use std::{ collections::HashMap, collections::hash_map::Entry, fs::File, io, path::PathBuf, }; use anyhow::Context; use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; use openpgp::{ Result, armor, cert::{ Cert, CertParser, }, Fingerprint, packet::{ UserID, UserAttribute, Key, }, parse::Parse, serialize::Serialize, }; use crate::{ open_or_stdin, create_or_stdout_pgp, }; pub fn dispatch(m: &clap::ArgMatches, force: bool) -> Result<()> { match m.subcommand() { ("filter", Some(m)) => { let any_uid_predicates = m.is_present("name") || m.is_present("email") || m.is_present("domain"); let uid_predicate = |uid: &UserID| { let mut keep = false; if let Some(names) = m.values_of("name") { for name in names { keep |= uid .name().unwrap_or(None) .map(|n| n == name) .unwrap_or(false); } } if let Some(emails) = m.values_of("email") { for email in emails { keep |= uid .email().unwrap_or(None) .map(|n| n == email) .unwrap_or(false); } } if let Some(domains) = m.values_of("domain") { for domain in domains { keep |= uid .email().unwrap_or(None) .map(|n| n.ends_with(&format!("@{}", domain))) .unwrap_or(false); } } keep }; let any_ua_predicates = false; let ua_predicate = |_ua: &UserAttribute| false; let any_key_predicates = false; let key_predicate = |_key: &Key<_, _>| false; let filter_fn = |c: Cert| -> Option { if ! (c.userids().any(|c| uid_predicate(&c)) || c.user_attributes().any(|c| ua_predicate(&c)) || c.keys().subkeys().any(|c| key_predicate(&c))) { // If there are no filters, pass it through. Some(c) } else if m.is_present("prune-certs") { let c = c .retain_userids(|c| { ! any_uid_predicates || uid_predicate(&c) }) .retain_user_attributes(|c| { ! any_ua_predicates || ua_predicate(&c) }) .retain_subkeys(|c| { ! any_key_predicates || key_predicate(&c) }); if c.userids().count() == 0 && c.user_attributes().count() == 0 && c.keys().subkeys().count() == 0 { // We stripped all components, omit this cert. None } else { Some(c) } } else { Some(c) } }; let to_certificate = m.is_present("to-certificate"); // XXX: Armor type selection is a bit problematic. If any // of the certificates contain a secret key, it would be // better to use Kind::SecretKey here. However, this // requires buffering all certs, which has its own // problems. let mut output = create_or_stdout_pgp(m.value_of("output"), force, m.is_present("binary"), armor::Kind::PublicKey)?; filter(m.values_of("input"), &mut output, filter_fn, to_certificate)?; output.finalize() }, ("join", Some(m)) => { // XXX: Armor type selection is a bit problematic. If any // of the certificates contain a secret key, it would be // better to use Kind::SecretKey here. However, this // requires buffering all certs, which has its own // problems. let mut output = create_or_stdout_pgp(m.value_of("output"), force, m.is_present("binary"), armor::Kind::PublicKey)?; filter(m.values_of("input"), &mut output, |c| Some(c), false)?; output.finalize() }, ("merge", Some(m)) => { let mut output = create_or_stdout_pgp(m.value_of("output"), force, m.is_present("binary"), armor::Kind::PublicKey)?; merge(m.values_of("input"), &mut output)?; output.finalize() }, ("list", Some(m)) => { let mut input = open_or_stdin(m.value_of("input"))?; list(&mut input) }, ("split", Some(m)) => { let mut input = open_or_stdin(m.value_of("input"))?; let prefix = // The prefix is either specified explicitly... m.value_of("prefix").map(|p| p.to_owned()) .unwrap_or( // ... or we derive it from the input file... m.value_of("input").and_then(|i| { let p = PathBuf::from(i); // (but only use the filename) p.file_name().map(|f| String::from(f.to_string_lossy())) }) // ... or we use a generic prefix... .unwrap_or(String::from("output")) // ... finally, add a hyphen to the derived prefix. + "-"); split(&mut input, &prefix, m.is_present("binary")) }, _ => unreachable!(), } } /// Joins certificates and keyrings into a keyring, applying a filter. fn filter(inputs: Option, output: &mut dyn io::Write, mut filter: F, to_certificate: bool) -> Result<()> where F: FnMut(Cert) -> Option, { if let Some(inputs) = inputs { for name in inputs { for cert in CertParser::from_file(name)? { let cert = cert.context( format!("Malformed certificate in keyring {:?}", name))?; if let Some(cert) = filter(cert) { if to_certificate { cert.serialize(output)?; } else { cert.as_tsk().serialize(output)?; } } } } } else { for cert in CertParser::from_reader(io::stdin())? { let cert = cert.context("Malformed certificate in keyring")?; if let Some(cert) = filter(cert) { if to_certificate { cert.serialize(output)?; } else { cert.as_tsk().serialize(output)?; } } } } Ok(()) } /// Lists certs in a keyring. fn list(input: &mut (dyn io::Read + Sync + Send)) -> Result<()> { for (i, cert) in CertParser::from_reader(input)?.enumerate() { let cert = cert.context("Malformed certificate in keyring")?; print!("{}. {:X}", i, cert.fingerprint()); // Try to be more helpful by including the first userid in the // listing. if let Some(email) = cert.userids().nth(0) .and_then(|uid| { print!(" {}", email); } println!(); } Ok(()) } /// Splits a keyring into individual certs. fn split(input: &mut (dyn io::Read + Sync + Send), prefix: &str, binary: bool) -> Result<()> { for (i, cert) in CertParser::from_reader(input)?.enumerate() { let cert = cert.context("Malformed certificate in keyring")?; let filename = format!( "{}{}-{:X}", prefix, i, cert.fingerprint()); // Try to be more helpful by including the first userid in the // filename. let mut sink = if let Some(f) = cert.userids().nth(0) .and_then(|uid| .and_then(to_filename_fragment) { let filename_email = format!("{}-{}", filename, f); if let Ok(s) = File::create(filename_email) { s } else { // Degrade gracefully in case our sanitization // produced an invalid filename on this system. File::create(&filename) .context(format!("Writing cert to {:?} failed", filename))? } } else { File::create(&filename) .context(format!("Writing cert to {:?} failed", filename))? }; if binary { cert.as_tsk().serialize(&mut sink)?; } else { use sequoia_openpgp::serialize::stream::{Message, Armorer}; let message = Message::new(sink); let mut message = Armorer::new(message) // XXX: should detect kind, see above .kind(sequoia_openpgp::armor::Kind::PublicKey) .build()?; cert.as_tsk().serialize(&mut message)?; message.finalize()?; } } Ok(()) } /// Merge multiple keyrings. fn merge(inputs: Option, output: &mut dyn io::Write) -> Result<()> { let mut certs: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); if let Some(inputs) = inputs { for name in inputs { for cert in CertParser::from_file(name)? { let cert = cert.context( format!("Malformed certificate in keyring {:?}", name))?; match certs.entry(cert.fingerprint()) { e @ Entry::Vacant(_) => { e.or_insert(Some(cert)); } Entry::Occupied(mut e) => { let e = e.get_mut(); let curr = e.take().unwrap(); *e = Some(curr.merge_public_and_secret(cert) .expect("Same certificate")); } } } } } else { for cert in CertParser::from_reader(io::stdin())? { let cert = cert.context("Malformed certificate in keyring")?; match certs.entry(cert.fingerprint()) { e @ Entry::Vacant(_) => { e.or_insert(Some(cert)); } Entry::Occupied(mut e) => { let e = e.get_mut(); let curr = e.take().unwrap(); *e = Some(curr.merge_public_and_secret(cert) .expect("Same certificate")); } } } } for (_, cert) in certs.iter_mut() { cert.take().unwrap().as_tsk().serialize(output)?; } Ok(()) } /// Sanitizes a string to a safe filename fragment. fn to_filename_fragment>(s: S) -> Option { let mut r = String::with_capacity(s.as_ref().len()); s.as_ref().chars().filter_map(|c| match c { '/' | ':' | '\\' => None, c if c.is_ascii_whitespace() => None, c if c.is_ascii() => Some(c), _ => None, }).for_each(|c| r.push(c)); if r.len() > 0 { Some(r) } else { None } }