.TH SQ-AUTOCRYPT-ENCODE-SENDER "1" "JANUARY 2021" " " "USER COMMANDS" 5 .SH NAME sq autocrypt encode\-sender \- Encodes a certificate into an Autocrypt header A certificate can be encoded and included in a header of an email message. This command encodes the certificate, adds the senders email address (which must match the one used in the 'From' header), and the senders 'prefer\-encrypt' state (see the Autocrypt spec for more information). The converse operation is 'sq autocrypt decode'. .SH SYNOPSIS \fBsq autocrypt encode\-sender\fR [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [\-\-] [FILE] .SH FLAGS .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Prints help information .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR FILE Writes to FILE or stdout if omitted .TP \fB\-\-email\fR ADDRESS Sets the address [default: primary userid] .TP \fB\-\-prefer\-encrypt\fR prefer\-encrypt Sets the prefer\-encrypt attribute [default: nopreference] [possible values: nopreference, mutual] .SH ARGS .TP FILE Reads from FILE or stdin if omitted .SH EXAMPLES .TP Encodes a certificate \fB$ sq autocrypt encode\-sender juliet.pgp\fR .TP Encodes a certificate with an explicit sender address \fB$ sq autocrypt encode\-sender \-\-email juliet@example.org juliet.pgp\fR .TP Encodes a certificate while indicating the willingness to encrypt \fB$ sq autocrypt encode\-sender \-\-prefer\-encrypt mutual juliet.pgp\fR .SH SEE ALSO For the full documentation see . .ad l .nh sq(1), sq\-armor(1), sq\-autocrypt(1), sq\-autocrypt\-decode(1), sq\-autocrypt\-encode\-sender(1), sq\-certify(1), sq\-dearmor(1), sq\-decrypt(1), sq\-encrypt(1), sq\-inspect(1), sq\-key(1), sq\-keyring(1), sq\-packet(1), sq\-sign(1), sq\-verify(1) .SH AUTHORS .P .RS 2 .nf Azul Igor Matuszewski Justus Winter Kai Michaelis Neal H. Walfield Nora Widdecke Wiktor Kwapisiewicz