.TH SQ-KEYRING-MERGE "1" "MARCH 2021" "0.24.0 (SEQUOIA-OPENPGP 1.0.0)" "USER COMMANDS" 5 .SH NAME sq\-keyring\-merge \- Merges keys or keyrings into a single keyring Unlike "sq keyring join", the certificates are buffered and multiple versions of the same certificate are merged together. Where data is replaced (e.g., secret key material), data from the later certificate is preferred. .SH SYNOPSIS \fBsq keyring merge\fR [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [\-\-] [FILE] .SH FLAGS .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Prints help information .TP \fB\-B\fR, \fB\-\-binary\fR Emits binary data .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR FILE Writes to FILE or stdout if omitted .SH ARGS .TP FILE Reads from FILE .SH EXAMPLES .TP # Merge certificate updates \fB$ sq keyring merge certs.pgp romeo\-updates.pgp\fR .SH SEE ALSO For the full documentation see . .ad l .nh sq(1), sq\-armor(1), sq\-certify(1), sq\-dearmor(1), sq\-decrypt(1), sq\-encrypt(1), sq\-inspect(1), sq\-key(1), sq\-key\-adopt(1), sq\-key\-attest\-certifications(1), sq\-key\-extract\-cert(1), sq\-key\-generate(1), sq\-keyring(1), sq\-keyring\-filter(1), sq\-keyring\-join(1), sq\-keyring\-list(1), sq\-keyring\-merge(1), sq\-keyring\-split(1), sq\-keyserver(1), sq\-keyserver\-get(1), sq\-keyserver\-send(1), sq\-packet(1), sq\-sign(1), sq\-verify(1), sq\-wkd(1) .SH AUTHORS .P .RS 2 .nf Azul Igor Matuszewski Justus Winter Kai Michaelis Neal H. Walfield Nora Widdecke Wiktor Kwapisiewicz