.TH SQ-KEY-ATTEST-CERTIFICATIONS "1" "MARCH 2021" "0.24.0 (SEQUOIA-OPENPGP 1.0.0)" "USER COMMANDS" 5 .SH NAME sq\-key\-attest\-certifications \- Attests to third\-party certifications allowing for their distribution To prevent certificate flooding attacks, modern key servers prevent uncontrolled distribution of third\-party certifications on certificates. To make the key holder the sovereign over the information over what information is distributed with the certificate, the key holder needs to explicitly attest to third\-party certifications. After the attestation has been created, the certificate has to be distributed, e.g. by uploading it to a keyserver. .SH SYNOPSIS \fBsq key attest\-certifications\fR [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [KEY] .SH FLAGS .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Prints help information .TP \fB\-\-none\fR Removes all prior attestations .TP \fB\-\-all\fR Attests to all certifications [default] .TP \fB\-B\fR, \fB\-\-binary\fR Emits binary data .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR FILE Writes to FILE or stdout if omitted .SH ARGS .TP KEY Changes attestations on KEY .SH EXAMPLES .TP # Attest to all certifications present on the key \fB$ sq key attest\-certifications juliet.pgp\fR .TP # Retract prior attestations on the key \fB$ sq key attest\-certifications \-\-none juliet.pgp\fR .SH SEE ALSO For the full documentation see . .ad l .nh sq(1), sq\-armor(1), sq\-autocrypt(1), sq\-certify(1), sq\-dearmor(1), sq\-decrypt(1), sq\-encrypt(1), sq\-inspect(1), sq\-key(1), sq\-key\-adopt(1), sq\-key\-attest\-certifications(1), sq\-key\-extract\-cert(1), sq\-key\-generate(1), sq\-keyring(1), sq\-keyring\-filter(1), sq\-keyring\-join(1), sq\-keyring\-list(1), sq\-keyring\-merge(1), sq\-keyring\-split(1), sq\-keyserver(1), sq\-keyserver\-get(1), sq\-keyserver\-send(1), sq\-packet(1), sq\-sign(1), sq\-verify(1), sq\-wkd(1) .SH AUTHORS .P .RS 2 .nf Azul Igor Matuszewski Justus Winter Kai Michaelis Neal H. Walfield Nora Widdecke Wiktor Kwapisiewicz