/// A simple signature verification program. /// /// See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872271 for /// the motivation. extern crate clap; extern crate failure; use failure::ResultExt; extern crate time; extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use std::process::exit; use std::fs::File; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use openpgp::{TPK, Packet, packet::Signature, KeyID, RevocationStatus}; use openpgp::constants::HashAlgorithm; use openpgp::parse::{Parse, PacketParserResult, PacketParser}; use openpgp::tpk::TPKParser; mod sqv_cli; fn real_main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> { let matches = sqv_cli::build().get_matches(); let trace = matches.is_present("trace"); let good_threshold = if let Some(good_threshold) = matches.value_of("signatures") { match good_threshold.parse::() { Ok(good_threshold) => good_threshold, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Value passed to --signatures must be numeric: \ {} (got: {:?}).", err, good_threshold); exit(2); }, } } else { 1 }; if good_threshold < 1 { eprintln!("Value passed to --signatures must be >= 1 (got: {:?}).", good_threshold); exit(2); } let not_before = if let Some(t) = matches.value_of("not-before") { Some(time::strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d") .context(format!("Bad value passed to --not-before: {:?}", t))?) } else { None }; let not_after = if let Some(t) = matches.value_of("not-after") { Some(time::strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d") .context(format!("Bad value passed to --not-after: {:?}", t))?) } else { None }.unwrap_or_else(|| time::now_utc()); // First, we collect the signatures and the alleged issuers. // Then, we scan the keyrings exactly once to find the associated // TPKs. // .unwrap() is safe, because "sig-file" is required. let sig_file = matches.value_of_os("sig-file").unwrap(); let mut ppr = PacketParser::from_file(sig_file)?; let mut sigs_seen = HashSet::new(); let mut sigs : Vec<(Signature, KeyID, Option)> = Vec::new(); // sig_i is count of all Signature packets that we've seen. This // may be more than sigs.len() if we can't handle some of the // sigs. let mut sig_i = 0; while let PacketParserResult::Some(pp) = ppr { let (packet, ppr_tmp) = pp.recurse().unwrap(); ppr = ppr_tmp; match packet { Packet::Signature(sig) => { // To check for duplicates, we normalize the // signature, and put it into the hashset of seen // signatures. let mut sig_normalized = sig.clone(); sig_normalized.unhashed_area_mut().clear(); if sigs_seen.replace(sig_normalized).is_some() { eprintln!("Ignoring duplicate signature."); continue; } sig_i += 1; if let Some(fp) = sig.issuer_fingerprint() { if trace { eprintln!("Will check signature allegedly issued by {}.", fp); } // XXX: We use a KeyID even though we have a // fingerprint! sigs.push((sig, fp.to_keyid(), None)); } else if let Some(keyid) = sig.issuer() { if trace { eprintln!("Will check signature allegedly issued by {}.", keyid); } sigs.push((sig, keyid, None)); } else { eprintln!("Signature #{} does not contain information \ about the issuer. Unable to validate.", sig_i); } }, Packet::CompressedData(_) => { // Skip it. }, packet => { eprintln!("OpenPGP message is not a detached signature. \ Encountered unexpected packet: {:?} packet.", packet.tag()); exit(2); } } } if sigs.len() == 0 { eprintln!("{:?} does not contain an OpenPGP signature.", sig_file); exit(2); } // Hash the content. // .unwrap() is safe, because "file" is required. let file = matches.value_of_os("file").unwrap(); let hash_algos : Vec = sigs.iter().map(|&(ref sig, _, _)| sig.hash_algo()).collect(); let hashes: HashMap<_, _> = openpgp::crypto::hash_file(File::open(file)?, &hash_algos[..])? .into_iter().collect(); fn tpk_has_key(tpk: &TPK, keyid: &KeyID) -> bool { if *keyid == tpk.primary().keyid() { return true; } for binding in tpk.subkeys() { if *keyid == binding.subkey().keyid() { return true; } } false } // Find the keys. for filename in matches.values_of_os("keyring") .expect("No keyring specified.") { // Load the keyring. let tpks : Vec = TPKParser::from_file(filename)? .unvalidated_tpk_filter(|tpk, _| { for &(_, ref issuer, _) in &sigs { if tpk_has_key(tpk, issuer) { return true; } } false }) .map(|tpkr| { match tpkr { Ok(tpk) => tpk, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Error reading keyring {:?}: {}", filename, err); exit(2); } } }) .collect(); for tpk in tpks { for &mut (_, ref issuer, ref mut issuer_tpko) in sigs.iter_mut() { if tpk_has_key(&tpk, issuer) { if let Some(issuer_tpk) = issuer_tpko.take() { if trace { eprintln!("Found key {} again. Merging.", issuer); } *issuer_tpko = issuer_tpk.merge(tpk.clone()).ok(); } else { if trace { eprintln!("Found key {}.", issuer); } *issuer_tpko = Some(tpk.clone()); } } } } } // Verify the signatures. let mut sigs_seen_from_tpk = HashSet::new(); let mut good = 0; 'sig_loop: for (mut sig, issuer, tpko) in sigs.into_iter() { if trace { eprintln!("Checking signature allegedly issued by {}.", issuer); } if let Some(ref tpk) = tpko { // Find the right key. for (maybe_binding, _, key) in tpk.keys() { let binding = match maybe_binding { Some(b) => b, None => continue, }; if issuer == key.keyid() { if !binding.key_flags().can_sign() { eprintln!("Cannot check signature, key has no siginig \ capability"); continue 'sig_loop; } let mut hash = match hashes.get(&sig.hash_algo()) { Some(h) => h.clone(), None => { eprintln!("Cannot check signature, hash algorithm \ {} not supported.", sig.hash_algo()); continue 'sig_loop; }, }; sig.hash(&mut hash); let mut digest = vec![0u8; hash.digest_size()]; hash.digest(&mut digest); let hash_algo = sig.hash_algo(); sig.set_computed_hash(Some((hash_algo, digest))); match sig.verify(key) { Ok(true) => { if let Some(t) = sig.signature_creation_time() { if let Some(not_before) = not_before { if t < not_before { eprintln!( "Signature by {} was created before \ the --not-before date.", issuer); break; } } if t > not_after { eprintln!( "Signature by {} was created after \ the --not-after date.", issuer); break; } // check key was valid at sig creation time let binding = tpk .subkeys() .find(|s| { s.subkey().fingerprint() == key.fingerprint() }); if let Some(binding) = binding { if binding.revoked(t) != RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow { eprintln!( "Key was revoked when the signature \ was created."); break; } } if tpk.revoked(t) != RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow { eprintln!( "Primary key was revoked when the \ signature was created."); break; } } else { eprintln!( "Signature by {} does not contain \ information about the creation time.", issuer); break; } if trace { eprintln!("Signature by {} is good.", issuer); } if sigs_seen_from_tpk.replace(tpk.fingerprint()) .is_some() { eprintln!( "Ignoring additional good signature by {}.", issuer); continue; } println!("{}", tpk.primary().fingerprint()); good += 1; }, Ok(false) => { if trace { eprintln!("Signature by {} is bad.", issuer); } }, Err(err) => { if trace { eprintln!("Verifying signature: {}.", err); } }, } break; } } } else { eprintln!("Can't verify signature by {}, missing key.", issuer); } } if trace { eprintln!("{} of {} signatures are valid (threshold is: {}).", good, sig_i, good_threshold); } exit(if good >= good_threshold { 0 } else { 1 }); } fn main() { if let Err(e) = real_main() { let mut cause = e.as_fail(); eprint!("{}", cause); while let Some(c) = cause.cause() { eprint!(":\n {}", c); cause = c; } eprintln!(); exit(2); } }