.TH SQ-WKD "1" "MARCH 2021" "0.24.0 (SEQUOIA-OPENPGP 1.0.0)" "USER COMMANDS" 5 .SH NAME sq\-wkd \- Interacts with Web Key Directories .SH SYNOPSIS \fBsq wkd\fR [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] .SH FLAGS .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Prints help information .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-policy\fR NETWORK\-POLICY Sets the network policy to use [default: encrypted] [possible values: offline, anonymized, encrypted, insecure] .SH SUBCOMMANDS .TP \fBhelp\fR Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) .TP \fBurl\fR Prints the Web Key Directory URL of an email address. .TP \fBget\fR Queries for certs using Web Key Directory .TP \fBgenerate\fR Generates a Web Key Directory for the given domain and keys. If the WKD exists, the new keys will be inserted and it is updated and existing ones will be updated. .SH SEE ALSO For the full documentation see . .ad l .nh sq(1), sq\-armor(1), sq\-certify(1), sq\-dearmor(1), sq\-decrypt(1), sq\-encrypt(1), sq\-inspect(1), sq\-key(1), sq\-keyring(1), sq\-keyserver(1), sq\-packet(1), sq\-sign(1), sq\-verify(1), sq\-wkd(1), sq\-wkd\-generate(1), sq\-wkd\-get(1), sq\-wkd\-url(1) .SH AUTHORS .P .RS 2 .nf Azul Igor Matuszewski Justus Winter Kai Michaelis Neal H. Walfield Nora Widdecke Wiktor Kwapisiewicz