) .await } /// Returns a reference to a set of operations available to a specific container instance pub fn get( &self, name: &'a str, ) -> Container<'a> { Container::new(self.docker, name) } /// Returns a builder interface for creating a new container instance pub async fn create( &self, opts: &ContainerOptions, ) -> Result { let body: Body = opts.serialize()?.into(); let mut path = vec!["/containers/create".to_owned()]; if let Some(ref name) = opts.name { path.push( form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("name", name) .finish(), ); } self.docker .post_json(&path.join("?"), Some((body, mime::APPLICATION_JSON))) .await } } /// Interface for docker network pub struct Networks<'a> { docker: &'a Docker, } impl<'a> Networks<'a> { /// Exports an interface for interacting with docker Networks pub fn new(docker: &'a Docker) -> Networks<'a> { Networks { docker } } /// List the docker networks on the current docker host pub async fn list( &self, opts: &NetworkListOptions, ) -> Result> { let mut path = vec!["/networks".to_owned()]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query); } self.docker.get_json(&path.join("?")).await } /// Returns a reference to a set of operations available to a specific network instance pub fn get<'b>( &self, id: &'b str, ) -> Network<'a, 'b> { Network::new(self.docker, id) } /// Create a new Network instance pub async fn create( &self, opts: &NetworkCreateOptions, ) -> Result { let body: Body = opts.serialize()?.into(); let path = vec!["/networks/create".to_owned()]; self.docker .post_json(&path.join("?"), Some((body, mime::APPLICATION_JSON))) .await } } /// Interface for accessing and manipulating a docker network pub struct Network<'a, 'b> { docker: &'a Docker, id: Cow<'b, str>, } impl<'a, 'b> Network<'a, 'b> { /// Exports an interface exposing operations against a network instance pub fn new( docker: &'a Docker, id: S, ) -> Network<'a, 'b> where S: Into>, { Network { docker, id: id.into(), } } /// a getter for the Network id pub fn id(&self) -> &str { &self.id } /// Inspects the current docker network instance's details pub async fn inspect(&self) -> Result { self.docker .get_json(&format!("/networks/{}", self.id)[..]) .await } /// Delete the network instance pub async fn delete(&self) -> Result<()> { self.docker .delete(&format!("/networks/{}", self.id)[..]) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Connect container to network pub async fn connect( &self, opts: &ContainerConnectionOptions, ) -> Result<()> { self.do_connection("connect", opts).await } /// Disconnect container to network pub async fn disconnect( &self, opts: &ContainerConnectionOptions, ) -> Result<()> { self.do_connection("disconnect", opts).await } async fn do_connection( &self, segment: &str, opts: &ContainerConnectionOptions, ) -> Result<()> { let body: Body = opts.serialize()?.into(); self.docker .post( &format!("/networks/{}/{}", self.id, segment)[..], Some((body, mime::APPLICATION_JSON)), ) .await?; Ok(()) } } /// Interface for docker volumes pub struct Volumes<'a> { docker: &'a Docker, } impl<'a> Volumes<'a> { /// Exports an interface for interacting with docker volumes pub fn new(docker: &'a Docker) -> Volumes<'a> { Volumes { docker } } pub async fn create( &self, opts: &VolumeCreateOptions, ) -> Result { let body: Body = opts.serialize()?.into(); let path = vec!["/volumes/create".to_owned()]; self.docker .post_json(&path.join("?"), Some((body, mime::APPLICATION_JSON))) .await } /// Lists the docker volumes on the current docker host pub async fn list(&self) -> Result> { let path = vec!["/volumes".to_owned()]; let volumes_rep = self.docker.get_json::(&path.join("?")).await?; Ok(match volumes_rep.volumes { Some(volumes) => volumes, None => vec![], }) } /// Returns a reference to a set of operations available for a named volume pub fn get<'b>( &self, name: &'b str, ) -> Volume<'a, 'b> { Volume::new(self.docker, name) } } /// Interface for accessing and manipulating a named docker volume pub struct Volume<'a, 'b> { docker: &'a Docker, name: Cow<'b, str>, } impl<'a, 'b> Volume<'a, 'b> { /// Exports an interface for operations that may be performed against a named volume pub fn new( docker: &'a Docker, name: S, ) -> Volume<'a, 'b> where S: Into>, { Volume { docker, name: name.into(), } } /// Deletes a volume pub async fn delete(&self) -> Result<()> { self.docker .delete(&format!("/volumes/{}", self.name)[..]) .await?; Ok(()) } } fn get_http_connector() -> HttpConnector { let mut http = HttpConnector::new(); http.enforce_http(false); http } #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn get_docker_for_tcp(tcp_host_str: String) -> Docker { let http = get_http_connector(); if let Ok(ref certs) = env::var("DOCKER_CERT_PATH") { // fixme: don't unwrap before you know what's in the box // https://github.com/hyperium/hyper/blob/master/src/net.rs#L427-L428 let mut connector = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap(); connector.set_cipher_list("DEFAULT").unwrap(); let cert = &format!("{}/cert.pem", certs); let key = &format!("{}/key.pem", certs); connector .set_certificate_file(&Path::new(cert), SslFiletype::PEM) .unwrap(); connector .set_private_key_file(&Path::new(key), SslFiletype::PEM) .unwrap(); if env::var("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY").is_ok() { let ca = &format!("{}/ca.pem", certs); connector.set_ca_file(&Path::new(ca)).unwrap(); } // If we are attempting to connec to the docker daemon via tcp // we need to convert the scheme to `https` to let hyper connect. // Otherwise, hyper will reject the connection since it does not // recongnize `tcp` as a valid `http` scheme. let tcp_host_str = if tcp_host_str.contains("tcp://") { tcp_host_str.replace("tcp://", "https://") } else { tcp_host_str }; Docker { transport: Transport::EncryptedTcp { client: Client::builder() .build(HttpsConnector::with_connector(http, connector).unwrap()), host: tcp_host_str, }, } } else { Docker { transport: Transport::Tcp { client: Client::builder().build(http), host: tcp_host_str, }, } } } #[cfg(not(feature = "tls"))] fn get_docker_for_tcp(tcp_host_str: String) -> Docker { let http = get_http_connector(); Docker { transport: Transport::Tcp { client: Client::builder().build(http), host: tcp_host_str, }, } } // https://docs.docker.com/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.17/ impl Docker { /// constructs a new Docker instance for a docker host listening at a url specified by an env var `DOCKER_HOST`, /// falling back on unix:///var/run/docker.sock pub fn new() -> Docker { match env::var("DOCKER_HOST").ok() { Some(host) => { #[cfg(feature = "unix-socket")] if let Some(path) = host.strip_prefix("unix://") { return Docker::unix(path); } let host = host.parse().expect("invalid url"); Docker::host(host) } #[cfg(feature = "unix-socket")] None => Docker::unix("/var/run/docker.sock"), #[cfg(not(feature = "unix-socket"))] None => panic!("Unix socket support is disabled"), } } /// Creates a new docker instance for a docker host /// listening on a given Unix socket. #[cfg(feature = "unix-socket")] pub fn unix(socket_path: S) -> Docker where S: Into, { Docker { transport: Transport::Unix { client: Client::builder() .pool_max_idle_per_host(0) .build(UnixConnector), path: socket_path.into(), }, } } /// constructs a new Docker instance for docker host listening at the given host url pub fn host(host: Uri) -> Docker { let tcp_host_str = format!( "{}://{}:{}", host.scheme_str().unwrap(), host.host().unwrap().to_owned(), host.port_u16().unwrap_or(80) ); match host.scheme_str() { #[cfg(feature = "unix-socket")] Some("unix") => Docker { transport: Transport::Unix { client: Client::builder().build(UnixConnector), path: host.path().to_owned(), }, }, #[cfg(not(feature = "unix-socket"))] Some("unix") => panic!("Unix socket support is disabled"), _ => get_docker_for_tcp(tcp_host_str), } } /// Exports an interface for interacting with docker images pub fn images(&self) -> Images { Images::new(self) } /// Exports an interface for interacting with docker containers pub fn containers(&self) -> Containers { Containers::new(self) } pub fn networks(&self) -> Networks { Networks::new(self) } pub fn volumes(&self) -> Volumes { Volumes::new(self) } /// Returns version information associated with the docker daemon pub async fn version(&self) -> Result { self.get_json("/version").await } /// Returns information associated with the docker daemon pub async fn info(&self) -> Result { self.get_json("/info").await } /// Returns a simple ping response indicating the docker daemon is accessible pub async fn ping(&self) -> Result { self.get("/_ping").await } /// Returns a stream of docker events pub fn events<'a>( &'a self, opts: &'a EventsOptions, ) -> impl Stream> + Unpin + 'a { let mut path = vec!["/events".to_owned()]; if let Some(query) = opts.serialize() { path.push(query); } let reader = Box::pin( self.stream_get(path.join("?")) .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)), ) .into_async_read(); let codec = futures_codec::LinesCodec {}; Box::pin( futures_codec::FramedRead::new(reader, codec) .map_err(Error::IO) .and_then(|s: String| async move { serde_json::from_str(&s).map_err(Error::SerdeJsonError) }), ) } // // Utility functions to make requests // async fn get( &self, endpoint: &str, ) -> Result { self.transport .request(Method::GET, endpoint, Option::<(Body, Mime)>::None) .await } async fn get_json( &self, endpoint: &str, ) -> Result { let raw_string = self .transport .request(Method::GET, endpoint, Option::<(Body, Mime)>::None) .await?; Ok(serde_json::from_str::(&raw_string)?) } async fn post( &self, endpoint: &str, body: Option<(Body, Mime)>, ) -> Result { self.transport.request(Method::POST, endpoint, body).await } async fn put( &self, endpoint: &str, body: Option<(Body, Mime)>, ) -> Result { self.transport.request(Method::PUT, endpoint, body).await } async fn post_json( &self, endpoint: impl AsRef, body: Option<(B, Mime)>, ) -> Result where T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned, B: Into, { let string = self.transport.request(Method::POST, endpoint, body).await?; Ok(serde_json::from_str::(&string)?) } async fn delete( &self, endpoint: &str, ) -> Result { self.transport .request(Method::DELETE, endpoint, Option::<(Body, Mime)>::None) .await } async fn delete_json( &self, endpoint: &str, ) -> Result { let string = self .transport .request(Method::DELETE, endpoint, Option::<(Body, Mime)>::None) .await?; Ok(serde_json::from_str::(&string)?) } /// Send a streaming post request. /// /// Use stream_post_into_values if the endpoint returns JSON values fn stream_post<'a, H>( &'a self, endpoint: impl AsRef + 'a, body: Option<(Body, Mime)>, headers: Option, ) -> impl Stream> + 'a where H: IntoIterator + 'a, { self.transport .stream_chunks(Method::POST, endpoint, body, headers) } /// Send a streaming post request that returns a stream of JSON values /// /// Assumes that each received chunk contains one or more JSON values fn stream_post_into_values<'a, H>( &'a self, endpoint: impl AsRef + 'a, body: Option<(Body, Mime)>, headers: Option, ) -> impl Stream> + 'a where H: IntoIterator + 'a, { self.stream_post(endpoint, body, headers) .and_then(|chunk| async move { let stream = futures_util::stream::iter( serde_json::Deserializer::from_slice(&chunk) .into_iter() .collect::>(), ) .map_err(Error::from); Ok(stream) }) .try_flatten() } fn stream_get<'a>( &'a self, endpoint: impl AsRef + Unpin + 'a, ) -> impl Stream> + 'a { let headers = Some(Vec::default()); self.transport .stream_chunks(Method::GET, endpoint, Option::<(Body, Mime)>::None, headers) } async fn stream_post_upgrade<'a>( &'a self, endpoint: impl AsRef + 'a, body: Option<(Body, Mime)>, ) -> Result { self.transport .stream_upgrade(Method::POST, endpoint, body) .await } } impl Default for Docker { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[cfg(feature = "unix-socket")] #[test] fn unix_host_env() { use super::Docker; use std::env; env::set_var("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///docker.sock"); let d = Docker::new(); match d.transport { crate::transport::Transport::Unix { path, .. } => { assert_eq!(path, "/docker.sock"); } _ => { panic!("Expected transport to be unix."); } } env::set_var("DOCKER_HOST", "http://localhost:8000"); let d = Docker::new(); match d.transport { crate::transport::Transport::Tcp { host, .. } => { assert_eq!(host, "http://localhost:8000"); } _ => { panic!("Expected transport to be http."); } } } }