use failure::{self, ResultExt}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Write}; use rpassword; extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use sequoia_core::Context; use crate::openpgp::types::{ CompressionAlgorithm, }; use crate::openpgp::crypto; use crate::openpgp::{Cert, KeyID, Result}; use crate::openpgp::packet::prelude::*; use crate::openpgp::parse::{ Parse, PacketParserResult, }; use crate::openpgp::parse::stream::{ Verifier, DetachedVerifier, VerificationResult, VerificationHelper, MessageStructure, MessageLayer, }; use crate::openpgp::serialize::stream::{ Message, Signer, LiteralWriter, Encryptor, Recipient, Compressor, }; use crate::openpgp::serialize::padding::{ Padder, padme, }; extern crate sequoia_store as store; mod decrypt; pub use self::decrypt::decrypt; mod sign; pub use self::sign::sign; pub mod dump; use dump::Convert; pub use self::dump::dump; mod inspect; pub use self::inspect::inspect; pub mod key; /// Returns suitable signing keys from a given list of Certs. fn get_signing_keys(certs: &[openpgp::Cert]) -> Result>> { let mut keys = Vec::new(); 'next_cert: for tsk in certs { for key in tsk.keys_valid() .signing_capable() .map(|k| k.2) { if let Some(secret) = key.secret() { let unencrypted = match secret { SecretKeyMaterial::Encrypted(ref e) => { let password = rpassword::read_password_from_tty(Some( &format!("Please enter password to decrypt {}/{}: ", tsk, key))).unwrap(); e.decrypt(key.pk_algo(), &password.into()) .expect("decryption failed") }, SecretKeyMaterial::Unencrypted(ref u) => u.clone(), }; keys.push(crypto::KeyPair::new(key.clone(), unencrypted) .unwrap()); break 'next_cert; } } return Err(failure::err_msg( format!("Found no suitable signing key on {}", tsk))); } Ok(keys) } pub fn encrypt(mapping: &mut store::Mapping, input: &mut dyn io::Read, output: &mut dyn io::Write, npasswords: usize, recipients: Vec<&str>, mut certs: Vec, signers: Vec, mode: openpgp::types::KeyFlags, compression: &str) -> Result<()> { for r in recipients { certs.push(mapping.lookup(r).context("No such key found")?.cert()?); } let mut passwords: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(npasswords); for n in 0..npasswords { let nprompt = format!("Enter password {}: ", n + 1); passwords.push(rpassword::read_password_from_tty(Some( if npasswords > 1 { &nprompt } else { "Enter password: " }))?.into()); } if certs.len() + passwords.len() == 0 { return Err(failure::format_err!( "Neither recipient nor password given")); } let mut signers = get_signing_keys(&signers)?; // Build a vector of references to hand to Signer. let recipients: Vec<&openpgp::Cert> = certs.iter().collect(); // Build a vector of recipients to hand to Encryptor. let mut recipient_subkeys: Vec = Vec::new(); for cert in certs.iter() { let mut count = 0; for (_, _, key) in cert.keys_valid().key_flags(mode.clone()) { recipient_subkeys.push(key.into()); count += 1; } if count == 0 { return Err(failure::format_err!( "Key {} has no suitable encryption key", cert)); } } // Stream an OpenPGP message. let message = Message::new(output); // We want to encrypt a literal data packet. let mut encryptor = if let Some(p) = passwords.pop() { Encryptor::with_password(message, p) } else { Encryptor::for_recipient(message, recipient_subkeys.pop().unwrap()) }; for p in passwords { encryptor = encryptor.add_password(p); } for r in recipient_subkeys { encryptor = encryptor.add_recipient(r); } let mut sink = .context("Failed to create encryptor")?; match compression { "none" => (), "pad" => sink = Padder::new(sink, padme)?, "zip" => sink = Compressor::new(sink).algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Zip).build()?, "zlib" => sink = Compressor::new(sink).algo(CompressionAlgorithm::Zlib).build()?, "bzip2" => sink = Compressor::new(sink).algo(CompressionAlgorithm::BZip2).build()?, _ => unreachable!("all possible choices are handled") } // Optionally sign message. if ! signers.is_empty() { let mut signer = Signer::new(sink, signers.pop().unwrap()); for s in signers { signer = signer.add_signer(s); } for r in recipients { signer = signer.add_intended_recipient(r); } sink =; } let mut literal_writer = LiteralWriter::new(sink).build() .context("Failed to create literal writer")?; // Finally, copy stdin to our writer stack to encrypt the data. io::copy(input, &mut literal_writer) .context("Failed to encrypt")?; literal_writer.finalize() .context("Failed to encrypt")?; Ok(()) } struct VHelper<'a> { ctx: &'a Context, mapping: &'a mut store::Mapping, signatures: usize, certs: Option>, labels: HashMap, trusted: HashSet, good_signatures: usize, good_checksums: usize, unknown_checksums: usize, bad_signatures: usize, bad_checksums: usize, } impl<'a> VHelper<'a> { fn new(ctx: &'a Context, mapping: &'a mut store::Mapping, signatures: usize, certs: Vec) -> Self { VHelper { ctx: ctx, mapping: mapping, signatures: signatures, certs: Some(certs), labels: HashMap::new(), trusted: HashSet::new(), good_signatures: 0, good_checksums: 0, unknown_checksums: 0, bad_signatures: 0, bad_checksums: 0, } } fn print_status(&self) { fn p(dirty: &mut bool, what: &str, quantity: usize) { if quantity > 0 { eprint!("{}{} {}{}", if *dirty { ", " } else { "" }, quantity, what, if quantity == 1 { "" } else { "s" }); *dirty = true; } } let mut dirty = false; p(&mut dirty, "good signature", self.good_signatures); p(&mut dirty, "good checksum", self.good_checksums); p(&mut dirty, "unknown checksum", self.unknown_checksums); p(&mut dirty, "bad signature", self.bad_signatures); p(&mut dirty, "bad checksum", self.bad_checksums); if dirty { eprintln!("."); } } fn print_sigs(&mut self, results: &[VerificationResult]) { use self::VerificationResult::*; for result in results { if let MissingKey { sig } = result { let issuer = sig.get_issuers().iter().nth(0) .expect("missing key checksum has an issuer") .to_string(); let what = match sig.level() { 0 => "checksum".into(), n => format!("level {} notarizing checksum", n), }; eprintln!("No key to check {} from {}", what, issuer); self.unknown_checksums += 1; continue; } let (issuer, level) = match result { GoodChecksum { sig, key, .. } | NotAlive { sig, key, .. } | BadChecksum { sig, key, .. } => (key.keyid(), sig.level()), MissingKey { .. } => unreachable!("handled above"), }; let trusted = self.trusted.contains(&issuer); let what = match (level == 0, trusted) { (true, true) => "signature".into(), (false, true) => format!("level {} notarization", level), (true, false) => "checksum".into(), (false, false) => format!("level {} notarizing checksum", level), }; let issuer_str = issuer.to_string(); let label = self.labels.get(&issuer).unwrap_or(&issuer_str); match result { GoodChecksum { .. } => { eprintln!("Good {} from {}", what, label); if trusted { self.good_signatures += 1; } else { self.good_checksums += 1; } }, NotAlive { .. } => { eprintln!("Good checksum, but not alive: {} from {}", what, label); if trusted { self.bad_signatures += 1; } else { self.bad_checksums += 1; } }, BadChecksum { .. } => { eprintln!("Bad {} from {}", what, label); if trusted { self.bad_signatures += 1; } else { self.bad_checksums += 1; } }, MissingKey { .. } => unreachable!("handled above"), } } } } impl<'a> VerificationHelper for VHelper<'a> { fn get_public_keys(&mut self, ids: &[openpgp::KeyHandle]) -> Result> { let mut certs = self.certs.take().unwrap(); let seen: HashSet<_> = certs.iter() .flat_map(|cert| { // Even if a key is revoked or expired, we can still // use it to verify a message. cert.keys_all().map(|(_, _, key)| key.fingerprint().into()) }).collect(); // Explicitly provided keys are trusted. self.trusted = seen.clone(); // Try to get missing Certs from the mapping. for id in ids.iter().map(|i| KeyID::from(i.clone())) .filter(|i| !seen.contains(i)) { let _ = self.mapping.lookup_by_subkeyid(&id) .and_then(|binding| { self.labels.insert(id.clone(), binding.label()?); // Keys from our mapping are trusted. self.trusted.insert(id.clone()); binding.cert() }) .and_then(|cert| { certs.push(cert); Ok(()) }); } // Update seen. let seen = self.trusted.clone(); // Try to get missing Certs from the pool. for id in ids.iter().map(|i| KeyID::from(i.clone())) .filter(|i| !seen.contains(i)) { let _ = store::Store::lookup_by_subkeyid(self.ctx, &id) .and_then(|key| { // Keys from the pool are NOT trusted. key.cert() }) .and_then(|cert| { certs.push(cert); Ok(()) }); } Ok(certs) } fn check(&mut self, structure: &MessageStructure) -> Result<()> { for layer in structure.iter() { match layer { MessageLayer::Compression { algo } => eprintln!("Compressed using {}", algo), MessageLayer::Encryption { sym_algo, aead_algo } => if let Some(aead_algo) = aead_algo { eprintln!("Encrypted and protected using {}/{}", sym_algo, aead_algo); } else { eprintln!("Encrypted using {}", sym_algo); }, MessageLayer::SignatureGroup { ref results } => self.print_sigs(results), } } if self.good_signatures >= self.signatures && self.bad_signatures + self.bad_checksums == 0 { Ok(()) } else { self.print_status(); Err(failure::err_msg("Verification failed")) } } } pub fn verify(ctx: &Context, mapping: &mut store::Mapping, input: &mut dyn io::Read, detached: Option<&mut dyn io::Read>, output: &mut dyn io::Write, signatures: usize, certs: Vec) -> Result<()> { let helper = VHelper::new(ctx, mapping, signatures, certs); let mut verifier = if let Some(dsig) = detached { DetachedVerifier::from_reader(dsig, input, helper, None)? } else { Verifier::from_reader(input, helper, None)? }; io::copy(&mut verifier, output) .map_err(|e| if e.get_ref().is_some() { // Wrapped failure::Error. Recover it. failure::Error::from_boxed_compat(e.into_inner().unwrap()) } else { // Plain io::Error. e.into() })?; verifier.into_helper().print_status(); Ok(()) } pub fn split(input: &mut dyn io::Read, prefix: &str) -> Result<()> { // We (ab)use the mapping feature to create byte-accurate dumps of // nested packets. let mut ppr = openpgp::parse::PacketParserBuilder::from_reader(input)? .map(true).finalize()?; // This encodes our position in the tree. let mut pos = vec![0]; while let PacketParserResult::Some(pp) = ppr { if let Some(ref map) = { let filename = format!( "{}{}--{:?}", prefix, pos.iter().map(|n| format!("{}", n)) .collect::>().join("-"), pp.packet.tag()); let mut sink = File::create(filename) .context("Failed to create output file")?; // Write all the bytes. for field in map.iter() { sink.write_all(; } } ppr = pp.recurse()?.1; let old_depth = ppr.last_recursion_depth(); let new_depth = ppr.recursion_depth(); // Update pos. match old_depth.cmp(&new_depth) { Ordering::Less => pos.push(0), Ordering::Equal => *pos.last_mut().unwrap() += 1, Ordering::Greater => { pos.pop(); }, } } Ok(()) } /// Joins the given files. pub fn join(inputs: Option, output: &mut dyn io::Write) -> Result<()> { /// Writes a bit-accurate copy of all top-level packets in PPR to /// OUTPUT. fn copy(mut ppr: PacketParserResult, output: &mut dyn io::Write) -> Result<()> { while let PacketParserResult::Some(pp) = ppr { // We (ab)use the mapping feature to create byte-accurate // copies. for field in"must be mapped").iter() { output.write_all(; } ppr =; } Ok(()) } if let Some(inputs) = inputs { for name in inputs { let ppr = openpgp::parse::PacketParserBuilder::from_file(name)? .map(true).finalize()?; copy(ppr, output)?; } } else { let ppr = openpgp::parse::PacketParserBuilder::from_reader(io::stdin())? .map(true).finalize()?; copy(ppr, output)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn mapping_print_stats(mapping: &store::Mapping, label: &str) -> Result<()> { fn print_stamps(st: &store::Stamps) -> Result<()> { println!("{} messages using this key", st.count); if let Some(t) = st.first { println!(" First: {}", t.convert()); } if let Some(t) = st.last { println!(" Last: {}", t.convert()); } Ok(()) } fn print_stats(st: &store::Stats) -> Result<()> { if let Some(t) = st.created { println!(" Created: {}", t.convert()); } if let Some(t) = st.updated { println!(" Updated: {}", t.convert()); } print!(" Encrypted "); print_stamps(&st.encryption)?; print!(" Verified "); print_stamps(&st.verification)?; Ok(()) } let binding = mapping.lookup(label)?; println!("Binding {:?}", label); print_stats(&binding.stats().context("Failed to get stats")?)?; let key = binding.key().context("Failed to get key")?; println!("Key"); print_stats(&key.stats().context("Failed to get stats")?)?; Ok(()) }