use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use anyhow::Context; use assert_cmd::Command; use chrono::prelude::*; use chrono::Duration; use tempfile::TempDir; use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use openpgp::Result; use openpgp::cert::prelude::*; use openpgp::parse::Parse; use openpgp::Packet; use openpgp::packet::Key; use openpgp::packet::UserID; use openpgp::PacketPile; use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy; use openpgp::serialize::Serialize; use openpgp::types::SignatureType; use openpgp::types::ReasonForRevocation; use openpgp::types::RevocationStatus; const TRACE: bool = false; mod integration { use super::*; const P: &StandardPolicy = &StandardPolicy::new(); const ALICE: &str = ""; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum Subcommand { Certificate, UserID(Vec), Subkey, } impl Subcommand { fn userids(&self) -> &[String] { if let Subcommand::UserID(ref userids) = self { assert!(userids.len() > 0); userids } else { &[] } } } // If subkey is not None, then a subkey will be revoked. // // Otherwise, USERIDS is a vector of User IDs. If it is empty, // then a default User ID will be used and the *certificate* will // be revoked. If it contains at least one entry, then each entry // will be added as a User ID, and the last User ID will be // revoked. fn t(subcommand: &Subcommand, reason: ReasonForRevocation, reason_message: &str, stdin: bool, third_party: bool, notations: &[(&str, &str)], time: Option>) -> Result<()> { // Round it down to a whole second to match the resolution of // OpenPGP's timestamp. let time =|t| { t - Duration::nanoseconds(t.timestamp_subsec_nanos() as i64) }); let gen = |userids: &[&str]| { let mut builder = CertBuilder::new() .add_signing_subkey() .set_creation_time(|t| (t - Duration::hours(1)).into())); for &u in userids { builder = builder.add_userid(u); } builder.generate().map(|(key, _rev)| key) }; let mut userid: Option<&str> = None; let mut userids: Vec<&str> = vec![ ALICE ]; if let Subcommand::UserID(_) = subcommand { userids = subcommand.userids().iter() .map(|u| u.as_str()).collect(); userid = userids.last().map(|u| *u) } // We're going to revoke alice's certificate or a User ID. If // we're doing it via a third-party revocation, then bob is // the revoker. Otherwise, it's alice. let alice = gen(&userids)?; let bob = gen(&[ "" ])?; let mut cert = Vec::new(); alice.serialize(&mut cert)?; let mut revoker = Vec::new(); if third_party { bob.as_tsk().serialize(&mut revoker)?; } else { alice.as_tsk().serialize(&mut revoker)?; } let subkey: Key<_, _> = alice.with_policy(P, None).unwrap() .keys().subkeys().nth(0).unwrap().key().clone(); // Build up the command line. let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq")?; cmd.arg("revoke"); if let Some(userid) = userid { cmd.args([ "userid", userid, match reason { ReasonForRevocation::UIDRetired => "retired", ReasonForRevocation::Unspecified => "unspecified", _ => panic!("Invalid reason: {}", reason), }, reason_message ]); } else { match subcommand { Subcommand::Certificate => { cmd.arg("certificate"); } Subcommand::Subkey => { cmd.args(&["subkey", &subkey.fingerprint().to_string()]); } Subcommand::UserID(_) => unreachable!(), } cmd.args([ match reason { ReasonForRevocation::KeyCompromised => "compromised", ReasonForRevocation::KeyRetired => "retired", ReasonForRevocation::KeySuperseded => "superseded", ReasonForRevocation::Unspecified => "unspecified", _ => panic!("Invalid reason: {}", reason), }, reason_message ]); } let _tmp_dir = match (third_party, stdin) { (true, true) => { // cat cert | sq revoke --revocation-file third-party let dir = TempDir::new()?; cmd.write_stdin(cert); let revoker_pgp = dir.path().join("revoker.pgp"); let mut file = File::create(&revoker_pgp)?; file.write_all(&revoker)?; cmd.args([ "--revocation-file", &*revoker_pgp.to_string_lossy() ]); Some(dir) }, (true, false) => { // third_party && ! stdin // sq revoke --cert-file cert --revocation-file third-party let dir = TempDir::new()?; let cert_pgp = dir.path().join("cert.pgp"); let mut file = File::create(&cert_pgp)?; file.write_all(&cert)?; cmd.args([ "--cert-file", &*cert_pgp.to_string_lossy() ]); let revoker_pgp = dir.path().join("revoker.pgp"); let mut file = File::create(&revoker_pgp)?; file.write_all(&revoker)?; cmd.args([ "--revocation-file", &*revoker_pgp.to_string_lossy() ]); Some(dir) }, (false, true) => { // ! third_party && stdin // cat key | sq revoke cmd.write_stdin(revoker); None }, (false, false) => { // ! third_party && ! stdin // sq revoke --cert-file key let dir = TempDir::new()?; let key_pgp = dir.path().join("key.pgp"); let mut file = File::create(&key_pgp)?; file.write_all(&revoker)?; cmd.args([ "--cert-file", &*key_pgp.to_string_lossy() ]); Some(dir) }, }; // Time. if let Some(t) = time { cmd.args([ "--time", &t.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").to_string()], ); } // Notations. for (k, v) in notations { cmd.args(["--notation", k, v]); } if TRACE { eprintln!("Running: {:?}", cmd); } let assertion = cmd.assert().try_success()?; let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&assertion.get_output().stdout); // Pretty print 'sq revoke''s output for debugging purposes. if TRACE { let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq")?; cmd.args([ "inspect" ]); cmd.write_stdin(stdout.as_bytes()); let assertion = cmd.assert().try_success()?; eprintln!("Result:\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&assertion.get_output().stdout)); } { let vc = alice.with_policy(P,; assert!(matches!(vc.revocation_status(), RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow)); if let Some(userid) = userid { let mut found = false; for u in vc.userids() { if u.value() == userid.as_bytes() { assert!(matches!(u.revocation_status(), RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow)); found = true; break; } } assert!(found, "User ID {} not found on certificate", userid); } } // Get the revocation certificate. let sig = if ! third_party && subcommand == &Subcommand::Certificate { // We should get just a single signature packet. let pp = PacketPile::from_bytes(&*stdout)?; assert_eq!(pp.children().count(), 1, "expected a single packet"); if let Some(Packet::Signature(sig)) = pp.path_ref(&[0]) { // Alice issued the revocation. assert_eq!(sig.get_issuers().into_iter().next(), Some(alice.fingerprint().into())); let alice2 = alice.insert_packets(sig.clone()).unwrap(); // Verify the revocation. assert!(matches!( alice2.with_policy(P, .revocation_status(), RevocationStatus::Revoked(_))); sig.clone() } else { panic!("Expected a signature, got: {:?}", pp); } } else { // We should get a certificate stub. let result = Cert::from_bytes(&*stdout)?; let vc = result.with_policy(P,; // Make sure the certificate stub only contains the // revoked User ID (the rest should be striped). assert_eq!(vc.userids().count(), 1); // Get the revocation status of the revoked object. let status = match subcommand { Subcommand::Certificate => vc.revocation_status(), Subcommand::Subkey => { let mut status = None; for k in vc.keys() { if k.fingerprint() == subkey.fingerprint() { status = Some(k.revocation_status()); break; } } if let Some(status) = status { status } else { panic!("Revoked subkey {} not found on certificate", subkey.fingerprint()); } } Subcommand::UserID(_) => { let userid = userid.unwrap(); let mut status = None; for u in vc.userids() { if u.value() == userid.as_bytes() { status = Some(u.revocation_status()); break; } } if let Some(status) = status { status } else { panic!("Revoked user ID {} not found on certificate", userid); } } }; // Make sure the revocation status is sane. if third_party { if let RevocationStatus::CouldBe(sigs) = status { assert_eq!(sigs.len(), 1); let sig = sigs.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // Bob issued the revocation. assert_eq!(sig.get_issuers().into_iter().next(), Some(bob.fingerprint().into())); // Verify the revocation. match subcommand { Subcommand::Certificate => { sig.clone() .verify_primary_key_revocation( &bob.primary_key(), &alice.primary_key()) .context("revocation is not valid")?; } Subcommand::Subkey => { sig.clone() .verify_subkey_revocation( &bob.primary_key(), &alice.primary_key(), &subkey) .context("revocation is not valid")?; } Subcommand::UserID(_) => { sig.clone() .verify_userid_revocation( &bob.primary_key(), &alice.primary_key(), &UserID::from(userid.unwrap())) .context("revocation is not valid")?; } } sig.clone() } else { panic!("Unexpected revocation status: {:?}", status); } } else { if let RevocationStatus::Revoked(sigs) = status { assert_eq!(sigs.len(), 1); let sig = sigs.into_iter().next().unwrap(); // Alice issued the revocation. assert_eq!(sig.get_issuers().into_iter().next(), Some(alice.fingerprint().into())); // Since it is a self-siganture, sig has already // been validated. sig.clone() } else { panic!("Unexpected revocation status: {:?}", status); } } }; // Revocation reason. match subcommand { Subcommand::Certificate => assert_eq!(sig.typ(), SignatureType::KeyRevocation), Subcommand::Subkey => assert_eq!(sig.typ(), SignatureType::SubkeyRevocation), Subcommand::UserID(_) => assert_eq!(sig.typ(), SignatureType::CertificationRevocation), } assert_eq!(sig.reason_for_revocation(), Some((reason, reason_message.as_bytes()))); // Time. if let Some(t) = time { assert_eq!(Some(t.into()), sig.signature_creation_time()); } // Notations. let got: Vec<(&str, String)> = sig.notation_data() .map(|n| { (, String::from_utf8_lossy(n.value()).into()) }) .collect(); for (n, v) in notations { assert!(got.contains(&(n, String::from(*v))), "notations: {:?}\nexpected: {}: {}", notations, n, v); } Ok(()) } fn dispatch(subcommand: Subcommand, reasons: &[ReasonForRevocation], msgs: &[&str], stdin: &[bool], third_party: &[bool], notations: &[&[(&str, &str)]], time: &[Option>]) -> Result<()> { for third_party in third_party { for time in time { for stdin in stdin { for notations in notations { for reason in reasons { for msg in msgs { eprintln!("\n\ third party: {}\n\ time: {:?}\n\ stdin: {}\n\ notations: {:?}\n\ reason: {:?}\n\ message: {:?}", third_party, time, stdin, notations, reason, msg); t(&subcommand, *reason, *msg, *stdin, *third_party, *notations, *time)?; } } } } } } Ok(()) } const CERT_REASONS: &[ ReasonForRevocation ] = &[ ReasonForRevocation::KeyCompromised, ReasonForRevocation::KeyRetired, ReasonForRevocation::KeySuperseded, ReasonForRevocation::Unspecified ]; const USERID_REASONS: &[ ReasonForRevocation ] = &[ ReasonForRevocation::UIDRetired, ReasonForRevocation::Unspecified ]; const MSGS: &[&str] = &[ "oh NO!", "Löwe 老\n虎 Léopard" ]; const NOTATIONS: &[ &[ (&str, &str) ] ] = &[ &[], &[("a", "b")], &[("a", "b"), ("", "VALUE")] ]; // User ID revocation tests. #[test] fn sq_revoke_cert_stdin() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Certificate, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[true], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_cert() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Certificate, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_cert_third_party_stdin() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Certificate, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[true], // third_party &[true], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_cert_third_party() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Certificate, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[true], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } // Subkey revocation tests. // // We manually unroll to get some parallelism. Otherwise, the // tests take way too long. #[test] fn sq_revoke_subkey_stdin() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Subkey, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[true], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_subkey() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Subkey, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_subkey_third_party_stdin() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Subkey, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[true], // third_party &[true], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_subkey_third_party() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::Subkey, CERT_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[true], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } // User ID revocation tests. // // We manually unroll to get some parallelism. Otherwise, the // tests take way too long. #[test] fn sq_revoke_userid_stdin() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::UserID(vec![ ALICE.into() ]), USERID_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[true], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_userid() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::UserID(vec![ ALICE.into() ]), USERID_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_userid_third_party_stdin() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::UserID(vec![ ALICE.into() ]), USERID_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[true], // third_party &[true], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_userid_third_party() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::UserID(vec![ ALICE.into() ]), USERID_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[true], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } #[test] fn sq_revoke_one_of_three_userids() -> Result<()> { let now = Utc::now(); dispatch( Subcommand::UserID(vec![ "".into(), "".into(), ]), USERID_REASONS, MSGS, // stdin &[false], // third_party &[false], NOTATIONS, // time &[ None, Some(now), Some(now - Duration::hours(1)) ]) } }