//! Network services. use anyhow::Context; use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use openpgp::{ Result, KeyHandle, KeyID, Fingerprint, cert::{ Cert, CertParser, }, packet::{ UserID, }, parse::Parse, serialize::Serialize, }; use sequoia_net as net; use net::{ KeyServer, wkd, }; use crate::{ Config, open_or_stdin, create_or_stdout, serialize_keyring, }; fn parse_network_policy(m: &clap::ArgMatches) -> net::Policy { match m.value_of("policy").expect("has default value") { "offline" => net::Policy::Offline, "anonymized" => net::Policy::Anonymized, "encrypted" => net::Policy::Encrypted, "insecure" => net::Policy::Insecure, _ => unreachable!(), } } pub fn dispatch_keyserver(config: Config, m: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let network_policy = parse_network_policy(m); let mut ks = if let Some(uri) = m.value_of("server") { KeyServer::new(network_policy, &uri) } else { KeyServer::keys_openpgp_org(network_policy) }.context("Malformed keyserver URI")?; let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .basic_scheduler() .enable_io() .enable_time() .build()?; match m.subcommand() { ("get", Some(m)) => { let query = m.value_of("query").unwrap(); let handle: Option = { let q_fp = query.parse::(); let q_id = query.parse::(); if let Ok(Fingerprint::V4(_)) = q_fp { q_fp.ok().map(Into::into) } else if let Ok(KeyID::V4(_)) = q_id { q_fp.ok().map(Into::into) } else { None } }; if let Some(handle) = handle { let cert = rt.block_on(ks.get(handle)) .context("Failed to retrieve cert")?; let mut output = create_or_stdout(m.value_of("output"), config.force)?; if ! m.is_present("binary") { cert.armored().serialize(&mut output) } else { cert.serialize(&mut output) }.context("Failed to serialize cert")?; } else if let Ok(Some(addr)) = UserID::from(query).email() { let certs = rt.block_on(ks.search(addr)) .context("Failed to retrieve certs")?; let mut output = create_or_stdout(m.value_of("output"), config.force)?; serialize_keyring(&mut output, &certs, m.is_present("binary"))?; } else { Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "Query must be a fingerprint, a keyid, \ or an email address: {:?}", query))?; } }, ("send", Some(m)) => { let mut input = open_or_stdin(m.value_of("input"))?; let cert = Cert::from_reader(&mut input). context("Malformed key")?; rt.block_on(ks.send(&cert)) .context("Failed to send key to server")?; }, _ => unreachable!(), } Ok(()) } pub fn dispatch_wkd(config: Config, m: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let network_policy = parse_network_policy(m); let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .basic_scheduler() .enable_io() .enable_time() .build()?; match m.subcommand() { ("url", Some(m)) => { let email_address = m.value_of("input").unwrap(); let wkd_url = wkd::Url::from(email_address)?; // XXX: Add other subcomand to specify whether it should be // created with the advanced or the direct method. let url = wkd_url.to_url(None)?; println!("{}", url); }, ("get", Some(m)) => { // Check that the policy allows https. network_policy.assert(net::Policy::Encrypted)?; let email_address = m.value_of("input").unwrap(); // XXX: EmailAddress could be created here to // check it's a valid email address, print the error to // stderr and exit. // Because it might be created a WkdServer struct, not // doing it for now. let certs = rt.block_on(wkd::get(&email_address))?; // ```text // The HTTP GET method MUST return the binary representation of the // OpenPGP key for the given mail address. // [draft-koch]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-koch-openpgp-webkey-service-07 // ``` // But to keep the parallelism with `store export` and `keyserver get`, // The output is armored if not `--binary` option is given. let mut output = create_or_stdout(m.value_of("output"), config.force)?; serialize_keyring(&mut output, &certs, m.is_present("binary"))?; }, ("generate", Some(m)) => { let domain = m.value_of("domain").unwrap(); let f = open_or_stdin(m.value_of("input"))?; let base_path = m.value_of("base_directory").expect("required"); let variant = if m.is_present("direct_method") { wkd::Variant::Direct } else { wkd::Variant::Advanced }; let parser = CertParser::from_reader(f)?; let certs: Vec = parser.filter_map(|cert| cert.ok()) .collect(); for cert in certs { wkd::insert(&base_path, domain, variant, &cert) .context(format!("Failed to generate the WKD in \ {}.", base_path))?; } }, _ => unreachable!(), } Ok(()) }