//! [Sealing Traits] //! //! [Sealing Traits]: https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/future-proofing.html#sealed-traits-protect-against-downstream-implementations-c-sealed //! //! Prevent the implementation of traits outside of the crate //! to allow extension of the traits at a later time. //! //! Mark a trait as sealed by deriving it from seal::Sealed. //! //! Only Implementations of seal::Sealed will be able to implement the trait. //! Since seal::Sealed is only visible inside the crate //! sealed traits can only be implemented in the crate. /// This trait is used to [seal] other traits so they cannot /// be implemented for types outside this crate. /// Therefore they can be extended in a non-breaking way. /// /// [seal]: https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/future-proofing.html#sealed-traits-protect-against-downstream-implementations-c-sealed /// /// # Examples /// /// For example the [`cert::Preferences`] trait is sealed. /// Therefore attempts to implement it will not compile: /// /// [`cert::Preferences`]: crate::cert::Preferences /// /// ```compile_fail /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp; /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*; /// use openpgp::cert::Preferences; /// use openpgp::types::*; /// /// pub struct InvalidComponentAmalgamation {} /// impl<'a> Preferences<'a> for InvalidComponentAmalgamation { //~ ERROR `_x @` is not allowed in a tuple /// fn preferred_symmetric_algorithms(&self) /// -> Option<&'a [SymmetricAlgorithm]> { None } /// fn preferred_hash_algorithms(&self) -> Option<&'a [HashAlgorithm]> { None } /// fn preferred_compression_algorithms(&self) /// -> Option<&'a [CompressionAlgorithm]> { None } /// fn preferred_aead_algorithms(&self) -> Option<&'a [AEADAlgorithm]> { None } /// fn key_server_preferences(&self) -> Option { None } /// fn preferred_key_server(&self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> { None } /// fn features(&self) -> Option { None } /// } /// ``` pub trait Sealed {}