# 0.2.1 (unreleased) * removed `Body` type with a preference for `Into` * implemented `Image.build` * renamed `Image.create` to `Image.pull` to avoid confusion with `Image.build` and added `PullOptions` argument and return type of iterable `PullOutput` # 0.2.0 * many breaking changes required to make interfaces consistent, idomatic, and future friendly * better error representations * improve (remove) mut in interfaces where it was no longer needed * update deps * refactor to use [hyperlocal](https://github.com/softprops/hyperlocal) for better unix domain socket transport support * expose Config env as a map instead of a vec of strings * add support for export containers and image # 0.1.2 * Update dependencies # 0.1.1 * Added events interface # 0.1.0 * Initial release