use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use clap_complete::Shell; use anyhow::Result; pub mod sq_cli { include!("src/sq_cli/"); } fn main() { println!(""); // Generate subplot tests. subplot_build::codegen(Path::new("sq.subplot")) .expect("failed to generate code with Subplot"); let mut sq = sq_cli::build(); // Dump help output of all commands and subcommands, for inclusion in docs dump_help(sq.clone()).unwrap(); // Generate shell completions let outdir = match env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") { None => return, Some(outdir) => outdir, }; fs::create_dir_all(&outdir).unwrap(); for shell in &[Shell::Bash, Shell::Fish, Shell::Zsh, Shell::PowerShell, Shell::Elvish] { let path = clap_complete::generate_to(*shell, &mut sq, "sq", &outdir).unwrap(); println!("cargo:warning=completion file is generated: {:?}", path); }; } fn dump_help(mut cmd: clap::Command) -> Result<()> { cmd = cmd.term_width(80);; let mut sink = fs::File::create("")?; writeln!(sink, "A command-line frontend for Sequoia.")?; writeln!(sink)?; writeln!(sink, "# Usage")?; dump_help_inner(&mut sink, &mut cmd, "##") } fn dump_help_inner( sink: &mut dyn Write, cmd: &mut clap::Command, heading: &str, ) -> Result<()> { writeln!(sink)?; let mut buffer = Vec::new(); let _ = cmd.write_long_help(&mut buffer); let help = std::str::from_utf8(buffer.as_slice())?; writeln!(sink, "```text")?; for line in help.trim_end().split('\n').skip(1) { if line.is_empty() { writeln!(sink)?; } else { writeln!(sink, "{}", line.trim_end())?; } } writeln!(sink, "```")?; // Recurse. for subcommand in cmd .get_subcommands_mut() .filter(|sc| sc.get_name() != "help") { writeln!(sink)?; let heading_name = subcommand // in dump_help makes sure every subcommand has a display_name .get_display_name() .unwrap() .replace('-', " "); writeln!(sink, "{} Subcommand {}", heading, heading_name)?; dump_help_inner(sink, subcommand, &format!("{}#", heading))?; } Ok(()) }